Single-domain GdBCO bulk superconductor (20 mm in diameter) has been fabricated by a top-seeding infiltration and growth (TSIG) mathod, it has a new solid phase of [(1-x)(Gd2O3+1.2BaCuO2) + x Ni2O3] (where x =0, 0.02, 0.06, 0.10, 0.14, 0.18, 0.30, 0.50 wt%). Effect of Ni2O3 additions on the growth morphology, microstructure, critical temperature Tc, magnetic levitation force, and trapped flux of single-domain GdBCO bulks have been investigated. Results show that the single-domain GdBCO bulk can be gained when x is in the range of 0-0.50 wt%; and the Gd211 particles are not affected by the Ni2O3 doping in the samples. The Tc of the samples decrease from 92.5 K (x=0 wt%) to 86.5 K (x=0.50 wt%) when x increases from 0 to 0.50 wt%, which is caused by the substitution of Ni3+ for Cu2 +. Both of the levitation force and trapped field of the samples increase first and then decrease with the increase of x; the largest levitation force of 34.2 N is obtained for the samples with x=0.14 wt%, and the largest trapped field of 0.354 T is obtained for the samples with x=0.10 wt%. The change of the levitation force and trapped field of the samples is closely related to the doping content x. As is known, the doping of Ni2O3 can result in substitution of Ni3+ for Cu2+ at its site in GdBCO crystals, which can reduce the critical temperature Tc of the samples; although Tc and the physical properties of the samples is reduced with the increase in the doping amount of Ni2O3, but at the same time, the substitutions of Ni3 + for Cu2 + in GdBCO crystals can produce local lattice distortions, which can act as magnetic flux pinning centers to improve the properties of the samples. The highest Tc is obtained in the samples without any Ni2O3 additions (x=0), but the magnetic flux pinning force of the samples is weak, so both of the levitation force and trapped field of the samples are relatively lower. When the doping content x ≤ 0.14 wt%, although the Tc is reduced slightly, it still has a value higher than 90 K; and the magnetic flux pinning force in the samples, due to the substitutions of Ni3+ for Cu2 +, would increase with the increase of doping content x, and result in an enhancement of levitation force and trapped field. When the doping content x is greater than 0.14 wt%, the magnetic flux pinning force of the samples is still increasing with the increase of x, but the Tc of the sample is significantly reduced and even less than 90 K, and finally result in an decrease of levitation force and trapped field. Only when the doping amount of Ni2O3 is appropriate, both of Tc and magnetic flux pinning force are of a relative optimal value, and lead to an enhancement of levitation force and trapped field.
- single-domain GdBCO bulk superconductors /
- top-seeding infiltration and growth /
- new solid phase /
- Ni2O3 doping
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[1] Hari Babu N, Iida K, Cardwell D A 2006 Physica C 445-448 353
[2] Yang W M, Zhou L, Feng Y, Zhang P X, Chao X X, Bian X B, Zhu S H, Wu X L, Liu P 2006 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 19 S537
[3] Li G Z, Yang W M 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 047401 (in Chinese) [李国政, 杨万民 2011 物理学报 60 047401]
[4] Yang W M, Zhi X, Chen S L, Wang M, Li J W, Ma J, Chao X X 2014 Physica C 496 1
[5] Kim Y, No K, Han Y H, Kim C J, Jun B H, Lee S Y, Youn J S, Sung T H 2011 Cryogenics 51 247
[6] Hari Babu N, Iida K, Cardwell D A 2007 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 20 S141
[7] Sha J J, Yao Z W, Yu J N, Yu G, Luo J H, Wen H H, Yang W L, Li S L 2000 Acta Phys. Sin. 49 1356 (in Chinese) [沙建军, 姚仲文, 郁金南, 郁刚, 罗金汉, 闻海虎, 杨万里, 李世亮 2000 物理学报 49 1356]
[8] Wang M, Yang W M, Zhang X J, Tang Y N, Wang G F 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 196102 (in Chinese) [王妙, 杨万民, 张晓菊, 唐艳妮, 王高峰 2012 物理学报 61 196102]
[9] Wang M, Yang W M, M J, Tang Y N, Zhang X J, Wang G F 2012 Sci. Sin.-Phys. Mech. Astron. 42 346 (in Chinese) [王妙, 杨万民, 马俊, 唐艳妮, 张晓菊, 王高峰 2012 中国科学: 物理学力学天文学 42 346]
[10] Li P L, Wang Y Y, Tian Y T, Wang J, Niu X L, Wang J X, Wang D D, Wang X X 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 3484
[11] Zhou Y X, Lo W, Tang T B, Salama K 2002 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 15 722
[12] Shlyk L, Krabbes G, Fuchs G 2003 Physica C 390 325
[13] Nariki S, Seo S J, Sakai N, Murakami M 2000 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 13 778
[14] Yang W M, Chao X X, Shu Z B, Zhu S H, Wu X L, Bian X B, Liu P 2005 Chinese Journal of Low Temperature Physics 27 944 (in Chinese) [杨万民, 钞曦旭, 舒志兵, 朱思华, 武晓亮, 边小兵, 刘鹏 2005 低温物理学报 27 944]
[15] Yang W M, Feng Y, Zhou L, Zhang P X, Wu M Z, Chen S K, Wu X Z, Gawalek W 1999 Physica C 319 164
[16] Yang W M, Chao X X, Shu Z B, Zhu S H, Wu X L, Bian X B, Liu P 2006 Physica C 445-448 347
[17] Hu A, Sakai N, Ogasawara K, Murakami M 2002 Physica C 366 157
[18] Zhou D F, Xu K, Hara S, Li B Z, Izumi M 2013 Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 23 2042
[19] Zhou Y X, Scruggs S, Salama K 2006 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 19 S556
[20] Li P L, Cao G X, Deng D M, Cao S X, Zhang J C 2003 Chinese Journal of Low Temperature Physics 25 81 (in Chinese) [李平林, 曹桂新, 邓冬梅, 曹世勋, 张金仓 2003 低温物理学报 25 81]
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