(Zr,V)N thin films with different V contents were deposited by reactive unbalanced magnetron sputtering. Their chemical composition, microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties were investigated by EDS, XRD, XPS, nanoindentation and tribometer. The results indicated that the fcc crystal structure of ZrN has not been changed by adding vanadium added, but the preferential orientation of films change from (200) to (111). As the V contents increased, the hardness of (Zr,V)N thin films decreased slowly after increased slightly, and decreased rapidly when V contents increased over 25.8 at.%. With increasing V contents, the coefficient of friction of (Zr,V)N thin films decreased slightly. The V2O3 was firstly found in the film of (Zr,V)N at 300 ℃ and when the temperature was increased over 500 ℃, the presence of V2O5 was found. Moreover, with the increase of the temperature the content of V2O5 increased, and the coefficient of friction of films decreased with the formation of V2O5.
- (Zr,V)N thin film /
- microstructure /
- mechanical properties /
- tribological properties
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[14] Mayrhofer P, Hovsepian P E, Mitterer C, Mnz W D 2004 Surf. Coat. Technol 177 341
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[1] Yu L H, Ma B Y, Xu J H 2012 Acta Metallurgica Sinica 48 469 (in Chinese) [喻利花, 马冰洋, 许俊华 2012 金属学报 48 469]
[2] Yu L H, Xue A J, Dong S T, Xu J H 2010 Transactions Of Materials And Heat Treatment 31 (in Chinese) [喻利花, 薛安俊, 董松涛, 许俊华 2010 材料热处理学报 31]
[3] Jin S Q, Dong S T, You J F, Yu L H, Xu J H 2009 Heat Treatment Of Metals 34 5 (in Chinese) [靳树强, 董松涛, 尤建飞, 喻利花, 许俊华 2009 金属热处理 34 5]
[4] Kelesoglu E, Mitterer C, Kazmanli M K, Urgen M 1999 Surf Coat Tech 16 133
[5] Wu D, Zhang Z, Fu W, Fan X, Guo H 1997 Appl. Phys. a-Mater 64 593
[6] Sue J A, Chang T P 1995 Surf Coat Tech 76 61
[7] Sakamoto I, Maruno S, Jin P 1993 Thin Solid Films 228 169
[8] Grigore E, Ruset C, Li X, Dong H 2010 Surf Coat Tech 204 2006
[9] Hovsepian P E, Luo Q, Robinson G, Pittman M, Howarth M, Doerwald D, Tietema R, Sim W, Deeming A, Zeus T 2006 Surf. Coat. Technol 201 265
[10] Luo Q 2011 Wear 271 2058
[11] Glaser A, Surnev S, Netzer F, Fateh N, Fontalvo G, Mitterer C 2007 Surf. Sci. 601 1153
[12] Hovsepian P E, Lewis D, Luo Q, Mnz W D, Mayrhofer P, Mitterer C, Zhou Z, Rainforth W 2005 Thin Solid Films 485 160
[13] Xu J H, Cao J, Yu L H 2012 Acta Metallurgica Sinica 48(5) 555 (in Chinese) [许俊华, 曹峻, 喻利花 2012 金属学报 48(4) 555]
[14] Mayrhofer P, Hovsepian P E, Mitterer C, Mnz W D 2004 Surf. Coat. Technol 177 341
[15] Zhou Z, Rainforth W, Lewis D, Creasy S, Forsyth J, Clegg F, Ehiasarian A, Hovespian P E, Mnz W D 2004 Surf. Coat. Technol 177 198
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