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14 T全身超导MRI磁体的技术挑战 —大规模应用强场超导磁体未来十年的发展目标之一

蒋晓华 薛芃 黄伟灿 李烨


14 T全身超导MRI磁体的技术挑战 —大规模应用强场超导磁体未来十年的发展目标之一

蒋晓华, 薛芃, 黄伟灿, 李烨

Technology challenges of 14 T whole-body superconducting MRI magnets —A target of high-field superconducting magnet technology for large scale applications in next decade

Jiang Xiao-Hua, Xue Peng, Huang Wei-Can, Li Ye
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 本文首先综述了大规模应用的超导磁体, 依赖并推动铌三锡Nb3Sn导线技术进步, 向更强磁场发展的趋势. 着重分析了超高场14 T全身MRI磁体的挑战性技术. 选择青铜Nb3Sn导线, 采用Nb3Sn线圈和NbTi线圈相结合的混合结构, 对14 T全身MRI磁体进行了电磁概念设计和热稳定性及失超保护仿真分析, 并简要阐述了14 T全身MRI磁体在应力、接头和匀场方面的关键问题. 根据分析结果认为: 1) Nb3Sn导线是14 T全身MRI磁体需要面临的首要挑战性问题 —作为最佳选择的青铜Nb3Sn导线, 其现有产品的性能指标离14 T全身MRI磁体的要求尚存在有一定的差距; 2) 14 T全身MRI磁体的失超保护涉及线圈的铜超比设计、运行电流同线圈电感的协调配置、被动保护的分段策略和主动保护的失超触发控制以及主动屏蔽结构磁体在失超过程中的逸散磁场限制等多个十分复杂的环节, 是最具挑战性的综合性技术.
    This paper presents a brief review of the development trend of superconducting magnets in large scale applications towards high magnetic fields, depending on and pushing the Nb3Sn wire technics' continuous improvement. The focus is on analysis of the technology challenges of 14 T whole-body superconducting magnets. Using the Bonze Nb3Sn wires and on the base of a combination design of Nb3Sn and NbTi coils, an electromagnetic conception design of a 14 T whole-body MRI magnet is presented, and the thermal stability and quench protection are analyzed by simulations. The critical issues on stress, joints as well as shimming of 14 T whole-body superconducting magnets are also discussed. According to the results, this paper believes: 1) Nb3Sn wires are of the first important issue for 14 T whole-body superconducting magnets—the Bonze Nb3Sn wire is of the best choice but the performance specifications of the current products need to be improved further to match the requirements; 2) quench protection of 14 T whole-body superconducting magnets is one of the most complicated technics that covers design of the copper to superconductor (Cu/SC) ratio, coordination of the operating current and coil inductances, subdivisions of passive protection circuits and quench triggering control of active protection, as well as the stray field limitation during the transient process.
      通信作者: 李烨, liye1@siat.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)(批准号: XDB25000000)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Li Ye, liye1@siat.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (Grant No. XDB25000000)

    Seidel P 2015 Applied Superconductivity: Handbook on Devices and Applications (Wiley-VCH) pp448−580


    Védrine P, Yildirim A 2019 Report on Superconducting Magnet Market Study Grant Agreement 731086


    Field M B, Zhang Y, Miao H, Gerace M, Parrell J A 2014 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 24 6001105Google Scholar




    Bordini B 2019 International Conference on Magnet Technology MT-26 (Canada: Vancouver)


    Barzi E, Zlobin A V 2016 IEEE T. Nucl. Sci. 63 783Google Scholar


    Nishijima G, Matsumoto S, Hashi K, Ohki S, Goto A, Noguchi T, Iguchi S, Yanagisawa Y, Takahashi M, Maeda H, Miki T, Saito K, Tanaka R, Shimizu T 2016 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 26 4303007Google Scholar


    Iwasa Y, Bascuñán J, Hahn S, Voccio J, Kim Y, Lécrevisse T, Song J, Kajikawa K 2015 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 25 4301205


