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童莹 沈越泓 魏以民



童莹, 沈越泓, 魏以民

Discriminative sparsity graph embedding based on histogram of rotated princial orientation gradients

Tong Ying, Shen Yue-Hong, Wei Yi-Min
  • 非约束环境下采集的人脸图像复杂多变, 将其直接作为字典原子用于稀疏表示分类(sparse representation based classification, SRC), 识别效果不理想. 针对该问题, 本文提出一种基于旋转主方向梯度直方图特征的判别稀疏图映射(discriminative sparse graph embedding based on histogram of rotated principal orientation gradients, DSGE-HRPOG)算法, 用于构建类内紧凑、类间分离的低维判别特征字典, 提高稀疏表示分类准确性. 首先, 采用旋转主方向梯度直方图(histogram of rotated principal orientation gradients, HRPOG)特征算子提取非约束人脸图像的多尺度多方向梯度特征, 有效去除外界干扰和像素间冗余信息, 构建稳定、鉴别的HRPOG特征字典; 其次, 引入判别稀疏图映射(discriminative sparse graph embedding, DSGE)算法, 以类内重构散度最小、类间重构散度最大为目标计算特征字典的最佳低维投影矩阵, 进一步增强低维特征字典的判别性、紧致性; 最后, 提出投影矩阵和稀疏重构关系交替迭代优化算法, 将维数约简过程伴随在稀疏图构建过程中, 使分类效果更理想. 在AR, Extended Yale B, LFW和PubFig这4个数据库上进行大量实验, 验证了本文算法在实验环境数据库和真实环境数据库上的有效性.
    The unconstrained face images collected in the real environments include many complicated and changeable interference factors, and sparsity preserving projections (SPP) cannot well obtain the low-dimensional intrinsic structure embedded in the high-dimensional samples, which is important for subsequent sparse representation classifier (SRC). To deal with this problem, in this paper we propose a new method named discriminative sparsity graph embedding based on histogram of rotated principal orientation gradients (DSGE-HRPOG). Firstly, it extracts multi-scale and multi-directional gradient features of unconstrained face images by HRPOG feature descriptor and incorporates them into a discriminative feature dictionary of sparse representation classifier. Secondly, it seeks an optimal subspace of HRPOG feature dictionary in which the atoms in intra-classes are as compact as possible, while the atoms in inter-classes are as separable as possible by adopting the proposed DSGE dimensionality reduction method. Finally, an optimal algorithm is presented in which the low-dimensional projection and the sparse graph construction are iteratively updated, and the accuracy of unconstrained face recognition is further improved. Extensive experimental results on AR, Extended Yale B, LFW and PubFig databases demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.
      通信作者: 童莹, tongying@njit.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61703201, KYTYJJG206),江苏省自然科学基金(批准号: BK20170765)和南京工程学院青年创新基金(批准号: CKJB201602)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Tong Ying, tongying@njit.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61703201, KYTYJJG206), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, China (Grant No.BK20170765), and the NIT fund for Young Scholar, China (Grant No.CKJB201602)

    Qian J J, Luo L, Yang J, Zhang F L, Lin Z C 2015 Pattern Recognit. 48 3145Google Scholar


    Chen Y, Yang J, Luo L, Zhang H M, Qian J J, Tai Y, Zhang J 2016 Pattern Recognit. 59 26Google Scholar


    Wright J, Yang A Y, Ganesh A, Sastry S S, Ma Y 2009 IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 31 210Google Scholar


    Yang M, Zhang L, Feng X C, Zhang D 2014 Int. J. Comput. Vis. 109 209Google Scholar


    Vu T H, Monga V 2016 The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Phoenix, Arizona, USA, September 25-28, 2016 p4428


    Babaee M, Wolf T, Rigoll G 2016 The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Phoenix, Arizona, USA, September 25-28, 2016 p704


    Huang K K, Dai D Q, Ren C X, Lai Z R 2017 IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. 28 1082Google Scholar


    Zheng H, Tao D P 2015 Neurocomputing 162 9Google Scholar


    Cai S J, Zuo W M, Zhang L, Feng X C, Wang P 2014 The 13th European Conference on Computer Vision Zurich, Switzerland, September 6−12, 2014 p624


