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徐琦 孙小伟 宋婷 温晓东 刘禧萱 王羿文 刘子江



徐琦, 孙小伟, 宋婷, 温晓东, 刘禧萱, 王羿文, 刘子江

Novel one-dimensional optomechanical crystal nanobeam with high optomechanical coupling rate under different defect states

Xu Qi, Sun Xiao-Wei, Song Ting, Wen Xiao-Dong, Liu Xi-Xuan, Wang Yi-Wen, Liu Zi-Jiang
  • 本文设计了一种由两侧挖孔的六棱柱单胞周期性排列而成的新型光力晶体纳米梁谐振腔, 利用有限元法计算了该结构在不同缺陷态下的带隙特性. 基于移动边界效应和光弹性效应机制, 采用一阶微扰理论并借助光力耦合系数计算法获得了光力晶体纳米梁谐振腔的光力耦合率, 同时分析了谐振腔声学模态的对称性, 并对光力耦合机制进行了探索. 研究表明: 改变缺陷数量或优化几何结构均可改善光学模式和机械模式的重叠性; 对于同种缺陷不同数量的谐振腔结构, 缺陷数量只会影响光力耦合率中移动边界效应和光弹性效应的作用方式, 而几乎不会改变其耦合率的大小. 分析具有梯度缺陷的光力晶体纳米梁谐振腔的振动模态对称性发现, 只有关于x-y, x-z, y-z平面偶对称的振动模态才能与光学模态产生强耦合, 并得到高达2.25 MHz的光力耦合率.
    Optomechanical crystals can simultaneously modulate elastic waves and electromagnetic waves as well as localizing phonons and photons to enhance the acousto-optic interaction. In this work, a new type of optomechanical crystal nanobeam cavity is designed by periodically arranging the unit cells with double holes on both sides of a hexagonal prism. Considering the moving boundary effect and the photoelastic effect as well as using the first-order electromagnetic perturbation theory and the optomechanical coupling coefficient calculation method, the optomechanical coupling rate of the structure is calculated. The result shows that the overlap between the optical mode and the mechanical mode can be improved by changing the number of defects and optimizing the geometric structure. For the nanobeam cavity structures with different numbers of the like defects, the number of defects will only affect the action mode of the moving boundary effect and photoelastic effect in the optomechanical coupling rate, but will not change the coupling rate too much. In particular, the optomechanical coupling rate of the single defect optomechanical crystal nanobeam cavity can reach –1.29 MHz, and the equivalent mass is 42.6 fg. Moreover, the designed structure is simple and easy to process and fabricate. The coupling rate of even-symmetric optomechanical crystal nanobeam cavity based on gradient defect can reach 2.25 MHz, and the coupling rate of odd symmetric structure can reach 2.18 MHz, in which the moving boundary effect is dominant. Based on the symmetry analysis of the vibration modes of the optomechanical crystal nanobeam cavity with gradient defects, it is worth noting that only the even symmetrical vibration modes of x-y, x-z and y-z can strongly couple with the optical modes. The surface density of the moving boundary effect is calculated and analyzed, and it is found that the surface density of the acoustic resonance mode with high symmetry also possesses high symmetry. However, when the surface density of the moving boundary effect in the defect state appears adjacent to each other and cancels out each other, it will destroy the coupling mode of the moving boundary effect and reduce the coupling rate, whether the symmetry is high or low. In addition, the designed optomechanical crystal nanobeam can also improve the quality factor of the resonant cavity by optimizing the defect structure while maintaining a high optomechanical coupling rate. Therefore, this research provides an effective means to find a structure with high optomechanical coupling rate, and also presents the ideas for designing the space sensors.
      通信作者: 孙小伟, sunxw_lzjtu@yeah.net
    • 基金项目: 甘肃省高等学校产业支撑计划项目(批准号: 2021CYZC-07)、甘肃省重点人才项目(批准号: 2020RCXM100)、甘肃省自然科学基金重点项目(批准号: 20JR5RA427, 20JR5RA211)、甘肃省高等学校创新基金项目(批准号: 2020A-039)和兰州市科技计划项目(批准号: 2021-1-140)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Sun Xiao-Wei, sunxw_lzjtu@yeah.net
    • Funds: Project supported by the Industrial Support and Guidance Project of Universities in Gansu Province, China (Grant No. 2021CYZC-07), the Key Talent Foundation of Gansu Province, China (Grant No. 2020RCXM100), the Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province(Grant Nos. 20JR5RA427, 20JR5RA211), the Higher Education Innovation Fund Project of Gansu Province(Grant No. 2020A-039), and the Lanzhou Science and Technology Planning Program, China (Grant No. 2021-1-140).

