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代显智 文玉梅 李平 杨进 江小芳



代显智, 文玉梅, 李平, 杨进, 江小芳

Vibration energy harvester based on magnetoelectric transducer

Dai Xian-Zhi, Wen Yu-Mei, Li Ping, Yang Jin, Jiang Xiao-Fang
  • 采用磁致伸缩/压电层合磁电换能器设计了一个振动能量采集器,该能量采集器采用悬臂梁作为振动敏感机构,并用四个NdFeB磁铁组成磁路放在悬臂梁末端.该磁路在空气隙中产生梯度较大的非均匀磁场,使得磁电换能器在较小的振动下感应到较大的磁场变化量,输出较高的功率.利用等效磁荷理论,分析了空气隙磁场分布以及振动时磁路受到的磁力,并用林斯泰特-庞加莱法研究了能量采集器的非线性振动特性,同时将能量采集器的振动方程和换能器的磁电特性结合,分析了能量采集器谐振时的机-磁-电转换特性.通过实验表明:理论与实验符合得较好,且在加
    An energy harvester is presented to scavenge energy from ambient vibrations using magnetostrictive/piezoelectric laminated magnetoelectric (ME) transducer. A cantilever beam is employed as the vibration sensitive element of the harvester,and a magnetic circuit made up of four NdFeB magnets is placed on the free end of the beam. Since the magnetic circuit produces a concentrated flux gradient in the air gap,the ME transducer can induce large magnetic field variations in the low level vibration,thus high output power can be obtained. Based on the equivalent magnetic charge theory,the magnetic field distribution of the air gap and the magnetic force of the magnetic circuit are analyzed,and the nonlinear vibration performance of the harvester is studied using the Lindstedt-Poincaré method. The mechano-magneto-electric performance of the harvester at resonance is analyzed by combining the vibration equation of the harvester with the magnetoelectric characteristics of the ME transducer. The experimental results verified the analytical results,and a prototype produces a power of 1124 μW for an acceleration of 05g at its resonant frequency of 33 Hz.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:50830202)和国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)(批准号:2006AA04Z337)资助的课题.

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    ]Yang F,Wen Y M,Li P,Zheng M,Bian L X 2007 Acta Phys.Sin. 56 3539 (in Chinese)[杨帆、文玉梅、李平、郑敏、卞雷祥 2007 物理学报 56 3539]


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  • [1]

    [1]Roundy S,Wright P K,Rabaey J 2003 Computer Communications 26 1131


    [2]Beeby S P,Tudor M J,White N M 2006 Meas. Sci. Technol. 17 R175


    [3]Roundy S J 2003 Ph. D. Dissertation (Berkeley:university of California) p190—223


    [4]Shashank P 2007 J. Electroceram 19 165


    [5]Ryu J,Priya S,Carazo A V,Uchino K 2001 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 84 2905


    [6]Huang J K,OHandley R C,Bono D C 2003 Proceedings of the 10th Smart Structures and Materials San Diego,CA,USA,March 2-6,2003 p229


    [7]OHandley R C,Huang J K,Bono D,Simon J 2008 IEEE Sensors Journal 8 58


    [8]Dong S X,Li J F,Viehland D 2003 IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics,Ferroelectrics,and Frequency Control 50 1236


    [9]Yang W W,Wen Y M,Li P,Bian L X 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 4545 (in Chinese)[杨伟伟、文玉梅、李平、卞雷祥 2008 物理学报 57 4545]


    ]Wan H,Shen R F,Wu X Z 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 1426 (in Chinese)[万红、沈仁发、吴学忠 2005 物理学报 54 1426]


    ]Dong S X,Li J F,Viehland D 2004 J.Appl.Phys. 95 2625


    ]Yang F,Wen Y M,Li P,Zheng M,Bian L X 2007 Acta Phys.Sin. 56 3539 (in Chinese)[杨帆、文玉梅、李平、郑敏、卞雷祥 2007 物理学报 56 3539]


    ]Yang F,Wen Y M,Zheng M,Li P 2006 Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators 19 2371 (in Chinese)[杨帆、文玉梅、郑敏、李平 2006 传感技术学报 19 2371]


    ]Andrey B,William P R,Babak Z 2004 Sensors and Actuators A 114 244


    ]Yi J Z 1987 Magnetic field calculation and magnetic circuit design (Chengdu:Chengdu Electronic Information Engineering College press) p16 (in Chinese)[易敬曾 1987 磁场计算与磁路设计(成都:成都电讯工程学院出版社) 第16页]


    ]Liang C B,Qing G 1980 Electromagnetics (Beijing:Higher Education Press) p464 (in Chinese)[梁灿彬、秦光 1980 电磁学(北京:高等教育出版社) 第464页]


    ]Song H D,Chen P L 1984 Permanent Magnetic Materials and their Applications (Beijing:China Machine Press) p218 (in Chinese)[宋后定、陈培林 1984 永磁材料及其应用(北京:机械工业出版社) 第218页]


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  • 收稿日期:  2009-05-26
  • 修回日期:  2009-07-08
  • 刊出日期:  2010-03-15