    Yang J M, Yang M H 2017 IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 39 576Google Scholar


    Li J, Tao D 2012 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 21 4830Google Scholar


    Yan Y, Ricci E, Subramanian R 2014 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 23 5599Google Scholar


    Yang M, Zhang L, Shiu S C K, Zhang D 2013 IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learn. Syst. 24 900Google Scholar


    Yang M, Zhang L, Shiu S C K, Zhang D 2013 Pattern Recognit. 46 1865Google Scholar


    Georgakis C, Panagakis Y, Pantic M 2016 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 25 2021Google Scholar


    Zafeiriou S, Tzimiropoulos G, Petrou M, Stathaki T 2012 IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. 23 526Google Scholar


    Tenenbaum J B, De Silva V, Langford J C 2000 Science 290 2319Google Scholar


    Roweis S T, Saul L K 2000 Science 290 2323Google Scholar


    Belkin M, Niyogi P 2003 Neural Comput. 15 1373Google Scholar


    Lin B B, He X F, Zhang C Y, Ji M 2013 J. Mach. Learn. Res. 14 2945


    Lin B B, Yang J, He X F, Ye J P 2014 Int. Conf. Mach. Learn. 145


    He X, Niyogi P 2004 Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 153


    He X, Cai D, Yan S 2005 Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Vis. 2 1208


    Dornaika F, Raduncanu B 2013 The 26th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Portland, Oregon, USA, Jun 23-28, 2013 p862


    Huang S C, Zhuang L 2016 Neurocomputing 218 373


    Wan M H, Yang G W, Gai S, Yang Z J 2017 Multimed. Tools Appl. 76 355Google Scholar


    Liang J Z, Chen C, Yi Y F, Xu X X, Ding M 2017 IEEE Access 17201


    Wang R, Nie F P, Hong R C, Chang X J, Yang X J, Yu W Z 2017 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 26 5019Google Scholar


    Yuan X F, Ge Z Q, Ye L J, Song Z H 2016 J. Chemometr. 30 430Google Scholar


    Yan S C, Xu D, Zhang B Y, Zhang H J, Yang Q, Lin S 2007 IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 29 40Google Scholar


    Belkin M, Niyogi P 2013 Neural Comput. 15 1373


    Cortes C, Mohri M 2007 Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems Vancouver, Canada, December 3-8 2007 p305


    Qiao L S, Chen S C, Tan X Y 2010 Pattern Recognit. 43 331Google Scholar


    Lai Z H, Wong W K, Xu Y, Yang J, Zhang D 2016 IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learn. Syst. 27 723Google Scholar


    Yin J, Lai Z H, Zeng W M, Wei L 2018 Multimed. Tools Appl. 77 1069Google Scholar


    Zhang Y P, Xiang M, Yang B 2016 Neurocomputing 173 518Google Scholar


    Lu G F, Jin Z, Zou J 2012 Knowl-Based Syst. 31 119Google Scholar


    Wei L, Xu F F, Wu A H 2014 Knowl-Based Syst. 136


    Lou S J, Zhao X M, Chuang Y L, Yu H T, Zhang S Q 2016 Neurocomputing 173 290Google Scholar


    Yang J, Chu D L, Zhang L, Xu Y, Yang J Y 2013 IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. 24 1023Google Scholar


    Zheng J W, Yang P, Chen S Y, Shen G J, Wang W L 2017 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 26 2408Google Scholar


    Gao Q X, Wang Q Q, Huang Y F, Gao X B 2015 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 24 5684Google Scholar


    Zhang G Q, Sun H J, Xia G Y, Sun Q S 2016 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 25 4271


    Ren C X, Dai D Q, Li X X, Lai Z R 2014 IEEE Trans. on Image Processing 23 725Google Scholar


    Yang M, Zhang L, Shiu S C K, Zhang D 2012 IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security 7 1738Google Scholar


    Dalal N, Triggs B 2005 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition San Diego, California, June 20-26 2005 p886


    Tian S X, Bhattacharya U, Lu S J, Su B L, Wang Q Q, Wei X H, Lu Y, Tan C L 2016 Pattern Recognit. 51 125Google Scholar


    Tzimiropoulos G, Zafeiriou S, Pantic M 2012 IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 34 2454Google Scholar


