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钟苏川 高仕龙 韦鹍 马洪



钟苏川, 高仕龙, 韦鹍, 马洪

The resonant behavior of an over-damped linear fractional Langevin equation

Zhong Su-Chuan, Gao Shi-Long, Wei Kun, Ma Hong
  • 通过将广义Langevin方程中的系统内噪声建模为分数阶高斯噪声,推导出分数阶Langevin方程, 其分数阶导数项阶数由系统内噪声的Hurst指数所确定.讨论了处于强噪声环境下的线性过阻尼分数阶 Langevin方程在周期信号激励下的共振行为,利用Shapiro-Loginov公式和Laplace变换, 推导了系统响应的一、二阶稳态矩和稳态响应振幅、方差的解析表达式.分析表明,适当参数下, 系统稳态响应振幅和方差随噪声的某些特征参数、周期激励信号的频率及系统部分参数的变化出现了 广义的随机共振现象.
    By choosing the internal noise as a fractional Gaussian noise, we obtain the fractional Langevin equation. We explore the phenomenon of stochastic resonance in an over-damped linear fractional Langevin equation subjected to an external sinusoidal forcing. The influence of fluctuations of environmental parameters on the dynamics of the system is modeled by a dichotomous noise. Using the Shapiro-Loginov formula and the Laplace transformation technique, we obtain the exact expressions of the first and second moment of the output signal, the mean particle displacement and the variance of the output signal in the long-time limit t→∞. Finally, the numerical simulation shows that the over-damped linear fractional Langevin equation reveals a lot of dynamic behaviors and the stochastic resonance (SR) in a wide sense can be found with internal noise and external noise.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11171238)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11171238).

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    Shapiro V E, Loginov V M 1978 Physica A 91 563


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  • [1]

    Bao J D 2009 Random Simulation Method of Classical and Quantum Dissipation System (1st Ed.) (Beijing: Science Press) p79, 84, 147 (in Chinese) [包景东 2009 经典和量子耗散系统的随机模拟方法(第一版)(北京:科学出版社) 第79, 84, 147页]


    Gong Y B, Hou Z H, Xin H W 2004 Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities 25 1477 (in Chinese) [龚玉兵, 候中怀, 辛厚文 2004 高等学校化学学报 25 1477]


    Guo Y F, Xu W 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 6081 (in Chinese) [郭永峰, 徐伟 2008 物理学报 57 6081]


    Huang F, Liu F 2005 The Anziam Journal. 46 317


    Liu F, Anh V, Turner I, Zhuang P 2003 J. Appl. Math. & Computing 13 233


    Benson D A, Wheatcraft S W, Meerschaert M M 2000 Water Resources Research 36 1403


    Gitterman M 2005 Physical A 352 309


    Jin Y F, Hu H Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2895 (in Chinese) [靳艳飞, 胡海岩 2009 物理学报 58 2895]


    Ning L J, Xu W 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2889 (in Chinese) [宁丽娟, 徐伟 2009 物理学报 58 2889]


    Kou S C 2008 Institute of Mathematical Statistics in The Annals of Applied Statistics 2 7, 8


    Kou S C, Xie X S 2004 Physical Review Letters 93 180603


    Laas K, Mankin R, Reiter E 2011 International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 5 281, 283


    Zhang J Q, Xin H W 2001 Progress in Chemistry 13 241 (in Chinese) [张季谦, 辛厚文 2001 化学进展 13 241]


    Rao B P 2010 Statistical Inference for Fractional Diffusion Processes (1st Ed.) (India: A John Wiley and Sons) p7, 23


    Mishura Y S 2008 Stochastic Calculus for Fractional Brownian Motion and Related Processes (1st Ed.) (German: Springer) p7


    Mandelbrot B B, Van Ness J W 1968 Siam Review 10 427


    Rekker A, Mankin R 2010 Wseas Transactions on Systems 9 207


    Deng W H, Barkai E 2009 Physical Review E 79 01112


    Podlubny I 1999 Fractional Differential Equations (1st Ed.) (San Diego: Academic Press) p79


    Burov S, Barkai E 2008 Physical Review E 78 031112


    Shapiro V E, Loginov V M 1978 Physica A 91 563


    Oppenheim A V, Willsky A S, Nawab S H (Translated by Liu S T) 2005 Signals and Systems (9st Ed.) (Xian: Prentice Hall) pp128, 471, 497-500 (in Chinese) [奥本海姆. A. V. 著 刘树棠译 2005 信号与系统(第九版)(西安:西安交通大学出版社) 第128, 471, 497-500页]


    Soika E, Mankin R 2010 Advances in Biomedical Research 1790-5125 442


    Sauga A, Mankin R, Ainsaar A 2010 Wseas Transactions on Systems 9 1021

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  • 收稿日期:  2012-01-08
  • 修回日期:  2012-02-20
  • 刊出日期:  2012-09-05

