The signal transmission and measurement method of the passive UHF radio-frequency identification(RFID) system are discussed in this paper. Part of tags communication performance which conforms with the ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C was obtained by using the software-defined radio test platform. The received power by the platform changes with the communication parameters. Sensitivity of different tags was tested. All experiments were conducted under normal conditions.The measurement results show that the small Tari, half duty cycle (PW) and higher modulation index in baseband signal encoding allow the RFID system to receive larger power, also the RFID system to have larger read range.
- RFID /
- passive tag /
- sensitivity /
- performance test
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[1] Kim D, Ingram M A, Smith W W 2003 IEEE Trans . Antennas Propag . 51 1740
[2] Dobkin D M, Weigand S M 2005 IEEE Microw. Symp. Digest Long Beach,CA JUN 2005 1 135
[3] Aroor S R , Deavours D D 2007 IEEE Systems J. 1 168
[4] Nikitin P V , Rao K V S 2006 Proc. IEEE Antennas and Propag. Society Int. Symp. Albuquerque,NM July 2006 1 1011
[5] Nikitin P V, Rao K V S 2009 IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 56 2374
[6] Niu X X,Yang Y X 2000 Software Defined Radio Technology and Application (Beijing: Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Press) p15(in Chinese)[钮心昕、杨义先 2000 软件无线电技术与应用(北京:北京邮电大学出版社) 第15页] 〖7] Liu C,Zhang S J,Xie L,Zhu N H 2005 Acta Phys . sin. 54 2606(in Chinese)[刘 超、张尚剑、谢 亮、祝宁华 2005 物理学报 54 2606]
[7] Vita G D, Iannaccone G 2005 IEEE Trans . Microw. Theory Tech. 53 2978
[8] Tang Z J, He Y G 2009 Acta Phys. sin. 58 5126(in Chinese)[唐志军、何怡刚 2009 物理学报 58 5126]
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