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何院耀 杨兵



何院耀, 杨兵

Recent Progress on Ultracold-atom Quantum Simulation of Fermi-Hubbard model

Yuan-Yao He, Bing Yang
  • 费米-哈伯德模型是描述凝聚态物理中关联电子体系的基础模型,与高温超导现象有着深刻联系。近年来,超冷原子量子模拟已成为研究该模型的重要范式,而同时多体数值计算在该模型基础物理性质的研究方面也取得了重要进展。特别地,最近超冷原子实验观测到三维哈伯德模型中的反铁磁相变,是费米-哈伯德模型量子模拟的重要一步,为理解量子磁性与高温超导之间的联系奠定了基础。本文回顾费米-哈伯德模型的理论与实验研究进展,侧重于三维体系,并讨论实验的发展历程和现状,展望未来的发展趋势。
    Fermi-Hubbard model is a fundamental lattice model for describing correlated electron systems in condensed matter physics, with a profound connection to high-temperature superconductivity. In recent years, quantum simulation with cold atoms has emerged as an important paradigm for studying the Fermi-Hubbard model, while advancements in quantum many-body computations have contributed to our understanding of its fundamental properties. Notably, a recent ultracold-atom experiment achieved the celebrated antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase transition in the three-dimensional (3D) Hubbard model, representing a crucial step in quantum simulation that establishes a foundation for exploring the connection between the quantum magnetism and high-temperature superconductivity. This paper reviews both the experimental and theoretical progress in studying the Fermi-Hubbard model, focusing primarily on 3D systems, discusses the history and current state of developments, and outlines future directions in this field.
    The paper is organized as follows. We begin with a review of recent progress in observing AFM phase transitions in the 3D Hubbard model, focusing on an ultracold-atom experiment conducted by the research group at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). Next, we provide a theoretical introduction to the fundamental properties of the 3D Hubbard model. This includes a summary of prior theoretical studies, an overview of the current research landscape, and a discussion of unresolved or under-explored issues. In the third section, we discuss the quantum simulation of the Hubbard model using ultracold atoms in optical lattices, outlining the basic principle, historical developments and key challenges. The USTC team overcame these challenges with innovative techniques such as atom cooling, large-scale uniform box traps, and precise measurements of the AFM structure factor. Their work successfully confirmed the AFM phase transition via the critical scaling analysis. Finally, we highlight the significance of this achievement and discuss future research prospects for the 3D Hubbard model, including experimental studies on the doped regime and related theoretical benchmarks.
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