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许炜炜 白明珠 林强 胡正珲



许炜炜, 白明珠, 林强, 胡正珲

Magnetocardiogram forward problem based on personalized three-dimensional heart-torso model

Xu Wei-Wei, Bai Ming-Zhu, Lin Qiang, Hu Zheng-Hui
  • 建立了基于有限元法(FEM)的三维心磁正问题计算框架, 以研究人体心脏电生理活动产生的磁场问题. 首先对被试的心脏和躯干磁共振影像数据源进行三维个性化建模, 获得心脏-躯干几何模型. 其次结合心脏三维模型与修正的FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN)方程研究由跨膜电位 (TMP)产生的电兴奋在心脏内部的传导. 随后利用躯干三维模型与准静态麦克斯韦方程, 研究心脏电兴奋产生的生物电磁场在体内的传播过程, 进而获得体表外的心脏磁场分布. 心磁计算框架仿真结果显示, 使用FEM的模型可以较好地模拟体表外磁场分布. 一维FHN方程和直导线的简化模型数值结果分别与解析解呈现出较好的一致性, 验证了该计算框架的可行性. 综上, 该框架成功地仿真了TMP在心脏内部的传播过程及其在体表外投影的磁场分布, 这将有助于未来心磁逆问题求解的研究.
    In order to simulate the distribution of magnetic field generated by cardiac electrophysiological activities, a three-dimensional (3D) computing framework of magnetocardiogram forward problem based on a finite element method (FEM) is proposed. First, the 3D heart-torso geometry model is established from the 3D reconstruction of magnetic resonance images. Then the modified FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN) equation combined with 3D cardiac geometry is used to investigate the propagation of transmembrane potential (TMP). In the end, quasi-static Maxwell equations and 3D torso model are used to explore the propagation of the bioelectromagnetic field produced by TMP. In our calculation, the Galerkin finite element method is used. The results show that the FEM-model can simulate extracorporeal magnetic field. Further, numerical solutions of simplified models with the one-dimensional FHN equation and the straight wire are respectively consistent with the analytical solutions, which verifies the feasibility of the computing framework. In summary, this framework successfully simulates the cardiac TMP and extracorporeal magnetic field, which may conduce to the study of magnetocardiogram inverse problem.
      通信作者: 胡正珲, zhenghui@zjut.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号: 2013CB329501)、国家自然科学基金(批准号: 81271645)和浙江省自然科学基金(批准号: LY12H18004)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Hu Zheng-Hui, zhenghui@zjut.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2013CB329501), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 81271645), and the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, China (Grant No. LY12H18004).

    李勇, 石曦, 陈伟宁 2008 中国医疗设备 23 46Google Scholar

    Li Y, Shi X, Chen W N 2008 Chin. Med. Equip. 23 46Google Scholar


    周志文, 郑宏超, 缪培智, 朱建民 2016 中国心血管杂志 21 60Google Scholar

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    张义红, 田青 2012 四川医学 33 452Google Scholar

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    Wang L M, Wong K C L , Zhang H Y, Liu H F, Shi P C 2011 IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 58 1033Google Scholar


    Dang H B, Maloof A C, Romalis M V 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 227


    何祥, 黄宇翔, 李曙光, 苏圣然, 郑文强, 胡正珲, 林强 2017 中国医学物理学杂志 34 1167Google Scholar

    He X, Huang Y X, Li S G, Shu S R, Zheng W Q, Hu Z H, Li Q 2017 Chin. J. Med. Phys. 34 1167Google Scholar


    Hodgkin A L, Huxley A F 1952 J. Physiol. 117 500Google Scholar


    Moore J W 2010 Front Comput. Neurosci. 4 20


    Schmitt O H 1969 Biological Information Processing Using the Concept of Interpenetrating Domains Information Processing in the Nervous System (New York: Springer) pp21−35


    Muler A L, Markin V S 1977 Biofizika 22 671


    Nielsen P M, Le G I, Smaill B H, Hunter P J 1991 Am. J. Physiol. 260 H1365


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    李心雅, 许亮, 杨啸林, 彭屹 2011 中国生物医学工程学报 30 240Google Scholar

    Li X Y, Xu L, Yang X F, Peng Y 2011 Chin. J. Biomed. Eng. 30 240Google Scholar


    赵莉娜 2008 硕士学位论文 (山东: 山东大学)

    Zhao L N 2008 M. S. Thesis (Shandong: Shangdong University) (in Chinese)


    江贵平, 秦文健, 周寿军, 王昌淼 2015 计算机学报 38 1222Google Scholar

    Jiang G P, Qin W J, Zhou S J, Wang C M 2015 Chin. J. Comput. 38 1222Google Scholar


    齐丽娜, 张博, 王战凯 2006 无线电工程 36 25Google Scholar

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    Aliev R R, Panfilov A V 1996 Chaos, Solitons Fractals 7 293Google Scholar