    Cosmus T C, Parizh M 2011 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 21 2104Google Scholar


    Lvovsky Y, Stautner E W, Zhang T 2013 Supercon. Sci. Tech. 26 093001Google Scholar


    Warner Rory 2016 Supercon. Sci. Tech. 29 094006Google Scholar


    Quettier L, Aubert G, Belorgey J, et al. 2020 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 30 4401705


    Liang J, Jiang X, Li H, Wei X 2009 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 19 1282Google Scholar


    Iwaki G, Nishijima G, Takahashi M, Katagiri K, Watanabe K 2006 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 16 1261Google Scholar


    Oguro H, Awaji S, Watanabe K, Sugimoto M, Tsubouchi H 2013 Supercon. Sci. Tech. 26 094002Google Scholar


    Chen J, Jiang X 2013 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 23 4701104Google Scholar


    Chen J, Jiang X 2012 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 22 4903104Google Scholar


    Vedrine P, Aubert G, Beaudet F, Belorgey J, Berriaud C, Bredy P, Donati A, Dubois O, Gilgrass G, Juster F P, Meuris C, Molinie F, Nunio F, Payn A, Schild T, Scola L, Sinanna A 2010 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 20 696Google Scholar


    蒋晓华, 韩朔 1991 电工技术学报 0 12Google Scholar


    https://www.jastec-inc.com/e_products_wire/list.html [2020-11-30]


    Sugimoto M, Katayama K, Takagi A, Shimizu H, Tsubouchi H, Awaji S, Oguro H 2018 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 28 6000105Google Scholar

  • 图 1  14 T全身MRI磁体线圈结构示意图 (a)无屏蔽; (b)主动屏蔽

    Fig. 1.  14 T whole body MRI magnet coil configurations: (a) Unshielded; (b) actively shielded.

    图 2  14 T全身MRI磁体磁场强度等值线分布 (a)无屏蔽近场; (b)主动屏蔽近场; (c)无屏蔽远场(场强单位: Gs); (d)主动屏蔽远场(场强单位: Gs)

    Fig. 2.  Magnetic field intensity contours of 14 T whole-body MRI magnet: (a) Unshielded near field; (b) actively shielded near field; (c) unshielded far field (Field intensity unit: Gs); (d) actively shielded far field (Field intensity unit: Gs)

    图 3  14 T全身MRI磁体线圈的洛伦兹力周向应力分布 (a)无屏蔽; (b)主动屏蔽

    Fig. 3.  14 T whole-body MRI magnet coil Lorentz force circumferential stress distribution: (a) Unshielded; (b) actively shielded

    图 4  14 T全身MRI磁体线圈失超仿真结果 (a)线圈电压(无屏蔽); (b)线圈电压(主动屏蔽); (c)线圈电流(无屏蔽); (d)线圈电流(主动屏蔽); (e)线圈电阻(无屏蔽); (f)线圈电阻(主动屏蔽); (g)线圈热点温度(无屏蔽); (h)线圈热点温度(主动屏蔽); (i) 失超3 s后线圈温度分布(无屏蔽); (j)失超3 s后线圈温度分布(主动屏蔽)

    Fig. 4.  Simulation results of 14 T whole-body MRI magnet during quench: (a) Voltages of the coils (unshielded); (b) voltages of the coils (actively shielded); (c) currents of the coils (unshielded); (d) currents of the coils (actively shielded); (e) resistances of the coils (unshielded); (f) resistances of the coils (actively shielded); (g) hot spot temperatures of the coils (unshielded); (f) hot spot temperatures of the coils (actively shielded); (i) temperature distributions in the coils after 3 s of quench (unshielded); (j) temperature distributions in the coils after 3 s of quench (actively shielded)

    表 1  各线圈电流密度和铜超比预设

    Table 1.  Current density and copper/superconductor ratio of each coil.

