Land-surface albedo reflects the ability that land surface reflects solar radiation and plays a very important role in surface energy balance. By picking 10 different underlying surfaces including bare soil, cropland and grassland, the differences in the diurnal variation of land surface radiation and energy processes over North China are investigated using the data measured during July and September, 2008, provided by the Experimental Co-observation and Integral Research in Semi-arid and Arid Regions over North China, the characteristic of land-surface albedo and the response to precipitation are analyzed, and the relationships between land-surface albedo and solar altitude angle and soil humidity are studied. According to the average albedo, the sequence of albedo over all the underlying surfaces are arid meadow in the northeast of China>alpine meadow in the northwest of China>oasis farmland in the northwest>natural vegetation on the Loess Plateau>semi-arid meadow in the northeast of China>farmland in the northeast of China>fruit bearing forest in the northeast of China. And the albedo is smaller when the precipitation is much while it is bigger when the precipitation is less on the whole. The diurnal variation curves of albedo have three types: symmetric type, bigger in the morning and smaller in the noon and afternoon, biggest in the afternoon and smallest in the morning. In the selected 6 stations, the valley of albedo basically occurs on rainy days and the peak occurs on days which are not rainy but have strong solar radiation. The land-surface albedo decreases with the solar altitude angle increasing and tends to remain when the solar altitude angle is bigger than 40°. The land-surface albedo decreases obviously with soil moisture increasing in Yuzhong and farmland of Tongyu, then the grassland of Tongyu. And the land-surface albedos of Maqu, Miyun, Jinzhou have no significant change with the soil moisture.
- North China /
- albedo /
- solar altitude angle /
- soil moisture
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[14] Li H Y, Zhang Q, Shi J S, Zhao J H, Wang S 2010 Acta Meteorol. Sin. 70 1137 (in Chinese) [李宏宇, 张强, 史晋森, 赵建华, 王胜 2010 气象学报 70 1137]
[15] Zhang Q, Zeng J, Zhang L Y 2012 Sci. China 42 1385 (in Chinese) [张强, 曾剑, 张立阳 2012 中国科学 42 1385]
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[17] Zeng J, Shen J, Zhang Q 2010 Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions 2 288
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[21] Zhang Q, Huang R H 2004 Boundary-layer Meteorology 110 471
[22] Li H Y, Zhang Q, Wang S 2010 Advances in Earth Science 25 1070 (in Chinese) [李宏宇, 张强, 王胜 2010 地球科学进展 25 1070]
[23] Wang S, Zhang Q, Zhang H 2008 J. Desert Res. 28 119 (in Chinese) [王胜, 张强, 张鸿 2008 中国沙漠 28 119]
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[25] Zhang Q, Wang S, Wei G A 2003 Chin. J. Geophys. 46 616 (in Chinese) [张强, 王胜, 卫国安 2003 地球物理学报 46 616]
[1] Li H Q, Guo W D, Sun G D, Zhang Y C 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 019201 (in Chinese) [李红祺, 郭维栋, 孙国栋, 张耀存2011 物理学报 60 019201]
[2] Ma J Y, Liang H, Luo Y, Li S K 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 069601 (in Chinese) [马金玉, 梁宏, 罗勇, 李世奎2011 物理学报 60 069601]
