费米子是标准模型中物质构成的基本单元, 这些基本的粒子通过相互作用构建了物质世界. 同时, 费米子也是凝聚态物理领域和量子化学计算中需要处理的核心的微观自由度, 对理解高温超导电性、刻画量子磁性、描述分子结构和功能均起决定性作用. 但是在经典计算机上模拟多费米子模型比较普遍地会遇到负符号问题, 需要的计算复杂度往往随着粒子数的增长呈指数增长. 而超冷原子系统提供了一种直接对相互作用费米子进行量子模拟的有效手段和实验平台, 即通过微观可控的方式在物理实验中实现一个费米子模型, 通过对体系进行测量获取模型的微观和宏观特性, 从而加深对相关物理机制的认知和对关键参数的测定. 近年来, 实验对多费米子系统的基态、热平衡态、量子多体动力学进行了丰富的研究, 在BEC-BCS渡越、费米子哈伯德模型、量子多体局域化的研究中取得多项研究进展. 在量子模拟中对经典计算不能有效模拟的物理进行研究, 包括宏观的量子现象和微观的物理机制等, 体现了可控量子系统中的量子优越性. 本文将简单介绍相互作用费米子的模型以及其在描述量子多体物质状态中的重要性, 并阐述相互作用导致的各种超流和密度波关联物态, 而这些物态对理解高温超导和量子磁性有重要科学意义. 同时, 关联物态的模拟在经典计算机上往往具有指数复杂度, 而量子模拟的相关研究在标定相变参数、表征物态性质上体现了量子优越性.Fermions are basic building blocks in the standard model. Interactions among these elementary particles determine how they assemble and consequently form various states of matter in our nature. Simulating fermionic degrees of freedom is also a central problem in condensed matter physics and quantum chemistry, which is crucial to understanding high-temperature superconductivity, quantum magnetism and molecular structure and functionality. However, simulating interacting fermions by classical computing generically face the minus sign problem, encountering the exponential computation complexity. Ultracold atoms provide an ideal experimental platform for quantum simulation of interacting fermions. This highly-controllable system enables the realizing of nontrivial fermionic models, by which the physical properties of the models can be obtained by measurements in experiment. This deepens our understanding of related physical mechanisms and helps determine the key parameters. In recent years, there have been versatile experimental studies on quantum ground state physics, finite temperature thermal equilibrium, and quantum many-body dynamics, in fermionic quantum simulation systems. Quantum simulation offers an access to the physical problems that are intractable on the classical computer, including studying macroscopic quantum phenomena and microscopic physical mechanisms, which demonstrates the quantum advantages of controllable quantum systems. This paper briefly introduces the model of interacting fermions describing the quantum states of matter in such a system. Then we discuss various states of matter, which can arise in interacting fermionic quantum systems, including Cooper pair superfluids and density-wave orders. These exotic quantum states play important roles in describing high-temperature superconductivity and quantum magnetism, but their simulations on the classical computers have exponentially computational cost. Related researches on quantum simulation of interacting fermions in determining the phase diagrams and equation of states reflect the quantum advantage of such systems.
- quantum simulation /
- interacting fermions /
- cold atoms /
- optical lattice
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[1] Giorgini S, Pitaevskii L P, Stringari S 2008 Rev. Mod. Phys. 80 1215
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[20] Li X P 2021 Physics 17 74
[21] Venu V, Xu P H, Mamaev M, Corapi F, Bilitewski T, D'Incao J P, Fujiwara C J, Rey A M, Thywissen J H 2022 arXiv: 2205.13506
[22] Li X P, Sarma, S D 2015 Nat. Commun. 6 1
[23] Liu X P, Yao X C, Deng Y J, Wang X Q, Wang Y X, Huang C J, Li X P, Chen Y A, Pan J W 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 185302
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[24] Ko B, Park J W, Shin Y I 2019 Nat. Phys. 15 1227
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[26] Chesler P M, García-García A M, Liu H 2015 Phys. Rev. X 5 021015
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[28] Hachmann M, Kiefer Y, Riebesehl J, Eichberger R, Hemmerich A 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 033201
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[29] Bravyi S B, Kitaev A Y 2002 Ann. Phys. 298 210
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[30] Daley A J, Bloch I, Kokail C, Flannigan S, Pearson N, Troyer M, Zoller P 2022 Nature 607 667
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