    Ding C X, Choi J, Tao D C, Davis L S 2016 IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 38 518Google Scholar


    Weng D W, Wang Y L, Gong M M, Tao D C 2015 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 24 2287Google Scholar


    Yin J, Zeng W M, Wei L 2016 Knowl-Based Syst. 99 112Google Scholar


    Huang K K, Dai D Q, Ren C X 2017 Pattern Recognit. 62 87Google Scholar


    Liu Y, Gao Q X, Miao S, Gao X B, Nie F, Li Y S 2017 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 26 684Google Scholar


    Wang H, Nie F P, Huang H 2014 The 31st International Conference on Machine Learning Beijing, China, June 21-26, 2014 p1836


    Learned-Miller E, Huang G B, Roy C A, Li H X, Hua G 2016 Advances in Face Detection and Facial Image Analysis. 189


    Kumar N, Berg A C, Belhumeur P N, Nayar S K 2009 Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Vis. 365


    Yang M, Zhang L, Yang J, Zhang D 2013 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 1753


    Tang X, Feng G C, Cai J X 2014 Neurocomputing 402


    Li F, Jiang M Y 2018 Neural Process. Lett. 47 661


    Tao D P, Guo Y N, Li Y T, Gao X B 2018 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 27 325Google Scholar

  • 图 1  本文算法的实现流程

    Fig. 1.  Flow chart of the proposed algorithm.

    图 2  3-HRPOG算子的梯度卷积模板示意图 (a) ${h_x}$模板; (b) ${h_y}$模板

    Fig. 2.  Gradient convolution masks of 3-HRPOG feature descriptor: (a) ${h_x}$ mask; (b) ${h_y}$ mask.

    图 3  3-HRPOG算子的旋转梯度卷积模板

    Fig. 3.  Rotated gradient convolution masks of 3-HRPOG feature descriptor.

    图 4  旋转不变性分析 (a) 原图及HOG和3-HRPOG的梯度矢量值; (b) 旋转${45^ \circ }$图像及HOG和3-HRPOG的梯度矢量值

    Fig. 4.  Rotation invariance analysis: (a) Original binary image and gradient vectors of HOG and 3-HRPOG; (b) rotated ${45^ \circ }$ binary image and gradient vectors of HOG and 3-HRPOG.

    图 5  5-HRPOG算子的旋转主方向梯度模板

    Fig. 5.  Rotated dominant direction gradient masks of 5-HRPOG feature descriptor.

    图 6  Ms-HRPOG特征提取示意图

    Fig. 6.  The sketch of Ms-HRPOG feature descriptor.

    图 7  LFW数据库中某一图像的SPP稀疏重构权值

    Fig. 7.  Sparsity reconstruction weights of one sample with SPP algorithm on the LFW database.

    图 8  AR数据库部分样本图像

    Fig. 8.  Samples of one person in the AR database.

    图 9  Extended Yale B数据库部分样本图像

    Fig. 9.  Samples of one person in the Extended Yale B database

    图 10  Extended Yale B数据库部分遮挡样本图像

    Fig. 10.  Occlusion samples of one person in the Extended Yale B database.

    图 11  部分样本图像 (a) LFW数据库部分样本; (b) PubFig数据库部分样本

    Fig. 11.  Samples of one person: (a) LFW database; (b) PubFig database.

    图 12  不同初始投影矩阵${{{P}}_0}$的识别率

    Fig. 12.  Recognition rates based on different initial matrix${{{P}}_0}$.

    图 13  目标函数收敛曲线

    Fig. 13.  Convergence curve of the objective function.

    表 1  AR数据库在表情、光照和时间干扰因素下的实验结果

    Table 1.  Experimental results on the AR database with the interference factors of expression, illumination and time.

    Recognition Rate/%67.1468.6968.2176.0771.875.276.7988.4588.2188.81
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 2  AR数据库在遮挡干扰因素下的实验结果

    Table 2.  Experimental results of AR database with the occlusion interference.

    Experiment 1/%Experiment 2/%Experiment 3/%
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 3  AR数据库在混合干扰因素下的实验结果

    Table 3.  Experimental results on the AR database with the mix interference factors.

