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李锟影 李璞 郭晓敏 郭龑强 张建国 刘义铭 徐兵杰 王云才



李锟影, 李璞, 郭晓敏, 郭龑强, 张建国, 刘义铭, 徐兵杰, 王云才

Flat chaos generated by optical feedback multi-mode laser with filter

Li Kun-Ying, Li Pu, Guo Xiao-Min, Guo Yan-Qiang, Zhang Jian-Guo, Liu Yi-Ming, Xu Bing-Jie, Wang Yun-Cai
  • 提出了一种利用多模激光器结合滤波器产生频谱平坦、无低频能量缺失的宽带混沌信号产生. 实验分析和对比了光反馈法布里-珀罗混沌半导体激光器滤波前后的多模及单模信号的频谱特性. 结果显示, 相较于多模混沌信号, 单模混沌信号的低频部分能量提升了25 dB, 实现了3 dB带宽为6 GHz的平坦混沌产生. 进一步理论研究表明, 单模混沌信号低频成分能量获得显著提升的物理本质在于多模激光器模式竞争.
    Optical chaos has a wide range of applications in communications, such as secure communication, high-resolution lidar ranging, optical time domain reflectometer, and high-rate physical random bit generator. In recent years, external-cavity feedback semiconductor lasers (ECLs) are the most common chaotic laser generation systems due to their characteristics of wide bandwidth, large amplitude, and simple structure, and the dynamic characteristics of chaotic signals have attracted much attention. However, limited by the relaxation oscillation of the laser, the energy of the chaotic signal directly generated by ECL is mainly concentrated at high relaxation oscillation frequency. Thus, the low-frequency component encounters the problem of energy loss. In practical applications, the signal detection/acquisition device usually responds to a 3-dB low-pass filtering characteristic. Therefore, the available effective bandwidth of the chaotic signal should actually be 3-dB bandwidth. The lack of low-frequency components will limit the energy utilization rate of chaotic signals and restrict the relevant performances of chaotic applications (such as reliability and transmission of chaotic secure communication, randomness and generation rate of physical random bits, measurement accuracy and range of lidar ranging or optical time-domain reflectometer). In the paper, we propose a broadband chaos generation scheme with simple structure and losing no low-frequency components. Specifically, we experimentally analyze the radio frequency (RF) spectra of the single-mode and the multi-mode output from an optical feedback Fabry-Perot (FP) semiconductor laser after and before filtering. The experimental results show that comparing with the multi-mode chaotic signal, the low-frequency energy of the single-mode chaotic spectrum is enhanced by 25 dB, and the 3-dB bandwidth of the single-mode chaotic signal can reach 6 GHz. Further theoretical analysis demonstrates that the enhancement of low-frequency component in the single-mode chaotic signal is caused by the mode-competing in multi-mode laser. It is concluded that this method can well solve the problem of low-frequency energy loss in conventional optical feedback chaotic systems, and is beneficial to improving the energy utilization rate of chaotic signals, which is of great significance for improving the performance of chaotic secure communication, random bit generation, lidar ranging, optical time domain reflectometer, and other relevant applications.
      通信作者: 李璞, lipu8603@126.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61775158, 61731014, 61671316, 61875147, 61771439)、国家密码局“十三五”国家密码发展基金(批准号: MMJJ20170127)、中国博士后科学基金(批准号: 2018M630283)、山西省高等学校优秀青年学术带头人支持计划和上海市科委重点实验室项目(批准号: SKLSFO2018-03)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Li Pu, lipu8603@126.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61775158, 61731014, 61671316, 61875147, 61771439), the National Cryptography Development Fund, China (Grant No. MMJJ20170127), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2018M630283), the Program for the Top Young Academic Leaders of High Learning Institutions of Shanxi, China, and the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipal (STCSM), China (Grant No. SKLSFO2018-03).

