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Analysis of shearing failure mode for porous materials under compression

Liu Pei-Sheng
  • 压缩行为是工程材料最为基本的力学性能之一. 本文通过简化结构模型分析了各向同性的三维网状高孔率多孔材料在压缩载荷作用下的破坏模式,其中包括单向压缩、双向压缩和三向压缩等三种承载情形. 在此基础上,得出了这种多孔体受压破坏源于剪切断裂模式时名义主应力与孔率之间的数理关系. 结果表明,该类材料承受压缩载荷时的破坏模式与其材质的种类有关,脆性材质多孔体的孔棱呈拉断破坏模式,而韧性材质多孔体的孔棱则可能出现剪切断裂的破坏模式. 对应得出的强度设计判据可为该类材料在这种承载破坏模式下的应用提供参考.
    The compressive behavior is one of the most basic mechanical properties of engineering materials. With the simplified structural model, the compressive failure mode is analyzed for isotropic three-dimensional reticulated porous materials, and the mathematical relationships between nominal main stress and porosity are obtained for these materials at shearing failure under uniaxial compression, biaxial compression and triaxial compression, respectively. The results show that, the porous body of brittle material species shows the tensile fracture mode of pore struts, and the porous body of ductile material species may display the shearing fracture mode of pore struts. The correspondingly obtained criteria of strength design can be referred to in applications of these materials under respective loading failure modes.
    • 基金项目: 北京市凝聚态物理重点学科共建项目(批准号:XK100270454)和北京师范大学测试基金(批准号:C09)资助的课题.

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    Gibson L J, Ashby M F 1999 Cellular Solids: Structure and Properties (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)


    Banhart J 2001 Prog. Mater. Sci. 46 559


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    Liu P S 2004 Introduction to Porous Materials (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press) (in Chinese) [刘培生 2004 多孔材料引论 (北京: 清华大学出版社)]


    Ma Q L 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 1952 (in Chinese) [马春兰 2004 物理学报 53 1952]


    Zhao X F, Fang Y 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 3785(in Chinese) [赵信峰、方 炎 2006 物理学报 55 3785]


    Zhang H W, Li Y X 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 4864 (in Chinese) [张华伟、李言祥 2007 物理学报 56 4864]


    Wang C F, Li Q S, Hu B, Li W B 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 2610


    Ashby M F, Evans A, Fleck N A, Gibson L J, Hutchinson J W, Wadley H N G 2000 Metal Foams: A Design Guide (Boston: Elsevier Science)


    Nagaki S, Sowerby R, Goya M 1991 Mater. Sci. Engi. A 142 163


    Silva M G D A, Ramesh K T 1997 Mater. Sci. Engi. A 232 11


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    Kovacik J 1998 Acta Materialia 46 5413


    Liu P S 2007 Materials Science Research Horizon (New York: NOVA Science Publishers)


    Liu P S 2000 J. Advan. Mater. 32 9


    Deshpande V S, Fleck N A 2000 J. Mechan. Phys. Solids 48 1253


    Badiche X, Forest S, Guibert T, Bienvenu Y, Bartout J D, Ienny P, Croset M, Bernet H 2000 Mater. Sci. Engi. A 289 276


    Nieh T G, Higashi K, Wadsworth J 2000 Mater. Sci. Engi. A 283 105


    Benouali A H, Froyen L, Delerue J F, Wevers M 2002 Mater. Sci. Technol. 18 489


    Kwon Y W, Cooke R E, Park C 2003 Mater. Sci. Engi. A 343 63


    Choe H, Dunand D C 2004 Mater. Sci. Engi. A 384 184


    Fan H L, Fang D N 2009 Materials and Design 30 1659


    Liu P S, Sang H B 2004 International Journal of Iron and Steel Research 11 53


    Liu P S 2006 Mater. Sci. Engi. A 422 176


    Liu P S 2007 Materials and Design 28 2678


    Liu P S 2009 Mater. Sci. Engi. A 507 190


    Liu P S, Chen G F, Chen Y M 2009 Philosophical Magazine Letters 89 655


    Liu P S 2009 Materials and Design 31 2264


    Fan Q S 2008 Engineering Mechanics (Beijing: Machinery Industrial Press) (in Chinese) [范钦珊 2008 工程力学 (北京:机械工业出版社) Liu P S 2006 Chin. J. Mater. Res. 20 64 (in Chinese) 〖刘培生 2006 材料研究学报20 64]

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  • 收稿日期:  2009-10-27
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