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    表 4  Extended Yale B数据库在光照干扰因素下的实验结果

    Table 4.  Experimental results of Extended Yale B database with the illumination interference.

    Recognition Rate/%87.8689.3185.7985.7482.79286.0391.3589.7792.48
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 5  Extended Yale B数据库在遮挡干扰因素下的实验结果

    Table 5.  Experimental results of Extended Yale B database with the occlusion interference.

    Experiment 1/%Experiment 2/%
    LPP[22]95.51 ± 0.4096.78 ± 0.72
    NPE[23]96.43 ± 0.2397.85 ± 0.31
    SPP[33]92.57 ± 0.8493.05 ± 0.77
    DSNPE[37]94.18 ± 0.4895.29 ± 0.54
    Gao[53]86.91 ± 1.0788.23 ± 0.91
    DSGE-pixels95.83 ± 0.6696.21 ± 0.21
    DSGE-HRPOG(3-HRPOG)97.30 ± 0.2097.73 ± 0.35
    DSGE-HRPOG (5-HRPOG)96.85 ± 0.3896.93 ± 0.60
    DSGE-HRPOG G(Ms-HRPOG)97.98 ± 0.5098.10 ± 0.31
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    表 6  LFW和PubFig数据库的实验结果

    Table 6.  Experimental results on the LFW database and PubFig database.

    DSGE-HRPOG (5-HRPOG)76.5853.30
    DSGE-HRPOG (Ms-HRPOG)73.8053.70
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    表 7  PubFig数据库上有联合优化和无联合优化的实验结果

    Table 7.  Experimental results with joint optimization and without joint optimization on the PubFig database.

    with joint optimization54.20 (630)53.30 (473)53.70 (514)
    without joint optimization53.50 (514)50.90 (423)53.20 (514)
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    Qian J J, Luo L, Yang J, Zhang F L, Lin Z C 2015 Pattern Recognit. 48 3145Google Scholar


    Chen Y, Yang J, Luo L, Zhang H M, Qian J J, Tai Y, Zhang J 2016 Pattern Recognit. 59 26Google Scholar


    Wright J, Yang A Y, Ganesh A, Sastry S S, Ma Y 2009 IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 31 210Google Scholar


    Yang M, Zhang L, Feng X C, Zhang D 2014 Int. J. Comput. Vis. 109 209Google Scholar


    Vu T H, Monga V 2016 The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Phoenix, Arizona, USA, September 25-28, 2016 p4428


    Babaee M, Wolf T, Rigoll G 2016 The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Phoenix, Arizona, USA, September 25-28, 2016 p704


    Huang K K, Dai D Q, Ren C X, Lai Z R 2017 IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. 28 1082Google Scholar


    Zheng H, Tao D P 2015 Neurocomputing 162 9Google Scholar


    Cai S J, Zuo W M, Zhang L, Feng X C, Wang P 2014 The 13th European Conference on Computer Vision Zurich, Switzerland, September 6−12, 2014 p624


    Yang J M, Yang M H 2017 IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 39 576Google Scholar


    Li J, Tao D 2012 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 21 4830Google Scholar


    Yan Y, Ricci E, Subramanian R 2014 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 23 5599Google Scholar


    Yang M, Zhang L, Shiu S C K, Zhang D 2013 IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learn. Syst. 24 900Google Scholar


    Yang M, Zhang L, Shiu S C K, Zhang D 2013 Pattern Recognit. 46 1865Google Scholar


    Georgakis C, Panagakis Y, Pantic M 2016 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 25 2021Google Scholar


    Zafeiriou S, Tzimiropoulos G, Petrou M, Stathaki T 2012 IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. 23 526Google Scholar


    Tenenbaum J B, De Silva V, Langford J C 2000 Science 290 2319Google Scholar


    Roweis S T, Saul L K 2000 Science 290 2323Google Scholar


    Belkin M, Niyogi P 2003 Neural Comput. 15 1373Google Scholar


    Lin B B, He X F, Zhang C Y, Ji M 2013 J. Mach. Learn. Res. 14 2945


    Lin B B, Yang J, He X F, Ye J P 2014 Int. Conf. Mach. Learn. 145


    He X, Niyogi P 2004 Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 153


    He X, Cai D, Yan S 2005 Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Vis. 2 1208