    Argyris A, Syvridis D, Larger L, Annovazzi-Lodi V, Colet P, Fischer I, García-Ojalvo J, Mirasso C R, Pesquera L, Shore K A 2005 Nature 438 343Google Scholar


    Lin F L, Liu J M 2004 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 10 991Google Scholar


    Al-Suhail, G A, Tahir, F R, Abd, M H, Pham, V T, Fortuna L 2018 Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 57 80Google Scholar


    Wang Y C, Wang B J, Wang A B 2008 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 20 1636Google Scholar


    Uchida A, Amano K, Inoue M, Hirano K, Naito S, Someya H, Oowada I, Kurashige T, Shiki M, Yoshimori S, Yoshimura K, Davis P 2008 Nat. Photon. 2 728Google Scholar


    Kanter I, Aviad Y, Reidler I, Cohen E, Rosenbluh M 2010 Nat. Photon. 4 58Google Scholar


    Li P, Wang Y C, Zhang J Z 2010 Opt. Express 18 20360Google Scholar


    唐曦, 吴加贵, 夏光琼, 吴正茂 2011 物理学报 60 110509Google Scholar

    Tang X, Wu J G, Xia G Q, Wu Z M 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 110509Google Scholar


    Wang A B, Li P, Zhang J G, Zhang J Z, Li L, Wang Y C 2013 Opt. Express 21 20452Google Scholar


    Li N Q, Kim B, Chizhevsky V N, Loequet A, Bloch M, Citrin D S, Pan W 2014 Opt. Express 22 6634Google Scholar


    Quay C H L, Maxwell I Z, Hudgings J A 2001 J. Appl. Phys. 90 5856Google Scholar


    Rontani D, Locquet A, Sciamanna M, Citrin D S 2007 Opt. Lett. 32 2960Google Scholar


    Wu J G, Xia G Q, Tang X, Lin X D, Deng T, Fan Li, Wu Z M 2010 Opt. Express 18 6661Google Scholar


    Li N Q, Pan W, Locquet A, Chizhevsky V N, Citrin, D S 2015 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 21 1Google Scholar


    Al-Bayati B M, Ahmad A K, Al-Naimee K A M 2018 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 35 918Google Scholar


    Huang H M, Lin L C, Chen C Y, Arsenijevic D, Bimberg D, Lin F Y, Grillot F 2018 Opt. Express 26 1743Google Scholar


    Wang A B, Yang Y B, Wang B J, Zhang B B, Li L, Wang Y C 2013 Opt. Express 21 8701Google Scholar


    Wang A B, Wang B J, Li L, Wang Y C, Shore K A 2015 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 21 531Google Scholar


    Wang A B, Wang Y C, Yang Y B, Zhang M J, Xu H, Wang B J 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 031112Google Scholar


    Buldu J M, Garcia-Ojalvo J, Torrent M C 2005 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 41 164Google Scholar


    Yang Q, Wu Z M, Wu G J, Xia G Q 2008 Opt. Commun. 281 5025Google Scholar

  • 图 1  基于光反馈FP激光器混沌频谱特性分析实验装置(FP-LD, 法布里-珀罗激光二极管; PC, 偏振控制器; VOA, 可调光衰减器; FM, 光纤反射镜; EDFA, 掺铒光纤放大器; BPF, 可调光滤波器; PD, 光电探测器; ESA, 频谱仪; OSA, 光谱仪)

    Fig. 1.  Experimental setup for the RF spectrum analysis of optical feedback FP laser (FP-LD, Fabry-Perot laser diode; PC, polarization controller; VOA, variable optical attenuator; FM, fiber mirror; EDFA, erbium-doped fiber amplifier; BPF, optical bandpass filter; PD, photodetector; ESA, electrical spectrum analyzer; OSA, optical spectrum analyzer).

    图 2  多模混沌激光特性实验结果 (a)光谱; (b)频谱

    Fig. 2.  Characteristics of the multi-mode chaos: (a) Optical spectrum; (b) RF spectrum.

    图 3  m = –1, 0, +1模式下的单模混沌信号特性实验结果 (a1)—(a3)光谱; (b1)—(b3)频谱

    Fig. 3.  Characteristics of single-mode chaotic signals (m = –1, 0, +1): (a1)−(a3) Optical spectra; (b1)−(b3) RF spectra.

    图 4  多纵模光反馈FP激光器数值仿真结果 (a) 光谱(M = 15); (b) 频谱

    Fig. 4.  Numerical results of multi-mode FP-LD with optical feedback: (a) Optical spectrum (M = 15); (b) power spectrum.

