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马振鹤 窦世丹 马毓姝 刘健 赵玉倩 刘江红 吕江涛 王毅



马振鹤, 窦世丹, 马毓姝, 刘健, 赵玉倩, 刘江红, 吕江涛, 王毅

Measurement of wall strain in embryonic chick heart by spectral domain optical coherence tomography

Ma Zhen-He, Dou Shi-Dan, Ma Yu-Shu, Liu Jian, Zhao Yu-Qian, Liu Jiang-Hong, Lü Jiang-Tao, Wang Yi
  • 本文提出了一种测量胚胎心脏流出道径向应变的方法.使用光学相干层析成像系统对早期鸡胚流出道进行4D(x,y,z,t)扫描,重建流出道图像后计算多普勒角度;在任意走向的流出道的断层图像中采用半自动边缘检测算法,提取管壁内外边缘,测量管壁面积和短轴长度信息;结合多普勒角度、管壁面积和短轴长度得到管壁壁厚信息,从而实现心脏流出道管壁径向应变的计算.对HH18阶段鸡胚心脏流出道的径向应变进行测量,结果表明该方法能够在任意流出道倾角下测量其径向应变,有效扩大了心脏应变测量的范围,为胚胎心脏生物力学特性的研究提供了一种工具.
    During cardiac development, the growth, remodeling and morphogenesis of embryonic hearts are closely linked to hemodynamic forces. An understanding of the interaction mechanism between hemodynamic forces and heart development is important for the early diagnosis and treatment of various congenital defects. The myocardial wall strain (MWS) in embryonic heart is a critical parameter for quantifying the mechanical properties of cardiac tissues. Here, we focus on the radial strain which is defined as the change of the myocardial wall thickness. An effective measurement of MWS is conductive to studies of embryonic heart development. Chick embryo is a popular animal model used for studing the cardiac development due to the similarity of cardiac development between the human heart and the chick heart at early developmental stages and its easy access. Although various imaging methods have been proposed, there still remain significant challenges to imaging of early stage chick embryo heart because it is small in size and beats fast. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-contact three-dimensional imaging modality with high spatial and temporal resolution which has been widely used for imaging the biological tissue. In this paper, we describe a method to measure in vivo MWS of chicken embryonic hearts with a high speed spectral domain OCT(SDOCT) system worked at 1310 nm. We perform four-dimensional (4D) (x, y, z, t) scanning on the outflow tract (OFT) of chick embryonic hearts in a non-gated way. The transient states of the OFT are extracted from the 4D data by using the beating synchronization algorithm. The OFT center line can be achieved by image processing. Assuming that the blood flow is parallel to the center line in the blood vessel, we calculate the Doppler angle of blood flow from the OFT center line. In a certain OFT cross-section, the OFT myocardial wall (inner and external borders) is segmented from the OCT images with a semi-automatic boundary-detection algorithm. Then, the myocardial wall thickness is calculated from the Doppler angle, area and sum of inner and external radii of the segmented myocardial wall. The radial strain is obtained by calculating the myocardial wall thickness variation. Previous methods calculated the myocardial wall thickness by directly subtracting inner and external radii. The measured result may be deteriorated by insufficient resolution of the system since the myocardial wall of OFT is very thin. The present method can solve this problem by calculating the thickness through using the sum of the radii instead of the subtraction. The experimental results on embryonic chick hearts demonstrate that the proposed method can measure the MWS of OFT along arbitrary orientation and it is a useful tool for studying the biomechanical characteristics of embryonic hearts.
      通信作者: 马振鹤, mazhenhe@163.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:31170956,61275214,81301208)、中央高校基本科研业务费(批准号:N120223001)和河北省自然科学基金(批准号:A2015501002,H2015501133)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Ma Zhen-He, mazhenhe@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 31170956, 61275214, 81301208), the Fundamental Research Fund for the Central Universities, China (Grant No. N120223001), and the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province, China (Grant Nos. A2015501002, H2015501133).

