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毕国玲 续志军 赵建 孙强



毕国玲, 续志军, 赵建, 孙强

Multispectral image enhancement based on irradiation-reflection model and bounded operation

Bi Guo-Ling, Xu Zhi-Jun, Zhao Jian, Sun Qiang
  • 根据多尺度照射_反射模型, 结合广义有界运算模型和引导滤波, 能够有效地解决多谱段降质图像的增强问题. 算法采用自适应的引导滤波核函数作为环绕函数, 估计反映图像整体结构的不同尺度的低频照射分量; 利用有界广义对数比(general log-radio, GLR)模型加法代替Retinex理论中的对数变换运算; 再由GLR模型减法去除照射分量, 将不同尺度的反射分量从原始图像中分割出来; 对不同尺度反射分量的有效信息采用有界GLR模型乘法和加法进行融合, 有效地避免光晕伪影现象及越界现象的发生, 得到多尺度反射分量图像, 即最终的增强图像. 通过对可见光波段的低照度图像和雾霾图像、红外图像、X光医学图像四组多谱段降质图像实验分析, 以对比度和信息熵作为评价指标, 与同类算法进行了图像增强效果的定性和定量对比, 结果表明本文算法增强后的图像纹理和边缘细节更加丰富、对比度更高、视觉效果更佳, 可广泛地应用于多种图像增强领域.
    According to irradiation-reflection model, by combining the generalized bounded operation model with guide filter, the problem of enhancement for multispectral degraded images with blurred details can be effectively solved and the contrast and low signal-to-noise ratio can be improved. The multi-scale reflection component image, i.e., final enhanced image is obtained through the following procedures: using the adaptive different scales of guide filter function as surround function estimate reaction; separating out the high-low-frequency information; obtaining the different scales Irradiation images which react the overall structure of the image; using the bounded generalized logarithmic ratio (GLR) model addition to replace the Retinex logarithmic transformation; taking a similar logarithmic transformation to the original image to improve the contrast of the image and make the dark area of image details enhanced; again using GLR model subtraction to remove illuminate components from the original image to segment the different scales of the reflection image, thereby avoiding the loss of small details and the big details caused halo effect and noise interference. With four direction Sobel gradient image which reflects the comprehensive edge details of image information the adaptive gain function can be obtained. To avoid the smooth area noise amplification, by using the GLR model multiplication and addition to fuse the effective information of different scales images, the multi-scale reflection image, namely the final enhanced image are obtained. The effective suppression of the emergence of halo effect and computing overflow, which can retain a large number of image details; the comparision of subjective visual effect and the quantitative parameter analysis of the visible low illumination image, haze image, infrared image and X-ray medical images (a total of four groups of multispectral degraded images), the use of the contrast and entropy as evaluation indices, qualitative and quantitative comparison with a variety of image enhancement algorithms, show that the proposed algorithm strengthens and keeps the details of the image texture and edge, realizes the image contrast enhancement and the effective dynamic range compression, has a strong anti-noise ability, and can meet a variety of practical engineering image enhancement needs. The results of the study has been used in the infrared thermal imager, and good results have been achieved. The proposed algorithm is only for 8-bit grayscale image enhancement, and the color image enhancement will be studied in the future.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 60977001)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60977001).

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  • [1]

    Liu S G, Chen J H, Fan H Y 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 120305


    Zhao W D, Zhao J, Xu Z J 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 214204 (in Chinese) [赵文达, 赵建, 续志军 2013 物理学报 62 214204]


    Tan R T 2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2008 p1


    He K, Sun J, Tang X 2009 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2009 p1956


    Yu D, Bao X D 2010 J. Biomed. Engineer. Res. 29 5 (in Chinese) [余岱, 鲍旭东 2010 生物医学工程研究 29 5]


    Jia D Y, Ding T H 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 4058 (in Chinese) [郏东耀, 丁天怀 2005 物理学报 54 4058]


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    Xu X, Chen Q, Wang P A, Sun H J, Xia D S 2008 J. Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics 20 1325 (in Chinese) [许欣, 陈强, 王平安, 孙怀江, 夏德深 2008 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 20 1325]


    Meylan L 2006 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 15 2820


    Tang L, Zhao C X, Wang H N, Shao W Z 2008 J. Image and Graphics 13 264 (in Chinese) [唐磊, 赵春霞, 王鸿南, 邵文泽 2008 中国图象图形学报 13 264]


    Fang S, Yang J R, Cao Y, Wu P F, Rao R Z 2012 J. Image and Graphics 17 748 (in Chinese) [方帅, 杨静荣, 曹洋, 武鹏飞, 饶瑞中 2012 中国图象图形学报 17 748]


    Jourlin M, Phinoli J C 1989 J. Microscopy 156 33


    Zhu R F, Jia H G, Wang C, Wei Q, Zhang T Y, Yu L Y 2014 Optics and Precision Engineering 22 1064 (in Chinese) [朱瑞飞, 贾宏光, 王超, 魏群, 张天翼, 虞林瑶 2014 光学精密工程 22 1064]


    Wang R G, Zhu J, Yang W T, Fang S, Zhang X T 2010 Acta Electron. Sin. 38 1181 (in Chinese) [汪荣贵, 朱静, 杨万挺, 方帅, 张新彤 2010 电子学报 38 1181]


    Deng G, Cahill L W, Tobin G R 1995 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 4 506


    Deng G 2013 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 22 2903


    Nielsen F, Nock R 2009 IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 55 2882


    Jia H G, Wu Z P, Zhu M C, Xuan M, Liu H 2013 Optics and Precision Engineering 21 3272 (in Chinese) [贾宏光, 吴泽鹏, 朱明超, 宣明, 刘慧 2013 光学精密工程 21 3272]

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  • 收稿日期:  2014-11-17
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