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    表 2  无屏蔽/主动屏蔽优化设计结果对比

    Table 2.  Comparison of unshielded/active shielded optimization design results.

    磁场不均匀度(ppm on 40 cm DSV)1.12.4
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    表 3  无屏蔽/主动屏蔽线圈磁场对比

    Table 3.  Comparison of unshielded/active shielded coil magnetic field.

    5 Gs线(径向m × 轴向m)21.2 × 26.611.8 × 14.8
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    表 4  无屏蔽/主动屏蔽线圈最大洛伦兹力对比

    Table 4.  Comparison of unshielded/active shielded coil maximum Lorentz force.

    补偿线圈轴向力/t, 压强/MPa–2540, –78.6–1560, –43.3
    屏蔽线圈轴向力/t, 压强/MPa1310, 20.3
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    表 5  无屏蔽/主动屏蔽线圈电感及导线长度对比

    Table 5.  Comparison of unshielded/active shielded coil inductances and wire lengths.

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    表 6  无屏蔽/主动屏蔽线圈最小失超能量对比

    Table 6.  Comparison of unshielded/active shielded coil minimum quench energy.

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  • [1]

    Seidel P 2015 Applied Superconductivity: Handbook on Devices and Applications (Wiley-VCH) pp448−580


    Védrine P, Yildirim A 2019 Report on Superconducting Magnet Market Study Grant Agreement 731086


    Field M B, Zhang Y, Miao H, Gerace M, Parrell J A 2014 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 24 6001105Google Scholar




    Bordini B 2019 International Conference on Magnet Technology MT-26 (Canada: Vancouver)


    Barzi E, Zlobin A V 2016 IEEE T. Nucl. Sci. 63 783Google Scholar


    Nishijima G, Matsumoto S, Hashi K, Ohki S, Goto A, Noguchi T, Iguchi S, Yanagisawa Y, Takahashi M, Maeda H, Miki T, Saito K, Tanaka R, Shimizu T 2016 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 26 4303007Google Scholar


    Iwasa Y, Bascuñán J, Hahn S, Voccio J, Kim Y, Lécrevisse T, Song J, Kajikawa K 2015 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 25 4301205


    Cosmus T C, Parizh M 2011 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 21 2104Google Scholar


    Lvovsky Y, Stautner E W, Zhang T 2013 Supercon. Sci. Tech. 26 093001Google Scholar


    Warner Rory 2016 Supercon. Sci. Tech. 29 094006Google Scholar


    Quettier L, Aubert G, Belorgey J, et al. 2020 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 30 4401705


    Liang J, Jiang X, Li H, Wei X 2009 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 19 1282Google Scholar


    Iwaki G, Nishijima G, Takahashi M, Katagiri K, Watanabe K 2006 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 16 1261Google Scholar


    Oguro H, Awaji S, Watanabe K, Sugimoto M, Tsubouchi H 2013 Supercon. Sci. Tech. 26 094002Google Scholar


    Chen J, Jiang X 2013 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 23 4701104Google Scholar


    Chen J, Jiang X 2012 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 22 4903104Google Scholar


    Vedrine P, Aubert G, Beaudet F, Belorgey J, Berriaud C, Bredy P, Donati A, Dubois O, Gilgrass G, Juster F P, Meuris C, Molinie F, Nunio F, Payn A, Schild T, Scola L, Sinanna A 2010 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 20 696Google Scholar


    蒋晓华, 韩朔 1991 电工技术学报 0 12Google Scholar


    https://www.jastec-inc.com/e_products_wire/list.html [2020-11-30]


    Sugimoto M, Katayama K, Takagi A, Shimizu H, Tsubouchi H, Awaji S, Oguro H 2018 IEEE T. Appl. Supercon. 28 6000105Google Scholar

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  • 收稿日期:  2020-12-02
  • 修回日期:  2020-12-22
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  • 刊出日期:  2021-01-05