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    Ma Z H, Dou S D, Zhao Y Q, Guo C, Liu J, Wang Q Y, Xu T, Wang R K, Wang Y 2015 Appl. Opt. 54 9253


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    Choi W, Baumann B, Liu J J, Clermont A C, Feener E P, Duker J S, Fujimoto J G 2012 Opt. Express 3 1047


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  • [1]

    Tan G X Y, Jamil M, Tee N G Z, Liang Z, Yap C H 2015 Ann. Biomed. Eng. 43 2780


    Vos S D 2005 Ph. D. Dissertation (Rotterdam:Erasmus University)


    Hove J R, K঎ster R W, Forouhar A S, Acevedobolton G, Fraser S E, Gharib M 2003 Nature 421 172


    Rugonyi S, Shaut C, Liu A, Thornburg K, Wang R K 2008 Phys. Med. Biol. 53 5077


    Nerurkar R N L, Achtien K H, Filas B A, Voronov D A, Taber L A 2008 J. Biomech. Eng. 130 637


    Liu A P, Wang R K, Thornburg K L, Rugonyi S 2009 Eng. Comput. 25 73


    Lacktis J W, Manasek F J 1978 Birth. Defects. Orig. Artic. Ser. 14 205


    Taber L A, Sun H, Clark E B, Keller B B 1994 Circ. Res. 75 896


    Peng J S, Peng H 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 248701 (in Chinese)[彭京思, 彭虎2012物理学报61 248701]


    Phoon C, Aristizabal O, Turnbull D H 2000 Ultrasound Med. Biol. 26 1275


    Jones E A V, Baron M H, Fraser S E, Dickinson M E 2004 Ajp Heart & Circulatory Physiol. 287 H1561


    Jenkins M W, Rothenberg F, Roy D, Nikolski V P, Hu Z, Watanabe M, Wilson D L, Efimov I R, Rollins A M 2006 Opt. Express 14 736


    Yelbuz T M, Zhang X, Choma M A, Stadt H A, Zdanowicz M, Johnson G A, Kirby M L 2003 Circulation 108 154


    Huang D, Swanson E A, Lin C P, Schuman J S, Stinson W G, Chang W, Hee M R, Flotte T, Gregory K, Puliafito C A 1991 G. Ital. Cardiol. 8 28


    Yang Y L, Ding Z H, Wang K, Wu L, Wu L 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1773 (in Chinese)[杨亚良, 丁志华, 王凯, 吴凌, 吴兰2009物理学报58 1773]


    Tang T, Zhao C, Chen Z Y, Li P, Ding Z H 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 174201 (in Chinese)[唐弢, 赵晨, 陈志彦, 李鹏, 丁志华2015物理学报64 174201]


    Michael W J, Lindsy P, Shi G, Madhusudhana G, David L W, Michiko W, Andrew M R 2010 J. Biomed. Opt. 15 41


    Li P, Yin X, Shi L, Liu A, Rugonyi S, Wang R K 2011 IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 58 2333


    Li P, Liu A P, Shi L, Yin X, Rugonyi S, Wang R K 2011 Phys. Med. Biol. 56 7081


    Ma Z H, Dou S D, Zhao Y Q, Guo C, Liu J, Wang Q Y, Xu T, Wang R K, Wang Y 2015 Appl. Opt. 54 9253


    Liu A P, Nickerson A, Troyer A, Xin Y, Cary R, Thornburg K, Wang R K, Rugonyi S 2011 Comput. Struct. 89 855


    Choi W, Baumann B, Liu J J, Clermont A C, Feener E P, Duker J S, Fujimoto J G 2012 Opt. Express 3 1047


    Ma Z H, Liu A P, Yin X, Troyer A, Thornburg K, Wang R K, Rugonyi S 2010 Biomed. Opt. Express 1 798


    Bistoquet A, Oshinski J, Škrinjar O 2008 Med. Image. Anal. 12 69


    Zhu D N 2008 Physiology (7th Ed.) (Beijing:People's Medical Publishing House) p77(in Chinese)[朱大年2008生理学(第七版) (北京:人民卫生出版社)第77页]

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  • 收稿日期:  2016-07-13
  • 修回日期:  2016-09-25
  • 刊出日期:  2016-12-05

