The pressure propagation in high velocity compaction process is simulated based on the discrete element method in this paper. Because the full process is divided into elastic loading, plastic deformation and elastic unloading, the governing equations are established in three stages respectively. With the help of computing software PFC2D, the impacting force through different layers of powders can be obtained, which cannot be observed in experiment. The simulation results show obviously a delay phenomenon and serrate waves with different gradients in loading and unloading processes. Finally, the simulated low-level stress waves are compared with available experimental data, which are consistent with each other.
- high velocity compaction /
- discrete element method /
- contact model /
- stress waves
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[1] Skoglund P 2001 The International Conference on Power Transmission Components (Ypsilanti: Metal Powder Industries Federation) p16
[2] [3] Azhdar B, Stenberg B, Kari L 2006 Polymer Test. 25 114
[4] Guo S J, Chi Y, Meng F, Yang X 2006 Mater. Sci. Eng. Powder Metall. 11 41 (in Chinese) [果世驹、迟 悦、孟 飞、杨 霞 2006 粉末冶金材料科学与工程 11 41]
[5] [6] [7] Yi M J, Yin H Q, Qu X H, Wang J Z, Yuan X J 2009 Powder Metall. Technol. 27 207 (in Chinese) [易明军、尹海青、曲选辉、王建忠、原现杰 2009 粉末冶金技术 27 207]
[8] [9] Sun Q C, Wang G Q 2009 Mechanical Introduction on Granular Materials (Beijing: Science Press) p15 (in Chinese)[孙其诚、王光谦 2009 颗粒物质力学导论 (北京:科学出版社) 第15页]
[10] Wu C Y, Thornton C, Li L Y 2003 Adv. Powder Technol. 14 435
[11] [12] Matuttis H G, Luding S, Herrmann H J 2000 Powder Technol. 109 278
[13] [14] [15] Mindlin R D, Deresiewicz H 1953 J. Appl. Mech. 19 327
[16] [17] Wang Y J, Xing J B 1991 Discrete Element Method and Application for Geomechanics (Shenyang: Northeastern University Press) p63 (in Chinese) [王泳嘉、邢纪波 1991 离散单元法及其在岩土力学研究中的应用 (沈阳: 东北工学院出版社) 第63页]
[18] Azhdar B, Stenberg B, Kari L 2006 Polymer Test. 25 1069
[19] [20] Wang J Z, Yin H Q, Qu X H, Johnson J L 2009 Powder Technol. 195 184
[21] [22] [23] Chen Z H 1994 Rare Metal Mater. Eng. 33 2 (in Chinese) [陈振华 1994 稀有金属材料与工程 33 2]
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