The anti-collision theory of adaptive Q algorithm and radio frequency identification(RFID) communication timing sequence were analyzed. Then a Markov chain model for simulating multi-tag identification process was established based on the following three definitions. The definitions are identifying efficiency, identifying speed and data state(Q, n), where n is the total remanent tag number, and Q is the slot count. The identifying efficiency and speed were obtained from the model using Monte Carlo statistical method. A software-defined radio program was built to simulate the collision of RFID which could quantify the identifying efficiency and speed effectively. The consistency of model simulation result and test data proves the validity of the model and test method.
- radio frequency identification /
- anti-collision test /
- Markov chain /
- slot-count
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[1] Dobkin D M 2007 The RF in RFID:Passive UHF RFID in Practice (New York: Elsevier) p422
[2] Xu H, Son L 2007 Proc. of the 9th ICACT Beijing, China, Feb. 12—14, 2007 p94
[3] 1619
[4] Shih D H, Sun P L, Yen D C, Huang S M 2006 Computer Communications 29 2150
[5] Liu L, Yan D, Lai X, Lai S L 2008 The 4th ICCSC Shanghai, China, May 26—28, 2008 p559
[6] Maguire Y, Pappu R 2009 IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering 6 16
[7] Piramuthu S 2008 Journal of Information & Knowledge Management 7 9
[8] Tao C, Li J 2007 Proc. of the 9th ICACT Beijing, China, Feb. 12—14, 2007 p697
[9] Sohraby K, Mahmoud D, Wang C G, Li B 2009 IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications 8 2592
[10] Bonuccelli M A, Lonetti F, Martelli F 2006 Proc. of the Int. Symp. on WoWMoM'06 New York, USA, July 10—12, 2006 p608
[11] ISO/IEC WD 18000-6REV1: Part 6:Parameters for air interface communications at 860MHz to 960Mhz ver1 2007
[12] Hou Z G, He Y G, Li B, She K, Zhu Y Q 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 5606 (in Chinese) [侯周国、 何怡刚、 李 兵、 佘 开、 朱彦卿 2010 物理学报 59 5606]
[13] Tong Q, Zou X, Liu D, Dai Y 2007 Proc. of the 3rd WiCOM2007 Shanghai, China, Sep. 21—25, 2007 p2054
[14] Zhao Z J, Zheng S L, Xu C Y, Kong X Z 2007 Chin. Phys. 16
[15] Eom J B, Lee T L 2007 The International Symp. on Comm. and inform. Tech. Sydney, Australia, Oct. 17—19, 2007 p1027
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