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795 nm高温高功率垂直腔面发射激光器及原子陀螺仪应用

周寅利 贾雨棽 张星 张建伟 刘占超 宁永强 王立军


795 nm高温高功率垂直腔面发射激光器及原子陀螺仪应用

周寅利, 贾雨棽, 张星, 张建伟, 刘占超, 宁永强, 王立军

795-nm high-temperature and high-power operating vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser and application in atomic gyroscope

Zhou Yin-Li, Jia Yu-Chen, Zhang Xing, Zhang Jian-Wei, Liu Zhan-Chao, Ning Yong-Qiang, Wang Li-Jun
  • 在传统的氧化物约束型的垂直腔面发射半导体激光器中, 横向光限制主要取决于氧化层的厚度及其相对于腔内光驻波分布的位置. 通过减少外延结构中氧化层与光场驻波分布之间的重叠, 可以降低芯层与包层之间的有效折射率差, 从而减少腔内可存在的横向模的数量, 并增加横模向氧化物孔径之外的扩展. 本文利用这一原理设计并制作了一个795 nm的大氧化孔径的垂直腔面发射激光器. 器件在80 ℃下可实现4.1 mW的高功率单基模工作, 最高边模抑制比为41.68 dB, 最高正交偏振抑制比为27.46 dB. 将VCSEL作为抽运源应用于核磁共振陀螺仪系统样机中, 实验结果表面新设计的VCSEL可以满足陀螺系统的初步应用需求.
    Single-transverse mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) are preferable optical sources for small low-power atomic sensors, including chip-scale atomic clocks, magnetometers, and gyroscopes.When VCSEL is used as the pump source of nuclear magnetic resonance gyroscope, it is required to have high single-mode output power. Oxide aperture diameter must be sufficiently small (< 4 µm) in a conventional oxide-confined VCSEL to support the fundamental mode alone. However, high series resistance (typically > 200 Ω for GaAs-based VCSEL) from the small aperture limits its output power and reliability due to excessive current-induced self-heating and high current density. It is a very attractive idea to achieve high power operation of an intrinsic single mode VCSEL based on a large oxide aperture by means of epitaxial structure design without introducing additional process steps. Transverse optical confinement in oxide-confined VCSELs crucially depends on the thickness of oxide layer and its position relative to standing wave. Modifying the structure reduces the overlap between the oxide layer and the standing wave as well as the difference in effective refractive index between core and cladding of the VCSEL, thereby reducing the number of transverse modes andincreasing the mode extension beyond oxide aperture. A 795-nm VCSEL is designed and fabricated based on this concept. A cavity structure of VCSEL with gain-cavity detuning of ~10.8 nm at room temperature is adopted in this paper. The effective refractive index and the standing wave distribution of the VCSEL are calculated, and the position of the oxide layer in the epitaxial structure of the VCSEL is optimized according to the standing wave distribution. Finally, the structure with low effective refractive index difference is obtained. The proposed device achieves high single-mode operation of 4.1 mW at 80 ℃, SMSR of 41.68 dB, and OPSR of 27.4 dB. The VCSEL is applied to a nuclear magnetic resonance gyroscope (NMRG) system as pump source due to its excellent device performance, and satisfactory test results are obtained. This paper presents a new method of designing single-mode high power VCSEL and its feasibility is also demonstrated through experimental results.
      通信作者: 张星, zhangx@ciomp.ac.cn ; 刘占超, liuzhanchao@hotmail.com
    • 基金项目: 国家重点研究发展计划(批准号: 2018YFB2002400)、国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61804151, 62090060, 61874117, 11774343, 61874119)和吉林省科技发展计划项目(批准号: 20200401006GX)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Xing, zhangx@ciomp.ac.cn ; Liu Zhan-Chao, liuzhanchao@hotmail.com
    • Funds: Project supported by National Key Research and Development Program (Grant No. 2018YFB2002400), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61804151, 62090060, 61874117, 11774343, 61874119), and the Science and Technology Development Project of Jilin Province (Grant No. 20200401006GX).