    Wang L W, Zhang H Y, Wong K C, Liu H F, Shi P C 2010 IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 57 296Google Scholar


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    寿国法 2009 博士学位论文 (杭州: 浙江大学)

    Shou G F 2009 Ph. D. Dissertation (Hangzhou: Zhejiang University) (in Chinese)


    Fischer G, Tilg B, Wach P, Lafer G, Rucker W 1998 Comput. Methods Programs Biomed. 55 99Google Scholar


    Zhang H Y, Shi P C 2006 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference Shanghai, China, January 17−18, 2006 p349


    Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor R L著 (曾攀译 ) 2008 有限元方法 (第一卷)基本原理 (北京: 清华大学出版社)

    Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor R L (translated by Zeng P) 2008 The Finite Element Method: v.1: Basic Formulation and Linear Problems (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press) p41 (in Chinese)


    Rogers J M, Mcculloch A D 1994 IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 41 743Google Scholar


    林府标, 张千宏, 张俊, 龙文 2017 应用数学 4 200

    Ling F B, Zhang Q H, Zhang J, Long W 2017 Math. Appl. 4 200


    Griffiths G, Schiesser W E 2011 Traveling Wave Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (New York: Academic Press) pp67−110


    陈自高, 张金辉 2010 河南工程学院学报(自然科学版) 22 57Google Scholar

    Cheng Z G, Zhang J H 2010 Journal of Henan Institute of Engineering 22 57Google Scholar


    Geselowitz D B 1970 IEEE Trans. Magn. 6 346Google Scholar


    Nattel S 2002 Nature 415 219Google Scholar


    李明, 张朝祥, 张树林, 陈威, 鲁丽, 王毅, 孔祥燕 2017 低温物理学报 3 4

    Li M, Zhang C X, Zhang S L, Chen W, Lu L, Wang Y, Kong X Y 2017 Chin. J. Low Temp. Phys. 3 4


    Seemann G, Keller D U J, Weiss D L, Dosse O 2008 2006 Computers in Cardiology Valencia, Spain, September 17−20, 2006 p801

  • 图 1  MRI切片的图像分割 (a) 心脏; (b) 躯干

    Fig. 1.  Image segmentation of MRI slices: (a) Heart; (b) torso

    图 2  个性化心脏-躯干三维几何模型

    Fig. 2.  Personalized three-dimensional heart-torso model.

    图 3  二阶10节点四面体单元

    Fig. 3.  The second-order tetrahedral element with 10 nodes.

    图 4  离散的心脏-躯干三维模型 (a) 心脏三维模型; (b) 心脏-躯干模型组合

    Fig. 4.  Discretized three-dimensional heart-torso model: (a) 3D cardiac model; (b) heart-torso model.

    图 5  t = 20, 40, 60时, 激发电位u的变化 实线: FHN方程数值解; 虚线: FHN方程行波解

    Fig. 5.  Evolution of excitation potential u at t = 20, 40, 60. Solid line: numerical solution of FHN equation. Dotted line: analytical solution of FHN equation.

    图 6  一个心动周期的TMP分布图 (a), (b), (c) 为去极化过程 (t = 30, 60, 90); (d), (e), (f)为复极化过程(t = 120, 150, 180)

    Fig. 6.  TMP distribution of a cardiac cycle: (a), (b), (c) Depolarization process (t = 30, 60, 90); (d), (e), (f) repolarization process (t = 120, 150, 180).

    图 7  TMP随时间变化曲线 实线: 右心室TMP变化; 虚线: 左心室TMP变化

    Fig. 7.  TMP time evolution curve, solid line: right ventricular TMP; dashed line: left ventricular TMP.

    图 8  (a) 直导线模型; (b)中轴面磁感应强度的分布, 实线: 解析解; 虚线: 数值解

    Fig. 8.  (a) Straight wire model; (b) distribution of magnetic field on the axial plane. Solid line: analytical solution; dotted line: numerical solution.

    图 9  磁场的相对误差分布

    Fig. 9.  Relative error distribution of magnetic field.

    图 10  体表外磁感应强度${{{B}}_z}$分布 (a)−(h) 模拟的心磁分布图(t = 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180);(i) 文献中的实测心磁图分布图[26]

    Fig. 10.  Extracorporeal magnetic field distribution: (a)−(h) Simulated cardiac magnetic distribution (t = 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180); (i) measured human MCG in the literature.

    表 1  FHN方程相对均方根误差RRMSE

    Table 1.  Relative root mean squared error of FHN equation.

