In order to realize nanometer-scale absolute distance measurements based on Fabry-Pérot interferometry for long-range displacement measurement of the moving coil in Joule balance, the acousto-optic frequency shifter (AOFS) in double-pass configuration is presented, and a tunable frequency difference in a range of 200 MHz is achieved. The focus length of the lens is determined by analyzing the relationship of the tradeoff between the AOFS modulation bandwidth and its diffraction efficiencies; the beam spot of the first-order diffraction beam is guaranteed by accurately positioning the focused beam according to the distribution of the zero-order diffraction beam spot. The experimental single-pass and double-pass peak diffraction efficiency of the AOFS are 79.54% and 61.41%, respectively; the tunable frequency difference of 440-640 MHz, which is twice the single-pass modulation bandwidth output of 220-320 MHz, is obtained by the beat note between the incident beam and the first-order diffraction beam of the double-pass AOFS, and has a good signal-to-noise ratio. Theoretical analysis shows that a folded Fabry-Pérot cavity length displacement of about 53 mm can be measured through the tunable frequency difference achieved by means of double-pass AOFS.
- Fabry-Pérot interferometry /
- acousto-optic frequency shifter /
- double-pass configuration /
- tunable frequency difference
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[20] Chang I C 1976 IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics January 1976 23 p2
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[1] Wang X H, Hou J D, Chen X Z, Yang D H, Wang Y Q 2000 Acta Opt. Sin. 20 1441 (in Chinese) [王晓辉, 侯继东, 陈徐宗, 杨东海, 王义遒 2000 光学学报 20 1441]
[2] Wang X H, Chen X Z, Hou J D, Yang D H, Wang Y Q 2000 Acta Phys. Sin. 49 85 (in Chinese) [王晓辉, 陈徐宗, 侯继东, 杨东海, 王义遒 2000 物理学报 49 85]
[3] Donley E A, Heavner T P, Levi F, Tataw M O, Jefferts S R 2005 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76 063112
[4] Wei D, Chen H X, Xiong D Z, Zhang J 2006 Acta Phys. Sin.55 6342 (in Chinese) [卫栋, 陈海霞, 熊德智, 张靖 2006 物理学报 55 6342]
[5] Cornelussen R A, Huussen T N, Spreeuw R J C, van Linden, van den Heuvell H B 2004 Appl. Phys. B 78 19
[6] Gunawardena M, Hess P W, Strait J, Majumder P K 2008 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79 103110
[7] Park Y, Cho K 2011 Opt. Lett. 36 331
[8] Pan Z W, Mi B, Zhang B 1999 Piezoelectrics & Acousto Optics 21 337 (in Chinese) [潘珍吾, 米斌, 张斌 1999 压电与声光 21 337]
[9] Xiong Z Y, Yao Z W, Wang L, Li R B, Wang J, Zhan M S 2011 Acta Phys. Sin.60 113201 (in Chinese) [熊宗元, 姚战伟, 王玲, 李润兵, 王谨, 詹明生 2011 物理学报 60 113201]
[10] Haitjema H, Schellekens P H J, Wetzels S F C L 2000 Metrologia 37 25
[11] Cheng X H, Zhao Y, Li D C 1999 Laser Technology 23 134 (in Chinese) [程晓辉, 赵洋, 李达成 1999 激光技术 23 134]
[12] Yu Z Q, Xu Y X, Xu Y, Xu J 2000 Optical Technique 26 199 (in Chinese) [余载泉, 徐毓娴, 徐毅, 许婕 2000 光学技术 26 199]
[13] Ma J C, Li Y, Sun W K, Xu J 2008 Acta Opt. Sin. 28 1296 (in Chinese) [马骥驰, 李岩, 孙文科, 许婕 2008 光学学报 28 1296]
[14] Bay Z 1971 Natl. Bur. Stand. (U.S.) Spec. Publ. 343 59
[15] Dunn T J, Lee T M, Jain K 1996 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 14 3960
[16] Lawall J R 2005 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 22 2786
[17] Han B, Zhang Z H, He Q, Li Z K, Li C 2010 Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument 31 1435 (in Chinese) [韩冰, 张钟华, 贺青, 李正坤, 李辰 2010 仪器仪表学报 31 1435]
[18] Zhang L Q, Li Y, Liu Z 2010 Proceeding of IEEE Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements, Dajeon, Korea, June 13-18, 2010 p10
[19] Yariv A, Yeh P (Translated by Yu R J, Jin F) 1991 Optical Waves in Crystals: Propagation and Control of Laser Radiation (Beijing: Science Press) pp321-330 (in Chinese) 亚里夫, 叶著 于荣金, 金锋译 1991 晶体中的光波: 激光的控制与传播 (北京: 科学出版社) 第321-330页
[20] Chang I C 1976 IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics January 1976 23 p2
[21] Eddie H Y, J R, Yao S K 1981 Proc. IEEE January 1981 69 p54
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