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欧靖 杨锦宏



欧靖, 杨锦宏

The effect of the divertor operation regimes on the plasma parallel flow in the edge of a tokamak

Ou Jing, Yang Jin-Hong
  • 我们使用一维流体模型,根据在不同偏滤器运行模式下静压强沿着磁力线方向的分布变化,讨论了偏滤器运行模式对托卡马克边缘区等离子体平行流的影响.低再循环模式下,静压强从X点(X-point)附近的刮削层区域开始明显下降,变化趋势与密度变化趋势一致;等离子体平行流的马赫数在偏滤器区域逐步变大,变化从平缓到迅速.高再循环模式下,静压强在靶板附近的区域迅速下降,在其他区域变化非常小;等离子体平行流的马赫数仅在靠近靶板附近的区域迅速变大,在其他区域变化平缓.在弱脱靶模式下的静压强变化与高再循环模式下类似,不过静压强在X-point附近的刮削层区域开始出现下降的趋势,导致等离子体平行流的马赫数在X-point处的值比在高再循环模式下大.强脱靶模式下,静压强在刮削层区域开始明显下降,在远离靶板的偏滤器区域,静压强迅速下降的地方,观察到高马赫数等离子体平行流.静压强迅速下降引起动压强迅速上升来维持总的压强守恒是在强脱靶状态下产生高马赫数平行流的一种可能驱动机理.
    Based on the variations of the static pressure along the magnetic field line in different divertor operation regimes, the effects of the divertor operation regimes on the plasma parallel flow at the edge of a tokamak are investigated using a one-dimensional fluid model. In low recycling regime, the variation of the static pressure along the field line is obvious from the scrape-off layer (SOL) region near the X-point, and the variation tendency is the same as that of the density. The Mach number of the plasma parallel flow increases along the magnetic field line and the variation is from gentle to sharp. In high recycling regime, the static pressure does not change much except in the near divertor plate region, as a result, the Mach number of the plasma parallel flow varies gently in the SOL region and the most of the divertor region, and it increases rapidly in the near divertor plate region. The variation of the static pressure in weak divertor detachment regime is similar to that in high recycling regime, but the static pressure shows decrease tendency in the SOL region near the X-point, consequently, the Mach number of the plasma parallel flow at X-point is larger than that in high recycling regime. In strong divertor detachment regime, static pressure decreases obviously in the SOL region and away from the divertor plate region, where the static pressure decreases rapidly, and a high Mach plasma parallel flow is observed. Static pressure decreasing while dynamic pressure increasing to keep the total pressure conservation is shown to be a possible cause of the high Mach parallel flow.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:11105176),中国科学院知识创新工程青年人才领域专项前沿项目(批准号:085FCQ0123)和ITER计划专项国内配套研究项目(批准号:2009GB106002)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Natinal Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.11105176), the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No.085FCQ0123), and the Chinese National Fusion Project for ITER (Grant No.2009GB106002).

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  • [1]

    HongWY,Yan LW,Wang E Y,Li Q,Qian J 2005 Acta Phys.Sin.54 173 (in Chinese)[洪文玉,严龙文,王恩耀,李强,钱俊 2005 物理学报 54 173]


    Zhang W 2010 Ph.D Dissertation (Hefei:Institute of Plasma Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences)(in Chinese)[张炜 2010 博士学位论文 (合肥:中科院等离子体物理研究所)]


    Cheng F Y 2004 Ph.D Dissertation (Chengdu:Southwestern Institute of Physics)(in Chinese)[程发银 2004 博士学位论文(成都:核工业西南物理研究院)]


    Cui Z Y,Sun P,Pan Y D,Li W,Wang Q M,Cao Z,Wang M X 2006 Chin.Phys.15 585


    Yao L H,Yuan B S,Feng B B,Chen C Y,Hong WY,Li Y L 2007 Chin.Phys.16 200


    Stangeby P C 2000 The Plasma Boundaries of Magnetic Fusion Devices (London:Institute of Physics Publishing)p487


    taslas M,Herrmann A,Kallenbach A,Müller H W,Neuhauser J,Rohde V,Tsois N,Wischmeier M,ASDEX-U team 2007Plasma Phys.Control Fusion 49 857


    Asakura N,Sakurai S,Itami K,Naito K,Takenaga H,Higashijima S,Koide Y,Sakamoto Y,Kubo H,Porter G D 2003 J.Nucl.Mater.313-316 820


    Asakura N 2007 J.Nucl.Mater.363-365 41


    Wesson J 1997 Tokamaks (New York:Oxford University Press)p427


    li Q L,Zheng Y Z,Cheng F Y,Deng X B,Deng D S,You P L,Liu G A,Chen X D 2001 Acta Phys.Sin.50 507 (in Chinese)[李奇良,郑永真,程发银,邓小波,邓冬生,游佩林,刘贵昂,陈向东 2001 物理学报 50 507]


    Stangeby P C 1993 Nucl.Fusion 33 1695


    Hatayama A,Segawa H,Schneider R,Coster D P,Hayashi N,Sakurai S,Asakura N,Ogasawara M 2000 Nucl.Fusion 40 2009


    Schneider R,Bonnin X,Coster D P,Kastelewicz H,Reiter D,Rozhansky V A,Braams J 2006 Contrib.Plasma Phys.46 3


    Lehnen M,Brix M,Samm U Schweer B,Unterberg B,the TEXTOR-team 2003 Nucl.Fusion 43 168


    Ou J,Zhu S Z 2007 Plasma Sci.& Technol.9 417


    Nakazawa S,Nakajima N,Okamoto M,Ohyabu N 2000 Plasma Phys.Control.Fusion 42 401


    Fundamenski W,Stangeby P C,Elder J D 1999 J.Nucl.Mater.266-269 1045

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  • 收稿日期:  2011-05-14
  • 修回日期:  2012-04-05
  • 刊出日期:  2012-04-05

