分析和测试了偏置电压调整时PZT5/Terfenol-D/PZT8层合换能结构磁电性能. 提出了一种磁致伸缩/压电层合磁电换能结构的一阶谐振频率控制方法. 通过改变压电驱动层的直流电压对磁电层合结构的预应变进行改变, 从而调整谐振频率. 分析偏置电压、 应变、 弹性模量、 谐振频率和谐振磁电电压系数之间关系. 分析表明: 在较小应变情况下, 控制电压几乎可以线性调节谐振频率, 而层合结构谐振磁电电压系数几乎与偏置电压无关. 实验研究验证: 理论与实验结果较好吻合. 在-170 V+170 V的偏置电压时, 谐振频率可以几乎线性调整. 最大频率调整量达到1 kHz, 偏置电压对一阶纵振频率的控制率达到: 2.94 Hz/V. 在偏置磁场为0225 Oe时, 谐振频率调整量与偏置磁场无关. 偏置磁场会改变谐振磁电电压系数, 在大于178 Oe静态磁场偏置时, 磁电电压系数最大, 达到1.65 V/Oe.
- 压控谐振频率 /
- 磁致伸缩/压电层合结构 /
- 预应变 /
- 磁电效应
The magnetoelectric properties of PZT5/Terfenol-D/PZT8 laminated transducer structure are analyzed and detected for adjusting the bias voltage across PZT5. A control method of one-order resonant frequency for a magnetostrictive/piezoelectric laminated magnetoelectric transducer structure is proposed. The resonant frequency and the prestrain of the magnetoelectric laminated structure can be adjusted by changing the bias voltage across PZT5. The relationships between the control voltage, the strain, the Young's modulus, the resonant frequencies and the resonant magnetoelectric coefficient are analyzed. Theoretical analyses show that the resonant frequency of the laminated structure is almost a linear function of the applied dc bias voltage at a small strain. The magnetoelectric coefficient is hardly related to the control voltage. The experimental results verify the theoretical analyses. For a control voltage of 170 V to +170 V, the resonant frequency can be linearly adjusted. The adjusted maximum of the resonant frequency is 1 kHz. The ratio of the adjusted value to the bias control voltage is 2.94 Hz/V. For a bias magnetic field from 0 Oe to 225 Oe, the resonant frequency is almost unrelated to the bias magnetic field. The magnetoelectric voltage coefficient changes with the bias magnetic field. A maximum magnetoelectric voltage coefficient of 1.65 V/Oe is obtained at a bias magnetic field of 178 Oe.-
- voltage-controlled resonance frequency /
- magnetostrictive/piezoelectric laminated structure /
- prestrain /
- magnetoelectric effect
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[1] Ryu J, Caraza A V, Uchino K 2001 J. Appl. Phys. 40 4948
[2] Zhang H, Yang J F, Fang L, Yang W M 2003 Materials Review 17 64 (in Chinese) [张辉, 杨俊, 方亮, 杨卫明 2003 材料导报 17 64]
[3] Dong S X, Li J F, Viehland D 2003 IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 50 1253
[4] Dong S X, Li J F, Viehland D 2004 J. Appl. Phys. 95 2625
[5] Dong S X, Zhai J Y, Wang N G, Bai F M, Li J F, Viehland D 2005 Appl. Phys. Lett. 87 222504
[6] Li P, Wen Y M, Bian L X 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 022503
[7] Li P, Wen Y M, Liu P G, Li X S, Jia C B 2010 Sensors and Actuators A 151 100
[8] Li P, Wen Y M, Jia C B, Li X S 2011 IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics 58 2944
[9] Li P, Wen Y M, Jia C B, Li X S 2011 Journal of Magnetics 16 1
[10] Yang W W, Wen Y M, Li P, Bian L X 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 546 (in Chinese) [杨伟伟, 文玉梅, 李平, 卞雷祥 2009 物理学报 58 546]
[11] Chen L, Li P, Wen Y M, Wang D 2011 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 4811
[12] Guo S S, Lu S G, Xu Z, Zhao X Z, Or S W 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 182906
[13] Wang Y J, Or S W, Chan H L W, Zhao X Y, Luo H S 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 123510
[14] Srinivasan G, Rasmussen E T, Hayes R 2003 Phys. Rev. B 67 14418
[15] Srinivasan G, Rasmussen E T, Bush A A 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. A 78 721
[16] Dong S X, Cheng J R, Li J F, Viehland D 2003 Appl. Phys. Lett. 83 4812
[17] Yang F, Wen Y M, Li P, Zheng M, Bian L X 2008 Sensors and Actuators A 141 129
[18] Yu H, Zeng M, Wang Y, Wan J G, Liu J M 2005 Appl. Phys. Lett. 86 32508
[19] Bi K, Wang Y G, Wu W 2011 Sensors and Actuators A 166 48
[20] Zhai J Y, Xing Z P, Dong S X, Li J F, Viehland D 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 062510
[21] Dong S X, Zhai, J Y, Li J F, Viehland D 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 082907
[22] Yang C H, Wen Y M, Li P, Bian L X 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 7292 (in Chinese) [阳昌海, 文玉梅, 李平, 卞雷祥 2008 物理学报 57 7292]
[23] Jiles D C 1992 IEEE Trans. Magn. 28 2602
[24] Shi Z, Ma J, Lin Y, Nan C W 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 101 043902
[25] Jia Y H, Tan J B 1999 China Mechanical Engineering 11 1213 (in Chinese) [贾宇辉, 谭久彬 1999 中国机械工程 11 1213]
[26] Zhang Y F, Wen Y M, Li P, Bian L X 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 546 (in Chinese) [张延芳, 文玉梅, 李平,卞雷祥 2009 物理学报 58 546]
[27] Li D M, Shun B Y, Dong W J, Zhang H L 2003 China Mechanical Engineering 14 1498 (in Chinese) [李东明, 孙宝元, 董维杰, 张化岚 2003 中国机械工程 14 1498]
[28] Ristic V M 1988 Acoustic Device Principle (Publishing House of Electronics Industry) p5 (in Chinese) [里斯蒂克 V M 1988 声学器件原理 (电子工业出版社) 第5页]
[29] Wan J G, Li Z Y, Wang Y, Zeng M, Wang G H, Liu J M 2005 Appl. Phys. Lett. 86 202504
[30] Bian L X, Wen Y M, Li P 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 883 (in Chinese) [卞雷祥, 文玉梅, 李平 2010 物理学报 59 883]
[31] Jia Z Y, Guo D M 2008 Theory and Applications of Giant Magnetostrictive Microdisplacement Actuator (Beijing: Science Press) [贾振元, 郭东明 2008 超磁致伸缩材料微位移执行器原理与应用 (北京:科学出版社)]
[32] Zheng X J, Liu X L 2005 J. Appl. Phys. 97 053901
[33] Yao L Q, Wang W 2008 Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics 29 341 (in Chinese) [姚林泉,王伟 2008 固体力学学报 29 341]
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