    图 5  光反馈多模激光器在3个模式(m = –1, 0, +1)下单模混沌信号的模拟结果 (a1)—(a3) 频谱; (b1)—(b3) 时序; (c1)—(c3) 互相关函数

    Fig. 5.  Simulation results of single-mode chaotic signals (m = –1, 0, +1): (a1)−(a3) Power spectra; (b1)−(b3) time series; (c1)−(c3) cross-correlations.

    表 1  光反馈FP激光器仿真参数

    Table 1.  Simulation parameters of FP-LD with optical feedback.

    参数 符号 参考值
    模式总数目 M 15
    线宽增强因子 α 3.5
    内腔损耗系数 γ 0.283 ps–1
    载流子损耗系数 γe 6.21 × 10-4 ps–1
    归一化电流系数 C 1.5
    内腔环行时间 τ 7.3 ps
    增益峰值频率 ωc $2{\text{π}} \times 193.7$ THz
    增益宽度 Δωg $2{\text{π}} \times 10$ THz
    增益饱和系数 s 1 × 10–7
    微分增益系数 gc 3.2 × 10–9
    透明载流子数 N0 1.25 × 108
    反馈系数 kt 0.020 ps–1
    反馈延时 τt 2 ns
    自发辐射率 β 5 ps–1
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    Argyris A, Syvridis D, Larger L, Annovazzi-Lodi V, Colet P, Fischer I, García-Ojalvo J, Mirasso C R, Pesquera L, Shore K A 2005 Nature 438 343Google Scholar


    Lin F L, Liu J M 2004 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 10 991Google Scholar


    Al-Suhail, G A, Tahir, F R, Abd, M H, Pham, V T, Fortuna L 2018 Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 57 80Google Scholar


    Wang Y C, Wang B J, Wang A B 2008 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 20 1636Google Scholar


    Uchida A, Amano K, Inoue M, Hirano K, Naito S, Someya H, Oowada I, Kurashige T, Shiki M, Yoshimori S, Yoshimura K, Davis P 2008 Nat. Photon. 2 728Google Scholar


    Kanter I, Aviad Y, Reidler I, Cohen E, Rosenbluh M 2010 Nat. Photon. 4 58Google Scholar


    Li P, Wang Y C, Zhang J Z 2010 Opt. Express 18 20360Google Scholar


    唐曦, 吴加贵, 夏光琼, 吴正茂 2011 物理学报 60 110509Google Scholar

    Tang X, Wu J G, Xia G Q, Wu Z M 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 110509Google Scholar


    Wang A B, Li P, Zhang J G, Zhang J Z, Li L, Wang Y C 2013 Opt. Express 21 20452Google Scholar


    Li N Q, Kim B, Chizhevsky V N, Loequet A, Bloch M, Citrin D S, Pan W 2014 Opt. Express 22 6634Google Scholar


    Quay C H L, Maxwell I Z, Hudgings J A 2001 J. Appl. Phys. 90 5856Google Scholar


    Rontani D, Locquet A, Sciamanna M, Citrin D S 2007 Opt. Lett. 32 2960Google Scholar


    Wu J G, Xia G Q, Tang X, Lin X D, Deng T, Fan Li, Wu Z M 2010 Opt. Express 18 6661Google Scholar


    Li N Q, Pan W, Locquet A, Chizhevsky V N, Citrin, D S 2015 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 21 1Google Scholar


    Al-Bayati B M, Ahmad A K, Al-Naimee K A M 2018 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 35 918Google Scholar


    Huang H M, Lin L C, Chen C Y, Arsenijevic D, Bimberg D, Lin F Y, Grillot F 2018 Opt. Express 26 1743Google Scholar


    Wang A B, Yang Y B, Wang B J, Zhang B B, Li L, Wang Y C 2013 Opt. Express 21 8701Google Scholar


    Wang A B, Wang B J, Li L, Wang Y C, Shore K A 2015 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 21 531Google Scholar


    Wang A B, Wang Y C, Yang Y B, Zhang M J, Xu H, Wang B J 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 031112Google Scholar


    Buldu J M, Garcia-Ojalvo J, Torrent M C 2005 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 41 164Google Scholar


    Yang Q, Wu Z M, Wu G J, Xia G Q 2008 Opt. Commun. 281 5025Google Scholar

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