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陶在红 秦媛媛 孙斌 孙小菡



陶在红, 秦媛媛, 孙斌, 孙小菡

Perturbed solution and analyses for single photon transmission equation in optical fiber

Tao Zai-Hong, Qin Yuan-Yuan, Sun Bing, Sun Xiaohan
  • 量子信息在光纤中传输时, 会受到光纤损耗、色散、非线性效应等多因素的影响, 将产生传输态的演化与能量转移. 本文以单模光纤传输方程以及电磁场量子化理论为基础, 对单模光纤中基模模场进行量子化处理, 推导并建立了考虑损耗、色散、非线性效应后的单光子传输方程. 基于微扰法对单光子非线性传输方程进行了求解, 给出了稳定解存在的必要条件及其所满足的色散方程. 深入讨论了广域光功率随微扰频率的变化关系, 并且分析了光纤色散、非线性效应对解的影响. 为量子光纤传输系统性能的深入研究奠定了理论基础.
    As is well known, quantum optics has developed significantly in recent years and advanced several hot research topics, such as quantum communications, quantum sensing, quantum calculations, etc. Among these researches, it is important to understand the quantum information transmitting in optical fiber. For realizing longer transmission distance and better transmission quality, great effort has devoted to the researches of encoding and decoding at the transmitter and the receiver end. However, less attention was paid to the fading of signal in the transmission channel. In this work, we mainly focus on the transmission model of optical quantum transmission and the influences of loss, dispersion and nonlinear effect on fiber transmission of optical quantum information are also discussed.Quantum information transmission can be influenced by loss, dispersion and nonlinear effect in optical fiber, leading to transmission state evolution and energy transfer. Based on the transmission equation of single mode fiber and quantum theory of electromagnetic field, the fundamental mode field of single mode fiber is quantized. A quantum transmission equation is deduced from the classical optical transmission equation through quantizing the amplitude of electromagnetic field. Compared with classic wave theory, the photon transmission equation quantizing the slowly-varying amplitude in the coupled nonlinear Schrdinger equation is obtained. In the classic wave equation, light is interpreted as energy which propagates as waves. The photon transmission equation is obtained by quantizing the slowly-varying amplitude of light, that is, the particle nature of light. The energy propagates through alternative interaction between creation and annihilation operator on photons. The transmission equations show that photons will interact with the transmission medium during propagation and be influenced by dispersion, nonlinear effect, loss, etc. By giving a trail solution and introducing a perturbation term, the transmission equation is solved for the complicated case where the dispersion, loss and nonlinear effect are all involved. A dispersion equation that should be satisfied for nontrivial solution is then obtained. From this dispersion equation, the relation between photon power and perturbation frequency is calculated and analyzed. The change of photon power in generalized field with perturbation frequency is discussed, and the influences of fiber dispersion and nonlinearity on the solution are analyzed.Some conclusions are obtained by perturbed solution and analyses of single photon transmission equation in optical fiber. It is found that photon power decreases with the increase of perturbation frequency and reaches its maximum value for zero perturbation frequency. At the same time, the optical power is affected by the dispersion of the optical fiber. Photon power decreases with the GVD coefficient far from the zero dispersion point. It is also found that photon power decreases with the increase of nonlinear coefficient. This work may contribute to the research of the properties of quantum fiber transmission system.
      通信作者: 孙小菡, xhsun@seu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 60271206)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Sun Xiaohan, xhsun@seu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60271206).

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    Vance R W C 2007 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 24 000928


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    Chin A, Datta A, Caruso F, Huelga S 2010 New J. Phys. 12 065002


    Bartlett S D, Munro W J 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 117901


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    Inagaki T, Matsuda N, Tadanaga O, Asobe M, Takesue H 2013 Opt. Express 21 23241


    Bouwmeester D, Pan J W, Mattle K, Weinfurtor H, Zeiling A 1997 Nature 390 575


    Liu J, Wang Q, Kuang L M, Zeng H S 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 030313


    Zhou N R, Zeng B Y, Wang L J, Gong L H 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 2193 (in Chinese) [周南润, 曾宾阳, 王立军, 龚黎华 2010 物理学报 59 2193]


    Ma X S, Herbst T, Scheidl T, Wang D Q, Kropatschek S, Naylor W, Wittmann B, Mech A, Kofler J, Anisimona E, Makarov V, Jennewein T, Ursin R, Zeilinger A 2012 Nature 489 7415


    Inagaki T, Matsuda N, Tadanaga O, Takesue H 2013 Opt. Expess 21 23241


    Tang Y L, Yin H L, Chen S J, Liu Y, Zhang W J, Jiang X, Zhang L, Wang J, You L X, Guan J Y, Yang D X, Wang Z, Liang H, Zhang Z, Zhou N, Ma X F, Chen T Y, Zhang Q, Pan J W 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 190501


    Filippo C, Francesco M, Hammam Q, Ebrahim K, Sergei S, Domenico P, Corrado L, Fabio S, Enrico S, Robert W B, Lorenzo M 2015 Sci. Adv. 1 1500087


    Martin P, Tomas T, Tomas C 2015 Natue Photonics 9 529

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  • 收稿日期:  2016-03-05
  • 修回日期:  2016-04-03
  • 刊出日期:  2016-07-05

