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王兴生 马彦明 高勋 林景全



王兴生, 马彦明, 高勋, 林景全

Near infrared characteristics of air plasma induced by nanosecond laser

Wang Xing-Sheng, Ma Yan-Ming, Gao Xun, Lin Jing-Quan
  • 开展纳秒激光诱导空气等离子体近红外辐射特性的实验研究, 对波长为532 nm的脉冲ns激光诱导产生的空气等离子体的近红外光谱进行测量. 结果表明: 空气等离子体的近红外辐射在光谱范围为1100—2400 nm内由连续谱和线状谱组成, 光谱指认表明线谱主要来源于N, O原子的中性原子谱和氮分子的振动光谱. 通过对连续谱的分析得知, 黑体辐射是连续辐射的主要来源. 空气中波长1128 nm附近的辐射, 可能是N和O中性原子谱的贡献. 保持真空腔内气压不变, 改变腔内氮气和氧气气体组分含量, 分析测得的红外光谱数据, 可知混合气体中氧气和氮气含量变化只对波长为1128 nm附近的辐射有影响. 利用二元线性回归分析对数据进行分析后得知, 氧气对波长为1128 nm附近的辐射贡献较大. 最后从电离难易的角度分析造成这一结果的原因.
    The near infrared emission from laser induced air plasma has been investigated in a range of 1100–2400 nm. The infrared spectra of air plasma consist of linear spectral and continuum radiation. Most of the spectral features observed are identified, including atomic lines of O I and N I and molecular bands of N2. The spectra show trace of blackbody background emission and the plasma temperature is estimated from Planck law. We find that the continuum radiation is mainly origins mainly from the blackbody emission of plasma. There is a limitation of plasma temperature estimation by using Boltzmann method. For example, the local thermodynamic equilibrium must be satisfied, and the trend of change in plasma temperature can be estimated within a few microseconds after the laser shot. In this paper, the plasma temperature in 15 μs after laser irradiation is estimated from the Planck law, and the temperature of air plasma is estimated to be about 3900 K, which can compensate for the shortcomings of Boltzmann method. It is found that the neutral atomic spectra of N and O both may contribute to the radiation of the air plasma at 1128 nm. Then we keep the air pressure in the vacuum chamber at 80 kPa, and change the nitrogen and oxygen content in the chamber. The infrared spectrum data show that the oxygen content in the mixed gas only affect the radiation of 1128 nm wavelength. The binary linear regression analysis shows that oxygen contributes much to the radiation of 1128 nm wavelength. This can be explained by the difference in ionization potential between molecule O2 and N2. The infrared radiation intensities of the air plasma at 1128 nm under 20−80 kPa are obtained, and they are compared with the calculated results obtained with the fitting formula. The predicted value is very close to the experimental value and the relative error is negligibly at the pressure of 30−80 kPa. The study of the characteristics of infrared emission from laser induced plasma is of great significance for understanding and using the physical mechanisms of laser-matter interaction.
      通信作者: 高勋, lasercust@163.com ; 林景全, linjingquan@cust.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61575030)、吉林省自然科学基金(批准号: 20180101283JC)、吉林省教育厅项目(批准号: JJKH20190539KJ)和长春理工大学创新基金(批准号: XJJLG-2017-10)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Gao Xun, lasercust@163.com ; Lin Jing-Quan, linjingquan@cust.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61575030), the Natural Science Foundation of Jilin, China (Grant No. 20180101283JC), the Department of Education of Jilin, China (Grant No. JJKH20190539KJ), and Funds from Changchun University of Science and Technology, China (Grant No. XJJLG-2017-10)

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    El-RabiiH, Victorov S B, Yalin A P 2009 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 075203Google Scholar


    Harilal S S, Skrodzki P J, Miloshevsky A, Brumfield B E, Phillips M C, Miloshevsky G 2017 Phys. Plasmas 24 063304Google Scholar


    Radziemski L J, Cremers D A, Bostian M, Chinni R C, Navarro-northrup C 2007 Appl. Spectrosc. 61 1141Google Scholar


    Lofthus A, Krupenie P H 2009 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 6 113


    Smith D, Adams N G, Miller T M 1978 J. Chem. Phys. 69 308318


    Shneider M N, Zheltikovs A M, Miles R B 2011 Phys. Plasmas. 18 063509Google Scholar

  • 图 1  纳秒激光诱导空气等离子体近红外辐射实验装置

    Fig. 1.  Experiment setup for the near infrared emissions from ns laser-induced air plasma.

