In recent years, biomolecular motors have received widespread attention. Biomolecular motors are biological macromolecules that convert chemical energy into mechanical energy. The biomolecular motor is only a few tens of nanometers in size. According to Brownian theory of motion, people have constructed different types of Brownian ratchet models, such as rocking ratchets and closed-loop control ratchets. In previous studies, the directional transportation of Brownian ratchet is affected by conservative forces. These conservative forces include constant force, elastic force or harmonic force. However, whether the ratchet system can produce directional motion under the action of non-conservative forces is still rarely studied. Owing to the complex environment in the organism, for the studies of two-dimensional systems, the transport behavior of molecular motor has not been fully explained. Therefore, it is more practical to study the transport of Brownian particles in a two-dimensional ratchet potential. The directional transport of two-dimensional Brownian particles subjected to conservative forces and non-conservative forces are studied in this work. It is found that the non-conservative external force has the effect of promoting the directional transport of coupling ratchets. With the change of the free length of the spring and spring coefficient, the average velocity of the coupled particles can be reversed. This means that the coupling effect can induce the inversion of two-dimensional Brownian ratchets. At the same time, the reverse transportation of coupled particles is enhanced under the interaction effect of conservative forces (spring elasticity) and non-conservative external forces. By choosing different kinds of external forces (conserved and non-conserved), in the experiment, it is possible to provide new method of separating two-dimensional coupled Brownian particles. -
- Brownian particles /
- nonconserved forces /
- mean velocity /
- flow reversal
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图 3 不同弹簧原长
$ L $ 下平均速度$ \left\langle {{V_x}} \right\rangle $ 随非保守力参数$ a $ 的变化曲线, 其中$ D = 0.1 $ ,$ k = 2 $ Fig. 3. The curves of the mean velocity
$ \left\langle {{V_x}} \right\rangle $ varying with the non-conservative force parameter$ a $ under different original length of the spring L, where$ D = 0.1 $ ,$ k = 2 $ .图 5 不同噪声强度
$ D $ 下平均速度$ \left\langle {{V_x}} \right\rangle $ 随弹簧原长$ L $ 的变化曲线, 其中$ a = 0.4 $ ,$ k = 2 $ Fig. 5. The curves of the mean velocity
$ \left\langle {{V_x}} \right\rangle $ varying with the original length of the spring$ L $ under different noise intensity$ D $ , where$ a = 0.4 $ ,$ k = 2 $ .图 8 不同非保守外力参量
$ a $ 下平均速度$ \left\langle {{V_x}} \right\rangle $ 随弹性系数$ k $ 的变化曲线, 其中$ D = 0.1 $ ,$ L = 1 $ Fig. 8. The curves of the mean velocity
$ \left\langle {{V_x}} \right\rangle $ varying with the spring coefficient$ k $ under different non-conservative force parameter$ a $ , where$ D = 0.1 $ ,$ L = 1 $ . -
[1] 舒咬根, 欧阳钟灿 2007 自然杂志 5 249
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Shu Y G, Ouyang Z C 2007 Chin. J. Nat. 5 249
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[2] 舒咬根, 欧阳钟灿 2007 物理 10 735
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Shu Y G, Ouyang Z C 2007 Physics 10 735
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National Natural Science Foundation of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2020 Chinese Subject Development Strategy · Soft Condensed Matter Physics (Part 2) (Beijing: Science Press) p1037 (in Chinese)
[4] Wu J, Zhou J, Ai B 2016 Physica A 462 864
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[5] 耿轶钊, 晏世伟 2016 物理学进展 36 157
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[7] 舒咬根 2004 博士学位论文 (厦门: 厦门大学)
Shu Y G 2004 Ph. D. Dissertation (Xiamen: Xiamen University) (in Chinese)
[8] 刘芳 2011 硕士学位论文 (秦皇岛: 燕山大学)
Liu F 2011 M. S. Thesis (Qinhuangdao: Yanshan University) (in Chinese)
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[20] 马文蔚 2008 物理学(上册) 第五版 (北京: 高等教育出版社) 第75页
[21] Tomé T 2010 Phys. Rev. E 82 021120
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[23] Ai B Q, Chen Q Y, He Y F, Li F G, Zhong W R 2013 Phys. Rev. E 88 062129
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[25] Romanczuk P, Müller F, Schimansky-Geier L 2010 Phys. Rev. E 81 061120
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[33] He Y F, Ai B Q, Dai C X 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 075001
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