    Larson A 2011 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. Electron. 17 1552Google Scholar


    Kasukawa A 2012 IEEE Photonics J. 4 642Google Scholar


    Kitching J 2018 Appl. Phys. Rev. 5 031302Google Scholar


    Knappe S, Gerginov V, Schwindt P D D, Shah V, Robinson H G, Hollberg L, Kitching J 2005 Opt. Lett. 30 2351Google Scholar


    Gruet F, Al-Samaneh A, Kroemer E, Bimboes L, Miletic D, Affolderbach C, Wahl D, Boudot R, Mileti G, Michalzik R 2013 Opt. Express 21 5781Google Scholar


    Maleev N A, Blokhin S A, Bobrov M A, et al. 2018 Gyroscopy Navig. 9 177Google Scholar


    Czyszanowski T, Dems M, Panajotov K 2007 Opt. Express 15 5604Google Scholar


    Baek J H, Song D S, Hwang I K, Lee K H, Lee Y H 2004 Opt. Express 12 859Google Scholar


    Furukawa A, Sasaki S, Hoshi M, Matsuzono A, Moritoh K, Baba T 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 5161Google Scholar


    Shi J W, Wei Z R, Chi K L, Jiang J W, Wu J M, Lu I C, Chen J, Yang Y J 2013 J. Lightwave Technol. 31 4037Google Scholar


    Shi J W, Khan Z, Horng R H, Yeh H Y, Huang C K, Liu C Y, Shi J C, Chang Y H, Yen J L, Sheu J K 2020 Opt. Lett. 45 4839Google Scholar


    Haglund A, Gustavsson J S, Vukušić J, Modh P, Larsson A 2004 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 16 368Google Scholar


    Al-Samaneh A, Sanayeh M B, Miah M J, Schwarz W, Wahl D, Kern A, Michalzik R 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 171104Google Scholar


    Gustavsson J, Haglund Å, Vukušić J, Bengtsson J, Jedrasik P, Larsson A 2005 Opt. Express 13 6626Google Scholar


    Serkland D K, Geib K M, Lutwak R, Garvey R M, Varghese M, Mescher M 2006 Proc. SPIE 6132 613208Google Scholar


    Ostermann J M, Debernardi P, Jalics C, Michalzik R 2005 IEEE J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electron. 11 107Google Scholar


    Keeler G A, Geib K M, Serkland D K, Peake G M 2007 VCSEL Polarization Control for Chip-scale Atomic Clocks. (Sandia National Laboratories)


    王阳, 崔碧峰, 房天啸 2017 光电子 7 50Google Scholar

    Wang Y, Cui B F, Fang T X 2017 Optoelectronics 7 50Google Scholar


    张建, 宁永强, 张建伟, 张星, 曾玉刚, 王立军 2014 光学精密工程 22 50Google Scholar

    Zhang J, Ning Y Q, Zhang J W, Zhang X, Zeng Y G, Wang L J 2014 Optics Precision Engineer. 22 50Google Scholar


    Zhang J W, Zhang X, Zhu H B, Zhang J, Ning Y Q, Qin L, Wang L J 2015 Opt. Express. 23 14763Google Scholar


    Li X, Zhou Y L, Zhang X, Zhang J W, Zeng Y G, Ning Y Q, Wang L J 2022 Appl. Phys. B 128 16


    Pang W, Pan G Z, Wei Q H, Hu L C, Zhao Z Z, Xie Y Y 2020 3 rd International Conference on Electron Device and Mechanical Engineering (ICEDME), Suzhou, China, 2020 p573


    赵军, 秦丽, 闫树斌, 任小红 2009 电子设计工程 17 118Google Scholar

    Zhao J, Qin L, Yan S B, Ren X H 2009 Int. Electr. Elem. 17 118Google Scholar


    Zhang J Y, Zhang J W, Zhang X, Zhou Y L, Huang Y W, Ning Y Q, Zhu H B, Zhang J, Zeng Y G, Wang L J 2021 Opt. Laser Technol. 139 106948Google Scholar


    Hadley G R 1995 Opt. Lett. 20 1483Google Scholar


    Chiang K S 1996 IEEE. Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 44 692Google Scholar


    时尧成, 戴道锌, 何赛灵 2005 光学学报 25 51Google Scholar

    Shi Y C, Dai D X, He S L 2005 Acta Optica Sinica 25 51Google Scholar


    Michalzik R 2013 Fundamentals, Technology and Applications of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (Ulm, Germany: Springer Series in Optical Sciences) p124


