Double-bubble ultrasonic cavitation dynamic differential equation obtained from superposition principle is normalized. MATLAB is used to analyse the effects of bubble linearity, double-bubble distance, sound frequency, sound pressure amplitude on cavitation process. Bifrequency ultrasound is introduced into the equation under discussion in this article. The calculation results show that bubble linearity is a main factor, which determines cavitation characteristics. The effect of sound pressure is strongest, and the frequency effect is the next strongest. Double bubble interactions affect cavitation characteristics to a certain extent, which reduces with distance increasing. Bifrequency ultrasound has a limited effect on cavitation characteristics, and it turns biggest when two component pressure amplitudes are equal.
- ultrasonic cavitation /
- double bubble /
- bifrequency ultrasound
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[1] Shima A 1997 Shock Waves 7 33
[2] Rayleigh L 1917 Phil. Mag. 34 94
[3] Plesset M S 1949 Appl. Mech. 16 228
[4] Qian M L, Cheng Q, Ge G Y 2002 Acta Acustica 4 289 (in Chinese) [钱梦绿、程 茜、葛曹燕 2002 声学学报 4 289]
[5] Chen Q, Zou X Y, Cheng J C 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 6476 (in Chinese) [陈 谦、邹欣晔、程建春 2006 物理学报 55 6476]
[6] Zhang X M, Zhou C Y, Islam Shans, Liu J Q 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 8406 (in Chinese) [张新明、周超英、Islam Shans、刘家琦 2009 物理学报 58 8406]
[7] Nam Y, Wu J, Warrier G 2009 Journal of Heat Transfer 131 1
[8] Shima A 1971 J. Basic Engng. Trans. ASME 93 426
[9] Fujikawa S, Takahira H 1986 Acustica 61 188
[10] Pu Z Q, Zhang W, Shi K R, Zhang J H, Wu Y L 2005 Journal of Tsinghua University 11 1450 (in Chinese) [蒲中奇、张 伟、施克仁、张俊华、吴玉林 2005 清华大学学报 11 1450]
[11] Liang Z, Dai Y F, Cheng L J 1998 Journal of Hydrodynamics 1 28 (in Chinese) [梁 柱、戴勇峰、程良骏 1998 水动力学研究与进展 1 28]
[12] Wu X M, Yin C F, Li C 2005 Chin. Phys. 14 999
[13] Hu Y, Ge Y, Zhang D, Zhang H R, Gong X F 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 4746 (in Chinese) [胡 艺、葛 云、章 东、郑海荣、龚秀芬 2009 物理学报 58 4746]
[14] Liang B, Zhu Z M, Cheng J C 2006 Chin. Phys. 15 412
[15] Zhang P L, Lin S Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 7797 (in Chinese) [张鹏利、林书玉 2009 物理学报 58 7797]
[16] Prosperetti A 1984 Ultrasonics 23 68
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