卫星通信技术作为构建新一代泛在无线通信网不可或缺的一种手段, 近几年来受到了国内外学者的广泛关注. 本文研究了引入多天线中继技术构成的星地融合协作传输系统在干扰条件下的性能. 首先, 针对用户同时接收到直达信号和中继译码转发信号, 并且受到干扰的情况下, 得到经过最大比合并后的输出信干噪比表达式. 其次, 假设卫星链路和地面链路的衰落分别服从阴影莱斯分布和瑞利分布, 基于Meijer-G函数, 分别推导出直达链路和中继链路的矩母函数闭合表达式, 并进一步得到系统平均误符号率的闭合表达式. 最后, 计算机仿真不仅验证了理论性能分析的正确性, 而且定量分析了天线数、干扰数目和调制方式等对系统性能产生的影响.As an indispensable method of constructing ubiquitous communication network, satellite communication technology has received significant attention in both industrial and academic areas recently. In this paper we investigate the performance of an integrated satellite-terrestrial cooperative network in the presence of co-channel interference, which consists of a satellite source having a single antenna, a terrestrial relay equipped with multiple antennas to assist satellite signal transmission, and a single-antenna user corrupted by multiple co-channel interference. On the assumption that the user receives the signals from direct link and relaying link with decode-and-forward protocol, the output signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio of the user with the maximal ratio combining scheme is firstly obtained. Then, according to the Meijer-G function, we derive the moment generating function of the destination and the relay, where the satellite links are assumed to experience Shadowing-Rician fading while the terrestrial links undergo Rayleigh fading, and the analytical average symbol error rate expression for the considered system is obtained. Finally, the simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical analysis and reveal theinfluences of antenna number, interference number, and modulation schemes on the system performance. Therefore, our work provides useful guidelines for the engineers in designing the integrated satellite-terrestrial cooperative networks for future satellite mobile communication.
- satellite communication /
- cooperative transmission /
- decode-and-forward /
- average symbol error rate
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表 1 LMS信道参数
Table 1. Channel parameters of LMS.
阴影类型 参数 b m Ω FHS 0.063 0.739 8.97 × 10–4 AS 0.126 10.1 0.835 ILS 0.158 19.4 1.29 -
[1] 易克初, 李怡, 孙晨华, 南春国 2015 通信学报 36 6
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Yi K C, Li Y, Sun C H, Nan C G 2015 J. Commun. 36 6
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[2] 王树志, 朱光武, 白伟华 2015 物理学报 64 089301
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Wang S Z, Zhu G W, Bai W H 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 089301
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[3] 刘桢, 张嘉怡, 陆明泉, 黄洁, 赵拥军 2017 物理学报 66 129101
Google Scholar
Liu Z, Zhang J Y, Lu M Q, Huang J, Zhao Y J 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 129101
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[4] 安豪, 严卫, 赵现斌,等 2013 物理学报 62 199201
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An H, Yan W, Zhao X B, et al. 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 199201
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[5] Pecorella T, Ronga L S, Chiti F 2015 IEEE Commun. Mag. 53 170
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[6] Sakarellos V K, Kourogiorgas C, Panagopoulos A K 2014 Wireless Personal Commun. 79 1471
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[7] Bhatnagar M R, Arti M K 2013 IEEE Commun. Lett. 17 1912
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[8] Sreng S, Escrig B, Boucheret M L 2013 IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. 12 1310
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[9] Zhao Y, Chen H, Xie L, Wang K 2018 IET Commun. 12 1342
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[10] An K, Lin M, Liang T 2015 IEEE Commun. Lett. 19 1722
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[11] Zheng K, Zhao L, Mei J, Shao B, Xiang W, Hanzo L 2015 IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutor. 17 1738
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[12] Yona Y, Feder M 2014 Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA) San Diego, CA, USA, Feburary 9−14, 2014
[13] An K, Ouyang J, Lin M, Liang T 2015 IEEE Commun. Lett. 19 1157
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[14] Arti M K, Bhatnagar M R 2014 IEEE Commun. Lett. 18 483
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[15] An K, Lin M, Ouyang J, Huang Y, Zheng G 2014 IEEE Commun. Lett. 18 1947
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[16] Javed U, He D, Liu P 2016 Sensors 16 1236
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[17] Simon M, Alouini M 2005 Digital Communication over Fading Channels (New York: Wiley-IEEE Press) pp86, 87
[18] Abdi A, Lau W, Alouini M, Kaveh M 2003 IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. 2 519
Google Scholar
[19] Gradshteyn I S, Ryzhik I M 2007 A Table of Integrals, Series, and Products 7th (Burlington: Academic Press) p337
[20] Proakis J G 2011 Digital Communications 4th (New York: McGraw-Hill) pp49−51
[21] Mckay M, Zanella A, Collings I, Chiani M 2009 IEEE Trans. Commun. 57 676
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[22] Annamalai A, Tellambura C 2001 IEEE Trans. Commun. 49 58
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