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First-principles study on chemisorption of Cl on γ-TiAl(111) surface

Wu Xiao-Xia Wang Qian-En Wang Fu-He Zhou Yun-Song


First-principles study on chemisorption of Cl on γ-TiAl(111) surface

Wu Xiao-Xia, Wang Qian-En, Wang Fu-He, Zhou Yun-Song
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  • The chemisorption of Cl atoms on the γ-TiAl(111) surface is investigated by density functional theory. The calculated results show that the more stable sites for Cl atoms adsorption are the surface face-centred cubic (fcc) sites and the surface hexagonal close-packed (hcp) sites. When the coverage of Cl is less than 1 monolayer (ML), Cl atoms prefer the adsorption site with more Ti atoms as its nearest neighbors on the surface layer. From the analysis of the electronic structures, it can be found that the bonds formed by Cl and metal atoms are mainly ionic and directional. When Cl and O atoms are co-adsorbed on γ-TiAl(111) surface, both of them prefer the fcc and hcp sites. As a result, there is a competition between them. Furthermore, the adsorption energy per oxygen atom is increased by the adsorption of Cl atoms, which indicates that interactions between oxgen and metal atoms are weakened by the adsorption of Cl atoms on γ-TiAl(111) surface. This may be one of the reasons why the oxidation resistance of γ-TiAl can be improved by chlorine treatment.

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    Froes F H, Suryanarayana C, Eliezer D 1992 J. Mater. Sci. 27 5113


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    Yoshihara M, Miura K 1995 Intermetallics 3 357


    Li H, Wang S Q, Ye H Q 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58S 224 (in Chinese)[李 虹、王绍青、叶恒强 2009 物理学报 224] 〖9] Dai Y B, Shu D, Sun B D, Wang J, Zhu G L 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 204 (in Chinese)[戴永兵、疏 达、孙宝德、王 俊、祝国梁 2009 物理学报 58 204]


    Wang X J, Chang H W, Lei M K 2001 Acta Metall. Sin. 37 810 (in Chinese)[王兴军、常海威、雷明凯 2001 金属学报 37 810]


    Dang H L, Wang C Y, Yu T 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 2838 (in Chinese)[党宏丽、王崇愚、于 涛 2007 物理学报 56 2838]


    Liang W, Zhao X G 2001 Scripta. Mater. 44 1049


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    Schutze M, Hald M 1997 Mater. Sci. Engng. A 239—240 847


    Donchey A, Gleeson B, Schutze M 2003 Intermetallics 11 387


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    Benedek R, van de Walle A, Gerstl S A, Asta M, Seidman D N 2005 Phys. Rev. B 71 094201


    Neugebauer J, Scheffler M 1992 Phys. Rev. B 46 10667


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    Gong H R 2009 Intermetallics 17 562


    Liu S Y, Wang F H, Zhou Y S, Shang J X 2007 J. Phys.: Condens Matter 19 226004


    Wang F H, Liu S Y, Shang J X, Zhou Y S, Li Z Y, Yang J L 2008 Surf. Sci. 602 2212


    Leung T C, Kao C L, Su W S, Feng Y J, Chan C T 2003 Phys. Rev. B 68 195408


    Liu S Y, Shang J X, Wang F H, Zhang Y 2009 Phys. Rev. B 79 075419

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  • Received Date:  30 September 2009
  • Accepted Date:  01 February 2010
  • Published Online:  05 May 2010

