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行鸿彦 龚平 徐伟



行鸿彦, 龚平, 徐伟

Small target detection in the background of sea clutter using fractal method

Xing Hong-Yan, Gong Ping, Xu Wei
  • 针对海杂波背景下小目标检测对海情依赖性强的问题, 本文采用分数布朗运动模型对实测海杂波建模, 结合多重分形去势波动分析法确定分形参数, 分析了海杂波的单尺度、多重分形特性. 在单尺度分形的基础上, 利用表征海杂波分形特征的分数维和Hurst指数构建了分形差量, 提出了基于分形差量的小目标检测方法;在多重分形基础上, 比较了两种海杂波的高尺度多重分形特性. 结果表明, 当尺度q 10时, 纯海杂波的多重分形参数H(q) 0, 而存在小目标的H(q) 0, 此差异性为高尺度分形参数的海杂波背景小目标检测提供了判定依据. 所研究的两种方法均能实现不同海情下的小目标检测.
    Because the detecting of the small target in the background of sea clutter is strongly dependent on sea condition, in this article we use fractional Brownian motion to model IPIX sea clutter and combine multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MF-DFA) to determine the fractal parameters for analyzing fractal and multifractal property of IPIX sea clutter. Based on the fact that Hurst parameter and fractal dimension can reflect the fractal property of data, a new parameter named fractal differential which has difference when the sea clutter with or without target is defined, thereby solving the problem of small target in sea clutter background. By comparing the multifractal parameters of two sea clutter, the experimental results show that H(q) is a special value which is bigger than zero when the sea clutter has a small target but smaller than zero when the sea clutter has no target if q is bigger than ten. Another method is proposed by using the difference of H(q). Two methods in this article can solve the problem of strong dependence of detecting the small target in different sea conditions on sea condition.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61072133) 和江苏省传感网与现代气象装备 优势学科建设项目资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61072133) and the Jiangsu Sensor Network and Modern Meteorological Equipment Preponderant Discipline Platform, China.

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    Duan G, Qian Y Y, Wang Z 2009 Sci. Technol. Inform. 35 863 (in Chinese) [段刚, 钱玉莹, 王哲 2009 科技信息 35 863]


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    Jiang B, Wang H Q, Fu Y W 2007 Prog. Nat. Sci. 17 415 (in Chinese) [姜斌, 王宏强, 付耀文 2007 自然科学进展 17 415]


    Xing H Y, Xu W 2007 Atca Phys. Sin. 56 3771 (in Chinese) [行鸿彦, 徐伟 2007 物理学报 56 3771]


    Xing H Y, Jin T L 2010 Atca Phys. Sin. 59 140 (in Chinese) [行鸿彦, 金天力 2010 物理学报 59 140]


    Unsworth C P, Cowper M R, McLaughlin S, Mulgrew B 2002 IEE Pro.: Radar Son. Nav. 149 105


    Haykin S, Bakker R, Currie B W 2002 Proc. IEEE 90 860


    Yu Z G, Vo A, Gong Z M, Long S C 2002 Chin. Phys. 11 1313


    Han J J, Fu W J 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 010205


    Yang X D, Ning X B, He A J, Dou S D 2008 Atca Phys. Sin. 57 1514 (in Chinese) [杨小冬, 宁新宝, 何爱军, 都思丹 2008 物理学报 57 1514]


    Zang B J, Shang P J 2007 Chin. Phys. 16 565


    Lo T, Leung H, Litva J, Haykin S 1993 IEEE Proc. F 140 243


    Hu J, Gao J B, Posner F L, Zheng Y, Tung W W 2006 Fractals 14 187


    Hu J, Tung W W, Gao J B 2006 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 54 136


    Gao J B, Yao K 2002 Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE Radar Conference Long Beach, USA, April 25-25, 2002 p500


    Shi Z G, Zhou J X, Fu Q 2006 J. Sys. Simu. 18 2289 (in Chinese) [石志广, 周剑雄, 付强 2006 系统仿真学报 18 2289]


    Xu X K, Liu X M, Chen X N 2007 J. D. M. U. 33 45 (in Chinese) [许小可, 柳晓鸣, 陈晓楠 2007 大连海事大学学报 33 45]


    Xu X K 2010 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 58 1425


    Guan J, Liu N B, Zhang J, Song J 2010 Signal Proc. 90 523


    Jiang B, Wang H Q, Li X, Guo G R 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 3985 (in Chinese) [姜斌, 王宏强, 黎湘, 郭桂荣 2006 物理学报 55 3985]


    Xu W, Tang S T, Zhou X C 2007 Radar Ecm. 2 27 (in Chinese) [徐伟, 唐霜天, 周希辰 2007 雷达与对抗 2 27]


    Mandelbrot B B, Ness J W V 1968 SIAM Rev. 10 422


    Gao J B, Cao Y H, Tung W W, Hu J 2007 Multiscale Analysis of Complex Time Series: Integration of Chaos and Random Fractal Theory, and Beyond (New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.) p79


    Flandrin P 1992 IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 38 910


    Kantelhardt J W, Zschiegner S A, Koscielny B E 2002 Physica A 316 87


    Zhou Y, Leung Y, Yu Z G 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 090507


    Yang P, Hou W, Feng G L 2008 Atca Phys. Sin. 57 5333 (in Chinese) [杨萍, 侯威, 封国林 2008 物理学报 57 5333]

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  • 收稿日期:  2011-10-25
  • 修回日期:  2012-02-10
  • 刊出日期:  2012-08-05

