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王云良 颜学庆



王云良, 颜学庆

Isolated attosecond pulse generation from the interaction of intense laser pulse with solid density plasma

Wang Yun-Liang, Yan Xue-Qing
  • 强激光与固体密度等离子体作用产生的阿秒脉冲具有强度高、脉宽短等优势, 因此吸引了很多研究者的注意. 由于超快过程的泵浦探测技术需要的是一个孤立的阿秒脉冲, 因此本文重点讨论了相对论强激光与固体密度等离子体作用产生孤立阿秒脉冲的几种物理机理. 最近的几个代表性工作表明, 强激光与固体密度等离子体作用还可以产生脉宽更短、强度更高的半周期阿秒脉冲. 半周期孤立阿秒脉冲在对原子、固体中的电子进行超快的非对称操纵或探测等方面具有重要的应用, 因此本文对半周期阿秒脉冲产生的理论机制、实验可行性、标定测量、及应用前景进行了深入的讨论.
    This article gives an overview on recent progress in the generation of isolated attosecond pulse and isolated half-cycle attosecond pulse. As an isolated attosecond pulse is preferred in the pump-probe experiments for the dynamics of electrons in atom, molecule, or solid, we focus on the isolated attosecond pulses generation from the intense laser pulses interaction with solid density plasma, which have higher intensity and narrower pulse width than that generated in the interaction of laser pulse with gas target. We have firstly discussed the physical mechanism of isolated attosecond pulse generation, such as polarization gating, two-color laser pulses, attosecond light houses, and capacitor target mechanism. In the polarization gating mechanism, we have discussed the physical mechanism that the higher-order harmonic efficiency decreases with the increase of ellipticity. Both the coherent synchrotron radiation mechanism and the relativistic oscillation mechanism can control the intensity of high-order harmonic generation by controlling ellipticity of the incident laser pulse. We also discussed other mechanism to enhance the isolated attosecond pulse bursts in detail. Secondly, we focus on the isolated half-cycle attosecond pulses, which can also be generated from the intense laser pulses interaction with solid density plasma by double foil target mechanism, gas-foil target mechanism, cascaded generation mechanism, microstructured target mechanism, and three-color laser pulse mechanism. The half-cycle attosecond pulses can be useful for probing ultrafast electron dynamics in matter via asymmetric manipulation. Accordingly we discussed the physcial mechanism, experimental feasibility, calibration measurement, and application prospect of half-cycle attosecond pulse in this article. The above mechanism can directly generate ultra-intense isolated attosecond pulses in the transmission direction without requiring extra filters and gating techniques. The dense electron sheet is crucial for the generation of intense attosecond pulses in different mechanisms, such as coherent wake emission (CWE), relativistic oscillating mirror (ROM) and coherent synchrotron emission (CSE). In this article, all the mechanism for half-cycle attosecond pulses generation can ensure only one electron sheet contributing to the transmitted radiation. We discuss the theoretical model of nanobunching of the electron sheet, which shows that the relativistic oscillation is crucial for the formation of electron sheet.
      通信作者: 王云良, ylwang@ustb.edu.cn ; 颜学庆, x.yan@pku.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11974043, 11921006)和国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项(批准号: 2019YFF01014400)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Wang Yun-Liang, ylwang@ustb.edu.cn ; Yan Xue-Qing, x.yan@pku.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11974043, 11921006) and the National Key Scientific Instrument and Equipment Development Project of China (Grant No. 2019YFF01014400)

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  • 图 1  (a)实验装置示意图; (b), (c)高次谐波辐射强度随椭偏度的变化趋势[48]

    Fig. 1.  (a) Sketch of the experimental setup; (b), (c) high-order harmonic generation varies with the ellipticity of the driven laser pulse reported in Ref. [48]

    图 2  由两块双折射晶体组成的时变椭圆度脉冲产生方案[51]

    Fig. 2.  Scheme for generating a pulse with time-varying ellipticity with quartz plate and $ \lambda/4 $ plate[51]

    图 3  非共线偏振门控方案示意图. 具有正交光轴的四分之一波片将两个具有时间延迟的线偏振激光脉冲分别转换为左旋和右旋圆偏振激光脉冲. 这些脉冲在焦点处的重叠部分形成线偏振光[52]

    Fig. 3.  Sketch of the noncollinear polarization gating method. A split quarter wave plate with orthogonal optical axes converts two delayed linearly polarized half beam pulses into left and right circularly polarized pulses. These pulses overlap at focus and create a linear gate[52]

    图 4  在不同谐波波段内, 谐波产生效率与驱动激光椭偏度的关系[54]

    Fig. 4.  Harmonic generation efficiency varies with the driving laser ellipticity for different harmonic ranges[54]

    图 5  (a)单色和双色驱动激光脉冲的波形; (b)单色和(c)双色驱动激光脉冲两种情况下产生的阿秒脉冲对比[69]

