目前国内外关于SI模型空间格局的研究大多数局限在自扩散以及系统参数对斑图模式的影响, 而关于交叉扩散对空间格局的演化机理研究成果较少. 本文建立了一个具有自扩散和交叉扩散的空间流行病模型, 研究了在有无自扩散驱动系统不稳定的情况下, 交叉扩散对SI模型的稳定性、稳定速度以及斑图结构的影响. 研究发现, 在无自扩散驱动系统不稳定的情况下, 引入交叉扩散能够激发Turing斑图的产生; 在自扩散驱动系统不稳定的情况下, 交叉扩散可以实现斑图结构的改变; 对于SI 模型的稳定速度, 不论有无自扩散驱动系统不稳定, 交叉扩散都影响了其到达稳定所需时间, 且在不同的交叉扩散系数下, 所需时间也不同. 因此, 交叉扩散对于SI模型的稳定性、稳定速度、斑图结构都有重要的影响.Currently, most of researches on the spatial patterns of the SI model focus on the influences of self-diffusion and system parameters on pattern formation, but only a few studies involve how cross-diffusion influences the evolution of spatial patterns. In this paper, we establish a spatial epidemic model that considers both self-diffusion and cross-diffusion and investigate the effects of cross-diffusion on the stability, the rate of stability, and the pattern structure of the SI model with or without self-diffusion-driven system instability. The stability of the non-diffusive system is analyzed, and the conditions for Turing instability in the presence of diffusion terms are elucidated. It is found that when the system is stable under self-diffusion-driven conditions, the introduction of cross-diffusion can change the system's local stability, and produce Turing patterns as well. Furthermore, different cross-diffusion coefficients can generate patterns with different structures. When the system is unstable under self-diffusion-driven conditions, the introduction of cross-diffusion can change the pattern structure. Specifically, when the cross-diffusion coefficient
$D_1$ for the susceptible individuals is negative, the pattern structure is transformed from spot-stripe patterns into spot patterns, and when it is positive, the pattern structureturns from spot-stripe patterns into labyrinthine patterns, and eventually into a uniform solid color distribution. When the cross-diffusion coefficient$D_2$ for the infected individuals is positive, the pattern transformation is similar to when the cross-diffusion coefficient$D_1$ for susceptible individuals is negative, the pattern graduallychanges into spot patterns. When$D_2$ is negative, the pattern structure exhibits a porous structure, eventually it is transformed into a uniform solid color distribution. Regarding the rate of stability of the SI model, in the case of a stable self-diffusion system, the introduction of cross-diffusion may change the rate of system stability, and the larger the cross-diffusion coefficient$D_1$ for the susceptible individuals, the faster the system stabilizes. When the self-diffusion-driven system is unstable, the cross-diffusion causes the system to change from an unstable state into a locally stable state, and the smaller the susceptible individuals' cross-diffusion coefficient, the slower the rate of system stabilization is. Therefore, cross-diffusion has a significantinfluence on the stability, the rate of stability, and the pattern structure of the SI model.-
- Turing instability /
- nonlinear incidence rate /
- cross diffusion /
- Turing pattern
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图 4 不同取值的交叉扩散系数$D_1$的色散关系曲线及空间格局 (a)色散关系曲线; (b)$D_1$= 0; (c)$D_1=-0.2$; (d) $D_1=-1$; (e)$D_1=1$; (f)$D_1=3.5$
Fig. 4. Dispersion relationship curves and spatial patterns of cross diffusion coefficients $D_1$ with different values: (a) Dispersion relationship curve; (b)$D_1=0$; (c)$D_1=-0.2$; (d)$D_1=-1$; (e)$D_1=1$; (f)$D_1=3.5$
图 5 不同取值的交叉扩散系数$D_2$的色散关系曲线及空间格局 (a)色散关系曲线; (b)$D_2=0$; (c)$D_2=0.5$; (d)$D_2=1$;(e)$D_2=-1$; (f)$D_2=-2$
Fig. 5. Dispersion relationship curves and spatial patterns of cross diffusion coefficients $D_2$ with different values: (a) Dispersion relationship curve; (b)$D_2=0$; (c)$D_2=0.5$; (d)$D_2=1$; (e)$D_1=-1$; (f)$D_1=-2$
[1] Turing A M 1952 Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London, Ser. B 2 37
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[2] Capone F, Carfora M F, De Luca R, Torcicollo I 2019 Math. Comput. Simul. 165 172
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[3] Ali I, Saleem M T 2023 Mathematics 11 1459
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[4] Hu J, Zhu L, Peng M 2022 Inf. Sci. 596 501
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[6] Sun G Q, Jin Z, Liu Q X, Li L 2007 J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2007 P11011
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[7] 刘若琪, 贾萌萌, 范伟丽, 贺亚峰, 刘富成 2022 物理学报 71 248201
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Liu R Q, Jia M M, Fan W L, He Y F, Liu F C 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 248201
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[8] 张荣培, 王震, 王语, 韩子健 2018 物理学报 67 050503
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