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    Chan J, Safavi-Naeini AH, Hill J T, Meenehan S, Painter O 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 081115Google Scholar


    Gomis-Bresco J, Navarro-Urrios D, Oudich M, El-Jallal S, Griol A, Puerto D, Chavez E, Pennec Y, Djafari-Rouhani B, Alzina F, Martinez A, Torres C M 2014 Nat. Commun. 5 4452Google Scholar


    Oudich M, El-Jallal S, Pennec Y, Djafari-Rouhani B, Gomis-Bresco J, Navarro-Urrios D, Sotomayor Torres C M, Martínez A, Makhoute A 2014 Phys. Rev. B 89 245122Google Scholar


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    Eichenfield M, Chan J, Safavi-Naeini AH, Vahala KJ, Painter O 2009 Opt. Express 17 20078Google Scholar

  • 图 1  所设计的一维六角双孔型光力晶体纳米梁谐振腔: (a)谐振腔结构; (b)光力晶体单胞; (c)不同缺陷数量谐振腔; (d)偶对称型梯度谐振腔; (e)奇对称型梯度谐振腔

    Fig. 1.  The model structures of the one-dimensional hexagonal double-hole type optomechanical crystal nanobeam cavity designed in the present work, where (a) is nanobeam cavity structure, (b) is optomechanical crystal unit cell, (c) represents the cavity with different number of defects, and (d) and (e) are the even-symmetric and odd-symmetric gradient nanobeam cavity, respectively.

    图 2  六角双孔型光力晶体能带结构: (a)声子能带结构; (b)光子能带结构; (c)声子带隙随内孔半径的改变; (d)光子带隙随内孔半径的改变; (e)无缺陷纳米梁与奇对称型谐振腔声透射谱; (f)无缺陷纳米梁与偶对称型谐振腔声透射谱

    Fig. 2.  The band structures of hexagonal double-hole type optomechanical crystal, where (a) and (b) represent the phononic and photonic band structure, respectively, (c) and (d) correspond to the change of the phononic and photonic band gap with the radius of the inner hole, and (e) and (f) are different defects acoustic transmission spectrum of optomechanical crystal nanobeam cavity.

    图 3  (a)−(f)不同缺陷数量光力晶体谐振腔的电场和位移场模态图; (g)不同缺陷数量谐振腔的光力耦合率

    Fig. 3.  The electric field and displacement field modes of optomechanical crystal cavities with different defect numbers are shown in (a) (f), and (g) is optomechanical coupling rates of nanobeam cavities with different numbers of defects.

    图 4  具有不同圆角半径的两缺陷光力晶体纳米梁及其光力耦合率

    Fig. 4.  Two-defect optomechanical crystal cavities with different fillet radii and its optomechanical coupling rates.

    图 5  几何优化谐振腔的声子能带结构: (a)偶对称谐振腔的声子能带结构, A1-L1为带隙内产生的声子缺陷模; (b)奇对称谐振腔的声子能带结构, A2-N2为带隙内产生的声子缺陷模

    Fig. 5.  Phononic band structures of the geometrically optimized nanobeam cavities, where (a) is phononic band structure of the even symmetric cavity, in which A1-L1 are the defect modes generated in phononic band gap, and (b) is phononic band structure of the odd symmetric cavity, in which A2-N2 are the defect modes generated in phononic band gap.