    Fig. 5.  (a) Temporal intensity of one color and two color laser pulses; (b), (c) generated attosecond pulses for two cases[69]

    图 6  飞秒激光的脉冲前沿倾斜和波前旋转的物理机理示意图[70]

    Fig. 6.  Pulse-front tilt and wave-front rotation in the chirped-pulse-amplification laser[70]

    图 7  相对论振荡镜模型下, 不同波前旋转角速度对应的阿秒脉冲空间分离效果[70]

    Fig. 7.  Results of the relativistic oscillating mirror model for the attosecond lighthouse effect with different rotation velocity[70]

    图 8  孤立阿秒脉冲产生的电容器靶方案 (a)电容器靶的充电过程; (b)电容器靶的放电过程[15]

    Fig. 8.  Scheme of a single attosecond pulse generation by an intense laser irradiating a capacitor-nanofoil target: (a) Formation of relativistic flying electrons sheets from first target; (b) relativistic electron sheet from the second target for enhanced coherent synchrotron emission of attosecond pulse[15].

    图 9  激光斜入射双靶产生阿秒脉冲方案示意图

    Fig. 9.  Scheme of attosecond pulse generation for the laser oblique irradiating double target

    图 10  (a)实验测得辐射谱, NSF表示正入射单靶, OSF表示斜入射单靶, NDF表示正入射双靶, ODF表示斜入射双靶; (b)用厚度为50 nm的铝膜进行滤波的谱, 这里只给出了不同靶条件下相对振幅的大小; (c)离轴与轴上的谐波强度之比, 用$ 50\, {\rm nm} $斜入射单靶的数据进行了归一化[84]

    Fig. 10.  (a) Experimental spectra in the range of 18–400 eV. (b) Spectra are recorded behind a $50\; {\rm nm}$ Al filter without calibration. They give only relative amplitudes for different target geometry, but not the actual shape of the spectra. (c) Ratio of off-axis to on-axis intensity, normalized to the case of OSF at 50 nm[84]

    图 11  多周期激光入射气体-固体组合靶产生半周期阿秒脉冲机制[85]

    Fig. 11.  Scheme of half-cycle attosecond pulse emission and detection for relativistic multi-cycle laser pulse irradiating gas-foil target[85]

    图 12  半周期阿秒脉冲的产生机制 (a)—(d)电子片的形成过程及相应的阿秒脉冲辐射的级联过程; (e)电子密度的时空演化图[86]

    Fig. 12.  Generation mechanism of a sub-10 as half-cycle pulse: (a)–(d) Formation of the electron sheets and the attosecond pulse generation step by step; (e) spatial-temporal evolution of the electron density[86]

    图 13  强激光与三层微结构靶作用产生阿秒脉冲的示意图[88]

    Fig. 13.  Schematic of an attosecond pulse (AP) generated by the interaction of intense laser pulse with a microstructured foil[88]

    图 14  (a)双色激光合成脉冲的波形; (b)透射方向产生的半周期阿秒脉冲的电场波形; (c)阿秒脉冲强度分布波形, 脉宽为$5\; {\rm as}$; (d)电子数密度的时空演化过程. 图中电子片B用绿色点线标出, 电子片A和C用蓝色点线标出[88]

    Fig. 14.  (a) Spatial profile of normalized electric field of the driving two-color laser pulses; (b) normalized electric field of an attosecond pulse in transmission direction; (c) attosecond pulse has a FWHM of about $5\; {\rm as}$; (d) spatiotemporal evolution of the normalized electron number density. The trajectory of electron sheet B is marked by a green dotted line and the trajectory of electron sheets A and C are represented by blue dotted lines[88]

    图 15  (a)电子密度的时空演化图; (b)三色激光合成脉冲的波形; (c)产生的半周期阿秒脉冲, 脉宽为7 as[16]

    Fig. 15.  (a) Spatiotemporal evolution of the normalized electron number density; (b) waveform of the normalized electric field from the three-color laser pulses before it interacts with the foil; (c) generated half-cycle attosecond pulse in the transmission direction. The left inset shows a unipolar profile and the right inset shows a close-up of the attosecond pulse having a FWHM of about 7 as[16]

    图 16  从理论模型得到的$x\text{-}t$平面上的电子轨迹 (a)电子片会聚的理论模型结果; (b)电子片发散的理论模型结果[16]

    Fig. 16.  Electron trajectory in the $x\text{-}t$ plane from the analytical model: (a) Nanobunching model for explaining the convergence mechanism of electrons; (b) model for explaining the divergence mechanism of electron nanobunch[16]

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    汪洋, 刘煜, 吴成印 2022 物理学报 71 234205Google Scholar

    Wang Y, Liu Y, Wu C Y 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 234205Google Scholar


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  • 收稿日期:  2022-11-26
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