    时间t = 20t = 40t = 60
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    李勇, 石曦, 陈伟宁 2008 中国医疗设备 23 46Google Scholar

    Li Y, Shi X, Chen W N 2008 Chin. Med. Equip. 23 46Google Scholar


    周志文, 郑宏超, 缪培智, 朱建民 2016 中国心血管杂志 21 60Google Scholar

    Zhou Z W, Zheng H C, Miao P Z, Zhu J M 2016 Chin. J. Cardiovasc. Med. 21 60Google Scholar


    张义红, 田青 2012 四川医学 33 452Google Scholar

    Zhang Y Q, Tian Q 2012 Sichuan Medical Journal 33 452Google Scholar


    Wang L M, Wong K C L , Zhang H Y, Liu H F, Shi P C 2011 IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 58 1033Google Scholar


    Dang H B, Maloof A C, Romalis M V 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 227


    何祥, 黄宇翔, 李曙光, 苏圣然, 郑文强, 胡正珲, 林强 2017 中国医学物理学杂志 34 1167Google Scholar

    He X, Huang Y X, Li S G, Shu S R, Zheng W Q, Hu Z H, Li Q 2017 Chin. J. Med. Phys. 34 1167Google Scholar


    Hodgkin A L, Huxley A F 1952 J. Physiol. 117 500Google Scholar


    Moore J W 2010 Front Comput. Neurosci. 4 20


    Schmitt O H 1969 Biological Information Processing Using the Concept of Interpenetrating Domains Information Processing in the Nervous System (New York: Springer) pp21−35


    Muler A L, Markin V S 1977 Biofizika 22 671


    Nielsen P M, Le G I, Smaill B H, Hunter P J 1991 Am. J. Physiol. 260 H1365


    Guo Y L , Heng P A , Zhang S X , Liu Z J 2005 Surg. Radiol. Anat. 27 113Google Scholar


    Xia L, Zhang Y, Zhang H G, Wei Q 2006 Physiol. Meas. 27 1125Google Scholar


    李心雅, 许亮, 杨啸林, 彭屹 2011 中国生物医学工程学报 30 240Google Scholar

    Li X Y, Xu L, Yang X F, Peng Y 2011 Chin. J. Biomed. Eng. 30 240Google Scholar


    赵莉娜 2008 硕士学位论文 (山东: 山东大学)

    Zhao L N 2008 M. S. Thesis (Shandong: Shangdong University) (in Chinese)


    江贵平, 秦文健, 周寿军, 王昌淼 2015 计算机学报 38 1222Google Scholar

    Jiang G P, Qin W J, Zhou S J, Wang C M 2015 Chin. J. Comput. 38 1222Google Scholar


    齐丽娜, 张博, 王战凯 2006 无线电工程 36 25Google Scholar

    Qi LN, Zhang B, Wang Z K 2006 Chin. Radio. Eng. 36 25Google Scholar


    Fitzhugh R 1961 Biophys. J. 1 445Google Scholar


    Siregar P, Sinteff J P, Julen N, Beux P L 1998 Comput. Biomed. Res. 31 323Google Scholar


    Aliev R R, Panfilov A V 1996 Chaos, Solitons Fractals 7 293Google Scholar


    Wang L W, Zhang H Y, Wong K C, Liu H F, Shi P C 2010 IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 57 296Google Scholar


    Scher A M , Young A C 1960 Circ. Res. 8 344Google Scholar


    寿国法 2009 博士学位论文 (杭州: 浙江大学)

    Shou G F 2009 Ph. D. Dissertation (Hangzhou: Zhejiang University) (in Chinese)


    Fischer G, Tilg B, Wach P, Lafer G, Rucker W 1998 Comput. Methods Programs Biomed. 55 99Google Scholar


    Zhang H Y, Shi P C 2006 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference Shanghai, China, January 17−18, 2006 p349


    Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor R L著 (曾攀译 ) 2008 有限元方法 (第一卷)基本原理 (北京: 清华大学出版社)

    Zienkiewicz O C, Taylor R L (translated by Zeng P) 2008 The Finite Element Method: v.1: Basic Formulation and Linear Problems (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press) p41 (in Chinese)


    Rogers J M, Mcculloch A D 1994 IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 41 743Google Scholar


    林府标, 张千宏, 张俊, 龙文 2017 应用数学 4 200

    Ling F B, Zhang Q H, Zhang J, Long W 2017 Math. Appl. 4 200


    Griffiths G, Schiesser W E 2011 Traveling Wave Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (New York: Academic Press) pp67−110


    陈自高, 张金辉 2010 河南工程学院学报(自然科学版) 22 57Google Scholar

    Cheng Z G, Zhang J H 2010 Journal of Henan Institute of Engineering 22 57Google Scholar


    Geselowitz D B 1970 IEEE Trans. Magn. 6 346Google Scholar


    Nattel S 2002 Nature 415 219Google Scholar


    李明, 张朝祥, 张树林, 陈威, 鲁丽, 王毅, 孔祥燕 2017 低温物理学报 3 4

    Li M, Zhang C X, Zhang S L, Chen W, Lu L, Wang Y, Kong X Y 2017 Chin. J. Low Temp. Phys. 3 4


    Seemann G, Keller D U J, Weiss D L, Dosse O 2008 2006 Computers in Cardiology Valencia, Spain, September 17−20, 2006 p801

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