    图 6  几何优化偶对称谐振腔的电场和位移场模态及其光力耦合率: (a)谐振腔的位移场模态图A1-L1与电场模态图P1; (b)光力耦合率及其分量gmbgpe

    Fig. 6.  Geometrically optimize the electric field and displacement field modes of the even symmetric nanobeam cavity and optomechanical coupling rates, where (a) represents displacement field mode diagram A1-L1 and electric field mode diagram P1 of the nanobeam cavity, and (b) is optomechanical coupling rates of nanobeam cavities and its components gmb and gpe.

    图 7  几何优化奇对称谐振腔的电场和位移场模态及其光力耦合率: (a)奇数谐振腔的位移场模态图A2-N2与电场模态图P2; (b)光力耦合率及其分量gmbgpe

    Fig. 7.  Geometrically optimize the electric field and displacement field modes of the odd symmetric nanobeam cavity and optomechanical coupling rates, where (a) represents displacement field mode diagram A2-N2 and electric field mode diagram P2 of the nanobeam cavity, and (b) is optomechanical coupling rates of nanobeam cavity and its components gmb and gpe.

    图 8  偶对称型纳米梁谐振腔不同谐振频率下声子腔模${\zeta _{{\text{mb}}}}$的分布图

    Fig. 8.  The distribution diagram of the phononic cavity modes ${\zeta _{{\text{mb}}}}$ at different resonant frequencies of the even-symmetric nanobeam cavity.

    图 9  新型梯度腔光力晶体梁及其声学模态和光学模态

    Fig. 9.  A new gradient cavity optomechanical crystal nanobeam and its acoustic and optical modes.

    表 1  偶对称型谐振腔声学共振模式与光学模式的耦合率

    Table 1.  Optomechanical coupling rates of even symmetric nanobeam cavity

    gmb / Hz–1.076×105–1.805×1066.721×105–8.925×104–1.204×1053.790×105
    gpe / Hz1.130×1046.104×104–1.888×1036.130×1029.662×1037.078×104
    g0 / Hz–9.626×104–1.744×1066.532×105–8.864×104–1.108×1054.498×105
    meff / 10–17 kg2.4294.0721.6571.7196.8164.698
    gmb / Hz–1.987×106–9.336×103–1.745×1041.102×1051.028×106–2.258×103
    gpe / Hz–2.661×105–1.470×103–6.952×1031.425×1033.462×1057.341×103
    g0 / Hz–2.253×106–1.081×104–2.440×1041.116×1051.374×1065.083×103
    meff / 10–17 kg7.0862.8792.9493.3208.1153.701
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 2  奇对称型谐振腔声学共振模式与光学模式的耦合率

    Table 2.  Optomechanical coupling rates of odd symmetric nanobeam cavity

    meff /10–17 kg3.280.9911.053.652.791.410.110
    meff /10–17 kg9.161.961.890.2960.2330.2870.260
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    表 3  新型梯度腔光力晶体梁的光力耦合率

    Table 3.  Optomechanical coupling rates of a new gradient cavity optomechanical crystal nanobeam.

    f/GHzgmb/Hzgpe/Hzg0/Hzmeff /kg
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    Luo J W, Wu D W, Miao Q, Wei T L 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 054203Google Scholar


    Chan J, Alegre T P, Safavi-Naeini A H, Hill J T, Krause A, Groblacher S, Aspelmeyer M, Painter O 2011 Nature 478 89Google Scholar


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    Oudich M, El-Jallal S, Pennec Y, Djafari-Rouhani B, Gomis-Bresco J, Navarro-Urrios D, Sotomayor Torres C M, Martínez A, Makhoute A 2014 Phys. Rev. B 89 245122Google Scholar


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  • 收稿日期:  2021-05-17
  • 修回日期:  2021-06-16
  • 上网日期:  2021-08-15
  • 刊出日期:  2021-11-20