    图 2  不同能量下激光诱导空气等离子体在激光作用15 μs后测到的红外辐射光谱

    Fig. 2.  IR emissions of laser-induced air plasma varied with laser energy after 15 μs delay time.

    图 3  80 kPa气压下激光诱导空气和氮气等离子体红外辐射光谱

    Fig. 3.  IR emissions of laser-induced air and N2 plasma under 80 kPa.

    图 4  O2和N2气体不同压强比的激光诱导等离子体红外辐射光谱

    Fig. 4.  IR emissions of laser-induced plasma of mixed gas with different pressure.

    图 5  二元线性回归分析结果

    Fig. 5.  The fitting result of binary linear regression analysis.

    表 1  氮原子和氧原子的红外光谱指认

    Table 1.  Identification of the observed emission lines of NI and OI

    Speciesλ/nmAki/s–1Lower stateUpper state
    Term symbolJTerm symbolJ
    O I1128.63172.32 × 1072s22p3(4S0)3p 3P12s22p3(4S0)3d 32
    O I1128.64061.29 × 1072s22p3(4S0)3p 3P12s22p3(4S0)3d 31
    O I1128.69143.09 × 1072s22p3(4S0)3p 3P22s22p3(4S0)3d 33
    O I1128.70297.74 × 1062s22p3(4S0)3p 3P22s22p3(4S0)3d 32
    O I1128.73181.72 × 1072s22p3(4S0)3p 3P02s22p3(4S0)3d 31
    O I1129.51035.34 × 1062s22p3(4S0)3p 5P12s22p3(4S0)4s 52
    O I1129.76828.90 × 1062s22p3(4S0)3p 5P22s22p3(4S0)4s 52
    O I1130.23781.25 × 1072s22p3(4S0)3p 5P32s22p3(4S0)3d 52
    N I1129.1671.20 × 1072s22p2(3P)3p 47/22s22p2(3P)4s 4P5/2
    N I1131.3891.00 × 1072s22p2(3P)3p 45/22s22p2(3P)4s 4P3/2
    N I1132.3188.19 × 1062s22p2(3P)3p 43/22s22p2(3P)4s 4P1/2
    N I1246.12531.82 × 1072s22p2(3P)3p 23/22s22p2(3P)3d 2F5/2
    N I1246.96152.18 × 1072s22p2(3P)3p 25/22s22p2(3P)3d 2F7/2
    N I1358.13235.76 × 1062s22p2(3P)3 s 2P3/22s22p2(3P)3p 21/2
    N I1358.77106.31 × 1062s22p2(3P)3p 25/22s22p2(3P)4s 2P3/2
    N I1360.2271.07 × 1072s22p2(3P)3p 21/22s22p2(3P)3d 2D3/2
    N I1362.4181.33 × 1072s22p2(3P)3p 23/22s22p2(3P)3d 2D5/2
    N I1475.70731.06 × 1062s22p4 4P5/22s22p2(3P)3p 47/2
    N I1558.22876.5 × 1062s22p2(3P)3p 23/22s22p2(3P)4s 2P3/2
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    表 2  波长1128 nm红外光谱强度拟合公式预测值与实验值对比

    Table 2.  Comparison between predicted value and experimental value of the intensity of 1128 nm.

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    Zhong H, Karpowicz N, Zhang X C 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 261103Google Scholar


    Aspiotis J A, Barbieri N, Bernath R, Brown C G, Richardson M, Cooper B Y 2006 Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 6219 621908


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    Wu B, Kumar A 2007 J. Vac. Sci. Technol., B: Microelectron. Nanometer Struct. 25 1743Google Scholar


    Rusak D A, Castle B C, Smith B W, Winefordner J D 1997 Crit. Rev. Anal. Chem. 27 257Google Scholar


    张立文, 林晨, 辛立, 高军毅 2008 强激光与粒子束 20 1603

    Zhang L W, Chen L, Li X, Gao J Y 2008 High Power Laser Part. Beams 20 1603


    Thomson M D, Kreß M, Loffler T, Roskos H G 2007 Laser Photonics Rev. 1 349Google Scholar


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    Harilal S S, Skrodzki P J, Miloshevsky A, Brumfield B E, Phillips M C, Miloshevsky G 2017 Phys. Plasmas 24 063304Google Scholar


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  • 收稿日期:  2019-05-18
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  • 刊出日期:  2020-01-20