    Dornaika F, Raduncanu B 2013 The 26th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Portland, Oregon, USA, Jun 23-28, 2013 p862


    Huang S C, Zhuang L 2016 Neurocomputing 218 373


    Wan M H, Yang G W, Gai S, Yang Z J 2017 Multimed. Tools Appl. 76 355Google Scholar


    Liang J Z, Chen C, Yi Y F, Xu X X, Ding M 2017 IEEE Access 17201


    Wang R, Nie F P, Hong R C, Chang X J, Yang X J, Yu W Z 2017 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 26 5019Google Scholar


    Yuan X F, Ge Z Q, Ye L J, Song Z H 2016 J. Chemometr. 30 430Google Scholar


    Yan S C, Xu D, Zhang B Y, Zhang H J, Yang Q, Lin S 2007 IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 29 40Google Scholar


    Belkin M, Niyogi P 2013 Neural Comput. 15 1373


    Cortes C, Mohri M 2007 Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems Vancouver, Canada, December 3-8 2007 p305


    Qiao L S, Chen S C, Tan X Y 2010 Pattern Recognit. 43 331Google Scholar


    Lai Z H, Wong W K, Xu Y, Yang J, Zhang D 2016 IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learn. Syst. 27 723Google Scholar


    Yin J, Lai Z H, Zeng W M, Wei L 2018 Multimed. Tools Appl. 77 1069Google Scholar


    Zhang Y P, Xiang M, Yang B 2016 Neurocomputing 173 518Google Scholar


    Lu G F, Jin Z, Zou J 2012 Knowl-Based Syst. 31 119Google Scholar


    Wei L, Xu F F, Wu A H 2014 Knowl-Based Syst. 136


    Lou S J, Zhao X M, Chuang Y L, Yu H T, Zhang S Q 2016 Neurocomputing 173 290Google Scholar


    Yang J, Chu D L, Zhang L, Xu Y, Yang J Y 2013 IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. 24 1023Google Scholar


    Zheng J W, Yang P, Chen S Y, Shen G J, Wang W L 2017 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 26 2408Google Scholar


    Gao Q X, Wang Q Q, Huang Y F, Gao X B 2015 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 24 5684Google Scholar


    Zhang G Q, Sun H J, Xia G Y, Sun Q S 2016 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 25 4271


    Ren C X, Dai D Q, Li X X, Lai Z R 2014 IEEE Trans. on Image Processing 23 725Google Scholar


    Yang M, Zhang L, Shiu S C K, Zhang D 2012 IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security 7 1738Google Scholar


    Dalal N, Triggs B 2005 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition San Diego, California, June 20-26 2005 p886


    Tian S X, Bhattacharya U, Lu S J, Su B L, Wang Q Q, Wei X H, Lu Y, Tan C L 2016 Pattern Recognit. 51 125Google Scholar


    Tzimiropoulos G, Zafeiriou S, Pantic M 2012 IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 34 2454Google Scholar


    Ding C X, Choi J, Tao D C, Davis L S 2016 IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 38 518Google Scholar


    Weng D W, Wang Y L, Gong M M, Tao D C 2015 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 24 2287Google Scholar


    Yin J, Zeng W M, Wei L 2016 Knowl-Based Syst. 99 112Google Scholar


    Huang K K, Dai D Q, Ren C X 2017 Pattern Recognit. 62 87Google Scholar


    Liu Y, Gao Q X, Miao S, Gao X B, Nie F, Li Y S 2017 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 26 684Google Scholar


    Wang H, Nie F P, Huang H 2014 The 31st International Conference on Machine Learning Beijing, China, June 21-26, 2014 p1836


    Learned-Miller E, Huang G B, Roy C A, Li H X, Hua G 2016 Advances in Face Detection and Facial Image Analysis. 189


    Kumar N, Berg A C, Belhumeur P N, Nayar S K 2009 Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Vis. 365


    Yang M, Zhang L, Yang J, Zhang D 2013 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 1753


    Tang X, Feng G C, Cai J X 2014 Neurocomputing 402


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  • 收稿日期:  2019-02-20
  • 修回日期:  2019-07-29
  • 上网日期:  2019-10-01
  • 刊出日期:  2019-10-05