    Al-Samaneh A, Bou Sanayeh M, Renz S, Wahl D, Michalzik R 2011 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 23 1049Google Scholar


    Gruet F, Al-Samaneh A, Kroemer E, Bimboes L, Miletic D, Affolderback C, Wahl D, Boudot R, Mileti G, Michalzik R 2013 Optics Express 21 5781


    Chen L L, Zhou B Q, Lei G Q, Wu W F, Zhai Y Y, Wang Z, Fang J C. 2017 AIP Adv. 7 115101Google Scholar

  • 图 1  VCSEL结构图

    Fig. 1.  Schematic of VCSELs.

    图 2  (a) In0.125Al0.14Ga0.735As/Al0.3Ga0.7As量子阱在不同温度下的增益谱; (b)腔模位置增益和波长随温度变化

    Fig. 2.  (a) Gain spectra of In0.125Al0.14Ga0.735As/Al0.3Ga0.7As quantum wells at different temperatures; (b) the wavelength and gain at cavity-mode at different temperature.

    图 3  在折射率差为(a) 0.01和(b) 0.002的两个VCSEL中径向3个模式LP01, LP11, 和LP21 的分布

    Fig. 3.  (a) Distribution of LP01, LP11, and LP21 modes along the radial direction of VCSELs with (a) Δneff = 0.01 and (b) Δneff = 0.002.

    图 4  VCSEL的功率特性的光谱特性测试系统原理图

    Fig. 4.  Schematic diagram of the power and spectrum characteristic test system of VCSEL.

    图 5  器件在不同电流 (a)及不同温度(b)下的光谱特性

    Fig. 5.  Spectral characteristics of VCSELs with different injection current (a) and different temperature (b).

    图 6  VCSEL在80 ℃下不同电流下的近场光斑

    Fig. 6.  Near field patterns of VCSEL under different current at 80 ℃.

    图 7  (a) VCSEL的功率电流曲线; (b)阈值电流随温度变化

    Fig. 7.  (a) Power-current characteristics of the device; (b) threshold current varying with temperature.

    图 8  (a) VCSEL的偏振功率曲线; (b) 80 ℃, 5 mA时的偏振光谱

    Fig. 8.  (a)Optical power of VCSEL in different polarization angles at 80 ℃; (b) polarization-resolved spectrum of VCSEL at 80 ℃ and 5 mA.

    图 9  NMRG系统原理图

    Fig. 9.  Diagram of the NMRG prototype.

    图 10  采用(a)商用DBR激光器和(b)新设计VCSEL激光器作为NMRG的抽运源测得的系统FID信号

    Fig. 10.  The FID signal of the NMRG system obtain by using (a) commercial DBR laser and (b) newly designed VCSEL laser as the pump source.

    图 11  采用(a)商用DBR激光器和(b)新设计VCSEL激光器作为NMRG的抽运源测得的系统信噪比

    Fig. 11.  The signal-to-noise ratio of the NMRG system obtain by using (a) commercial DBR laser and (b) newly designed VCSEL laser as the pump source.

  • [1]

    Larson A 2011 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. Electron. 17 1552Google Scholar


    Kasukawa A 2012 IEEE Photonics J. 4 642Google Scholar


    Kitching J 2018 Appl. Phys. Rev. 5 031302Google Scholar


    Knappe S, Gerginov V, Schwindt P D D, Shah V, Robinson H G, Hollberg L, Kitching J 2005 Opt. Lett. 30 2351Google Scholar


    Gruet F, Al-Samaneh A, Kroemer E, Bimboes L, Miletic D, Affolderbach C, Wahl D, Boudot R, Mileti G, Michalzik R 2013 Opt. Express 21 5781Google Scholar


    Maleev N A, Blokhin S A, Bobrov M A, et al. 2018 Gyroscopy Navig. 9 177Google Scholar


    Czyszanowski T, Dems M, Panajotov K 2007 Opt. Express 15 5604Google Scholar


    Baek J H, Song D S, Hwang I K, Lee K H, Lee Y H 2004 Opt. Express 12 859Google Scholar