[3] Wang S, Zhang Q 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 059203 (in Chinese) [王胜, 张强 2011 物理学报 60 059203]
[4] Yue P, Zhang Q, Niu S J, Wang R Y, Sun X Y, Wang S 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 219201 (in Chinese) [岳平, 张强, 牛生杰, 王润元, 孙旭映, 王胜 2012 物理学报 61 219201]
[5] Yue P, Zhang Q, Li Y H, Wang R Y, Wang S, Sun X Y 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 099202 (in Chinese) [岳平, 张强, 李耀辉, 王润元, 王胜, 孙旭映 2013 物理学报 62 099202]
[6] Zuo D K, Zhou Y H 1991 A Study on the Earth Surface Radiation (Beijing: Science Press) p37 (in Chinese) [左大康, 周允华 1991 地球表层辐射研究 (北京:科学出版社) 第37页]
[7] Sun S F 2005 Physical, Biochemical Mechanism and Parametric Models in Land Surface Process (Beijing: Meteorological Press) p1 (in Chinese) [孙菽芬 2005 陆面过程的物理、生化机理和参数化模型 (北京: 气象出版社) 第1页]
[8] Hu Y Q, Zhang Q 2002 Advance in Earth Sciences 16 18 (in Chinese) [胡隐樵, 张强 2002 地球科学进展 16 18]
[9] Fan L J, Dong W J 2002 Plateau Meteorology 21 309 (in Chinese) [范丽军, 董文杰 2002 高原气象 21 309]
[10] Liu H Z, Tu G, Dong W J 2008 Chin. Sci. Bull. 53 1220 (in Chinese) [刘辉志, 涂钢, 董文杰 2008 科学通报 53 1220]
[11] Zhang Q, Huang R H 2004 Bound Layer Met 110 471
[12] Sun J, Hu Z Y, Xun X Y, Peng W, L B, Xu L J 2011 Plateau Meteorology 30 607 (in Chinese) [孙俊, 胡泽勇, 荀学义, 彭雯, 吕斌, 徐丽娇 2011 高原气象 30 607]
[13] Yue P, Zhang Q, Zhao W, Wang J S, Wang R Y, Yao Y B, Wang S, Hao X C, Yang F L, Wang R A 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 209201 (in Chinese) [岳平, 张强, 赵文, 王劲松, 王润元, 姚玉壁, 王胜, 郝小翠, 阳伏林, 王若安 2013 物理学报 62 209201]
[14] Li H Y, Zhang Q, Shi J S, Zhao J H, Wang S 2010 Acta Meteorol. Sin. 70 1137 (in Chinese) [李宏宇, 张强, 史晋森, 赵建华, 王胜 2010 气象学报 70 1137]
[15] Zhang Q, Zeng J, Zhang L Y 2012 Sci. China 42 1385 (in Chinese) [张强, 曾剑, 张立阳 2012 中国科学 42 1385]
[16] Zeng J, Zhang Q, Wang S 2010 Proceeding of the 27th Annual Meeting of Chinsese Meterologicrl Society: Symposium on Atmosphere-land Interaction in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions Beijing, Octomber 21-23 2010 (in Chinese) [曾剑, 张强, 王胜 2010 第27届中国气象学会年会干旱半干旱区地气相互作用分会场论文集 北京, 10月21–23日, 2010]
[17] Zeng J, Shen J, Zhang Q 2010 Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions 2 288
[18] Zeng J, Zhang Q, Wang S 2011 Chin. J. Atmosph. Sci. 35 483 (in Chinese) [曾剑, 张强, 王胜 2011 大气科学 35 483]
[19] Li Y, Hu Z Y 2006 Plateau Meteorology 25 1034 (in Chinese) [李英, 胡泽勇 2006 高原气象 25 1034]
[20] Dvoracek M J, Hannabas B 1990 Visions of the Future, Proceedings of the Third National Irrigation Symposium Held in Conjunction with the 11th Annual International Irrigation Exposition Phoenix, USA, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 1990
[21] Zhang Q, Huang R H 2004 Boundary-layer Meteorology 110 471
[22] Li H Y, Zhang Q, Wang S 2010 Advances in Earth Science 25 1070 (in Chinese) [李宏宇, 张强, 王胜 2010 地球科学进展 25 1070]
[23] Wang S, Zhang Q, Zhang H 2008 J. Desert Res. 28 119 (in Chinese) [王胜, 张强, 张鸿 2008 中国沙漠 28 119]
[24] Wen L J, L S H, Chen S Q, Meng X H, Li S S, Ao Y H 2009 Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica 30 953 (in Chinese) [文莉娟, 吕世华, 陈世强, 孟宪红, 李锁锁, 奥银焕 2009 太阳能学报 30 953]
[25] Zhang Q, Wang S, Wei G A 2003 Chin. J. Geophys. 46 616 (in Chinese) [张强, 王胜, 卫国安 2003 地球物理学报 46 616]
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