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InAs/GaAs量子点1.3 μm单光子发射特性

张志伟 赵翠兰 孙宝权


InAs/GaAs量子点1.3 μm单光子发射特性

张志伟, 赵翠兰, 孙宝权

1.3 μm single photon emission from InAs/GaAs quantum dots

Zhang Zhi-Wei, Zhao Cui-Lan, Sun Bao-Quan
  • 采用双层耦合量子点的分子束外延生长技术生长了InAs/GaAs量子点样品,把量子点的发光波长成功地拓展到1.3 μm.采用光刻的工艺制备了直径为3 μm的柱状微腔,提高了量子点荧光的提取效率.在低温5 K下,测量得到量子点激子的荧光寿命约为1 ns;单量子点荧光二阶关联函数为0.015,显示单量子点荧光具有非常好的单光子特性;利用迈克耳孙干涉装置测量得到单光子的相干时间为22 ps,对应的谱线半高全宽度为30 μeV,且荧光谱线的线型为非均匀展宽的高斯线型.
    Single-photon emitters are crucial for the applications in quantum communication, random number generation and quantum information processing. Self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) have demonstrated to have singlephoton emission with high extraction efficiency, single-photon purity, and photon indistinguishability. Thus they are considered as the promising deterministic single-photon emitters. To extend the emission wavelength of InAs/GaAs QDs to telecom band, several methods have been developed, such as the strain engineered metamorphic quantum dots, the use of strain reducing layers and the strain-coupled bilayer of QDs. In fact, it is reported on single-photon emissions based on InAs/InP QDs with an emission wavelength of 1.55μm, but it is difficult to combine such QDs with a high-quality distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) cavity because the refractive index difference between InP and InGaAsP is too small to obtain a DBR cavity with high quality factor. Here we investigate 1.3μm single-photon emissions based on selfassembled strain-coupled bilayer of InAs QDs embedded in micropillar cavities. The studied InAs/GaAs self-assembled QDs are grown by molecular beam epitaxy on a semi-insulating (100) GaAs substrate through strain-coupled bilayer of InAs QDs, where the active QDs are formed on the seed QDs capped with an InGaAs layer, and two-layer QDs are vertically coupled with each other. In such a structure the emission wavelength of QDs can be extended to 1.3μm. The QDs with a low density of about 6×108 cm-2 are embedded inside a planar 1-λ GaAs microcavity sandwiched between 20 and 8 pairs of Al0.9Ga0.1As/GaAs as the bottom and top mirror of a DBR planar cavity, respectively. Then the QD samples are etched into 3μm diameter micropillar by photolithography and dry etching. The measured quality factor of studied pillar cavity has a typical value of approximately 300. Photoluminescence (PL) spectra of QDs at a temperature of 5 K are examined by using a micro-photoluminescence setup equipped with a 300 mm monochromator and an InGaAs linear photodiode array detector. A diode laser with a continuous wave or a pulsed excitation repetition rate of 80 MHz and an excitation wavelength of 640 nm is used to excite QDs through an near-infrared objective (NA 0.5), and the PL emission is collected by the same objective. The time-resolved PL of the QDs is obtained by a time-correlated single photon counting. The second-order correlation function is checked by a Hanbury-Brown and Twiss setup through using ID 230 infrared single-photon detectors.
    In summary, we find that the 1.3μm QD exciton lifetime at 5 K is measured to be approximately 1 ns, which has the same value as the 920 nm QD exciton lifetime. The second-order correlation function is measured to be 0.015, showing a good characteristic of 1.3μm single photon emission. To measure the coherence time, i.e., to perform highresolution linewidth measurements, of the QDs emitted at the wavelength of 920 and 1300 nm, we insert a Michelson interferometer in front of the spectrometer. The obtained coherence time for 1.3μm QDs is 22 ps, corresponding to a linewidth of approximately 30μeV. Whereas, the coherence time is 216 ps for 920 nm QDs, corresponding to a linewidth of approximately 3μeV. Furthermore, both emission spectral lineshapes are different. The former is of Gaussian-like type, while the latter is of Lorentzian type.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:11464034)和内蒙古自治区自然科学基金(批准号:2016MS0119)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11464034) and the Natural Science Foundation of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China (Grant No. 2016MS0119).

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    Tang J, Xu X L 2018 Chin. Phys. B 27 27804


    Zhang X, Li H O, Wang K, Cao G, Xiao M, Guo G P 2018 Chin. Phys. B 27 20305


    Xue Y Z, Chen Z S, Ni H Q, Niu Z C, Jiang D S, Dou X M, Sun B Q 2017 Chin. Phys. B 26 84202


    Xue Y Z, Chen Z S, Ni H Q, Niu Z C, Jiang D S, Dou X M, Sun B Q 2017 Appl. Phys. Lett. 111 182102


    Yue P Y, Dou X M, Wang H Y, Ma B, Niu Z C, Sun B Q 2018 Opt. Commun. 411 114


    Dou X M, Yu Y, Sun B Q, Ni H Q, Niu Z C 2012 Chin. Phys. Lett. 29 104203


    Seravalli L, Minelli M, Frigeri P, Allegri P, Avanzini V, Franchi S 2003 Appl. Phys. Lett. 82 2341


    Shimomura K, Kamiya I 2015 Appl. Phys. Lett. 106 082103


    Takemoto K, Sakuma Y, Hirose S, Usuki T, Yokoyama N, Miyazawa T, Takatsu M, Arakawa Y 2004 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 43 L993


    Liu X, Ha N, Nakajima H, Mano T, Kuroda T, Urbaszek B, Kumano H, Suemune I, Sakuma Y, Sakoda K 2014 Phys. Rev. B 90 081301


    Olbrich F, Kettler J, Bayerbach M, Paul M, Höschele J, Portalupi S L, Jetter M, Michler P 2017 J. Appl. Phys. 121 184302


    Seravalli L, Frigeri P, Minelli M, Allegri P, Avanzini V, Franchi S 2005 Appl. Phys. Lett. 87 063101


    Ozaki N, Nakatani Y, Ohkouchi S, Ikeda N, Sugimoto Y, Asakawa K, Clarke E, Hogg R 2013 J. Cryst. Growth 378 553


    Chen Z S, Ma B, Shang X J, He Y, Zhang L C, Ni H Q, Wang J L, Niu Z C 2016 Nanoscale Res. Lett. 11 382


    Huang S S, Niu Z C, Ni H Q, Xiong Y H, Zhan F, Fang Z D, Xiao J B 2007 J. Cryst. Growth 301-302 751


    Unsleber S, Schneider C, Maier S, He Y M, Gerhardt S, Lu C Y, Pan J W, Kamp M, Höfling S 2015 Opt. Express 23 32977


    Zhou P, Wu X F, Ding K, Dou X M, Zha G W, Ni H Q, Niu Z C, Zhu H J, Jiang D S, Zhao C L 2015 J. Appl. Phys. 117 014304


    Lounis B, Orrit M 2005 Rep. Prog. Phys. 68 1129


    Kammerer C, Cassabois G, Voisin C, Perrin M, Delalande C, Roussignol P, Gérard J 2002 Appl. Phys. Lett. 81 2737

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  • 收稿日期:  2018-08-24
  • 修回日期:  2018-09-26
  • 刊出日期:  2018-12-05