    Furukawa A, Sasaki S, Hoshi M, Matsuzono A, Moritoh K, Baba T 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 5161Google Scholar


    Shi J W, Wei Z R, Chi K L, Jiang J W, Wu J M, Lu I C, Chen J, Yang Y J 2013 J. Lightwave Technol. 31 4037Google Scholar


    Shi J W, Khan Z, Horng R H, Yeh H Y, Huang C K, Liu C Y, Shi J C, Chang Y H, Yen J L, Sheu J K 2020 Opt. Lett. 45 4839Google Scholar


    Haglund A, Gustavsson J S, Vukušić J, Modh P, Larsson A 2004 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 16 368Google Scholar


    Al-Samaneh A, Sanayeh M B, Miah M J, Schwarz W, Wahl D, Kern A, Michalzik R 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 171104Google Scholar


    Gustavsson J, Haglund Å, Vukušić J, Bengtsson J, Jedrasik P, Larsson A 2005 Opt. Express 13 6626Google Scholar


    Serkland D K, Geib K M, Lutwak R, Garvey R M, Varghese M, Mescher M 2006 Proc. SPIE 6132 613208Google Scholar


    Ostermann J M, Debernardi P, Jalics C, Michalzik R 2005 IEEE J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electron. 11 107Google Scholar


    Keeler G A, Geib K M, Serkland D K, Peake G M 2007 VCSEL Polarization Control for Chip-scale Atomic Clocks. (Sandia National Laboratories)


    王阳, 崔碧峰, 房天啸 2017 光电子 7 50Google Scholar

    Wang Y, Cui B F, Fang T X 2017 Optoelectronics 7 50Google Scholar


    张建, 宁永强, 张建伟, 张星, 曾玉刚, 王立军 2014 光学精密工程 22 50Google Scholar

    Zhang J, Ning Y Q, Zhang J W, Zhang X, Zeng Y G, Wang L J 2014 Optics Precision Engineer. 22 50Google Scholar


    Zhang J W, Zhang X, Zhu H B, Zhang J, Ning Y Q, Qin L, Wang L J 2015 Opt. Express. 23 14763Google Scholar


    Li X, Zhou Y L, Zhang X, Zhang J W, Zeng Y G, Ning Y Q, Wang L J 2022 Appl. Phys. B 128 16


    Pang W, Pan G Z, Wei Q H, Hu L C, Zhao Z Z, Xie Y Y 2020 3 rd International Conference on Electron Device and Mechanical Engineering (ICEDME), Suzhou, China, 2020 p573


    赵军, 秦丽, 闫树斌, 任小红 2009 电子设计工程 17 118Google Scholar

    Zhao J, Qin L, Yan S B, Ren X H 2009 Int. Electr. Elem. 17 118Google Scholar


    Zhang J Y, Zhang J W, Zhang X, Zhou Y L, Huang Y W, Ning Y Q, Zhu H B, Zhang J, Zeng Y G, Wang L J 2021 Opt. Laser Technol. 139 106948Google Scholar


    Hadley G R 1995 Opt. Lett. 20 1483Google Scholar


    Chiang K S 1996 IEEE. Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 44 692Google Scholar


    时尧成, 戴道锌, 何赛灵 2005 光学学报 25 51Google Scholar

    Shi Y C, Dai D X, He S L 2005 Acta Optica Sinica 25 51Google Scholar


    Michalzik R 2013 Fundamentals, Technology and Applications of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (Ulm, Germany: Springer Series in Optical Sciences) p124


    Al-Samaneh A, Bou Sanayeh M, Renz S, Wahl D, Michalzik R 2011 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 23 1049Google Scholar


    Gruet F, Al-Samaneh A, Kroemer E, Bimboes L, Miletic D, Affolderback C, Wahl D, Boudot R, Mileti G, Michalzik R 2013 Optics Express 21 5781


    Chen L L, Zhou B Q, Lei G Q, Wu W F, Zhai Y Y, Wang Z, Fang J C. 2017 AIP Adv. 7 115101Google Scholar

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  • 收稿日期:  2021-12-30
  • 修回日期:  2022-02-18
  • 上网日期:  2022-06-29
  • 刊出日期:  2022-07-05

