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安保林 林鸿 刘强 段远源



安保林, 林鸿, 刘强, 段远源

Viscosity measurements using a cylindrical resonator

An Bao-Lin, Lin Hong, Liu Qiang, Duan Yuan-Yuan
  • 黏度是流体的重要输运性质, 实验测量是获取黏度数据的基本手段. 圆柱定程干涉法是目前测量气相声速最精确的方法之一, 其测量参数为工质的声学共振频率和共振峰半宽. 共鸣腔中气相工质的黏性会导致共振频率的偏移和共振峰半宽的增加, 是声速测量中的重要非理想影响因素. 但通过对共振频率和共振峰半宽的精确测定, 并结合热边界层、进气导管、声学传感器及壳体振动等其他非理想因素的修正, 可以精确反推获得黏度. 本文从理论上探讨了应用圆柱定程干涉法测量共振频率或者共振峰半宽来得到黏度的新方法, 以氩 (Ar) 为例进行了实验验证, 测量结果与文献值具有较好一致性, 证实了方法的可行性.
    Viscosity is an important fluid transport property, and the viscosity data mostly are obtained from experimental measurements. The fixed path interference method with a cylindrical resonator is one of the most precise ways to gain the gaseous sound speed by measuring the resonance frequency and the half-width of the resonance peak. The gas viscosity affects the sound speed, leading to the offset of the resonance frequency and the increase of half-width of the resonance peak. Viscosity can be accurately acquired through the measurement of the resonance frequency and the half-width of the resonance peak, together with modifications due to the effect of the thermal boundary layer, the fill duct on the resonator shell, the transducer and the resonator shell vibration. In this paper, the way to acquire viscosity by the cylindrical resonator was developed and was verified by measuring argon (Ar) viscosity, and we find the result agreeing well with the data given in the literature.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 51076074, 51276175)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51076074, 51276175).

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    Zhang Y, He M G, Liu Y, Guo Y 2011 J. Eng. Thermophys 32 9 (in Chinese) [张颖, 何茂刚, 刘洋, 郭盈 2011 工程热物理学报 32 9]


    Greenspan M, Wimenitz F N 1953 NBS Report 2658


    Wilhelm J, Gillis K A, Mehl J B, Moldover M R 2000 Int. J. Themophys 21 983


    Gillis K A, Mehl J B, Moldover M R 2003 Acoust. Soc. Am. 114 166


    Hurly J J, Gillis K A, Mehl J B, Moldover M R 2003 Int. J. Themophys 24 1441


    Wang Y Z, Yang Y S, Tong W H, Li H Q, Hu Z Q 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 1543 (in Chinese) [王玉珍, 杨院生, 童文辉, 李会强, 胡壮麒 2007 物理学报 56 1543]


    Chung T H, Ajian M, Llody L L, Starling K E 1988 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 27 671


    He M G, Liu Z G 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 1004 (in Chinese) [何茂刚, 刘志刚 2002 物理学报 51 1004]


    Feng X J, Lin H, Liu Q, Zhou M X, Duan Y Y. 2011 J. Eng. Thermophys 32 725 (in Chinese) [冯晓娟, 林鸿, 刘强, 周梦夏, 段远源 2011 工程热物理学报 32 725]


    Feng X J, Liu Q, Zhou M X, Lin H, Duan Y Y. 2012 J. Eng. Thermophys 33 7 (in Chinese) [冯晓娟, 刘强, 周梦夏, 林鸿, 段远源 2011 工程热物理学报 33 7]


    An B L, Liu Q, Duan Y Y 2012 J. Eng. Thermophys 33 561 (in Chinese) [安保林, 刘强, 段远源 2012 工程热物理学报 33 561]


    Lin H, Feng X J, Zhang J T, Duan Y Y 2012 J. Eng. Thermophys 33 1291 (in Chinese) [林鸿, 冯晓娟, 张金涛, 段远源 2012 工程热物理学报 33 1291]


    Zhang J T, Lin H, Sun J P, Feng X J, Gillis K A, Moldover M R 2010 Int. J. Thermophys 31 1273


    Zhang J T, Lin H, Feng X J, Sun J P, Moldover M R, Duan Y Y 2011 Int. J. Thermophys 32 1297


    Trusler J P M 1991 Physical Acoustics and Metrology of Fluids (New York: Adam Hilger) p90-114


    Feng X J 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Tsinghua University) (in Chinese) [冯晓娟 2010 博士学位论文 (北京: 清华大学)]


    Moldover M R, Mehl J B, Greenspan M 1986 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 79 253


    Lemmon E W, Jacobsen R T 2004 Int. J. Thermophys. 25 21


    Gillis K A, Mehl J B, Moldover M R 1996 Rev. Sci. Istrum. 67 1850

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  • 收稿日期:  2013-03-19
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