Relationship between secondary electron yield (SEY) and electron incident angle has been measured for a polyimide sample. SEY as a function of incident angle at different incident electron energy is measured by use of a system with a single pulsed electron beam and a special surface charge neutralization technology based on the negatively biased collector. Measured results show that the SEY may deviate from the traditional law of monotonic increase with the incident angle when the angle is higher than a certain critical value. This deviation is even more obvious at lower incident electron energy. The critical incident angle decreases with decreasing incident energy. A theoretical analysis on the deviation is given in a simplified electron elastic scattering process. The distribution of the scattering region has an important effect on the relation of SEY versus incident angles. A sector region is introduced to describe the electron scattering region. Due to the limit of sample surface, the electron scattering region will decrease if the angle between the incident direction and the sample surface is smaller than half of the central angle of the sector. Corresponding SEY might no longer increase. Based on the Rutherford’s elastic scattering formula, a formula for the critical incident angle is derived as a function of incident electron energy, which is also confirmed by our measurement results. Finally, a revised SEY computation formula is developed which can give more accurate results at high incident electron angle.
- secondary electron yield /
- incident angle /
- polyimide /
- electron scattering
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[1] Liang T, Makita Y, Kimura S 2001 Polymer 42 4867
[2] Zhang Q P, Wen L, Xiang W W, Zeng H J, He L W, Chu J R 2011 Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 31 114 (in Chinese) [张秋萍, 文莉, 向伟玮, 曾洪江, 何利文, 褚家如 2011 真空科学与技术学报 31 114]
[3] Fujii H, Okumura T, Takahashi M 2014 Electr. Eng. Jpn. 188 9
[4] Molinie P, Dessante P, Hanna R, Paulmier T, Dirassen B, Belhaj M, Payan D, Balcon N 2012 IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul. 19 1215
[5] Griseri V, Perrin C, Laurent C 2009 J. Electrost. 67 400
[6] Cao S Z, Chen X K, Wang X Y, Han C, Yang J P 2013 Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 33 751 (in Chinese) [曹生珠, 陈学康, 王熙元, 韩闯, 杨建平 2013 真空科学与技术学报 33 751]
[7] Lanzerotti L J, Breglia C, Maurer D W, Johnson G K, Maclennan C G 1998 Advances in Space Research 22 79
[8] Nagasawa K, Honjoh M, Miyake H, Watanabe R, Tanaka Y, Takada T 2010 IEEJ Trans. Electr. Electron. Eng. 5 410
[9] Insepov Z, Ivanov V, Frisch H 2010 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B 268 3315
[10] Dapor M, Ciappa M, Fichtner W 2010 J. Micro-Nanolithogr. MEMS MOEMS 9 023001
[11] Chang T H, Zheng J R 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 241401 (in Chinese) [常天海, 郑俊荣 2012 物理学报 61 241401]
[12] Schwarz S A 1990 J. Appl. Phys. 68 2382
[13] Weng M, Cao M, Zhao H J, Zhang H B 2014 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85 036108
[14] Weng M, Cao M, Zhao H J, Zhang H B 2014 Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 34 1262 (in Chinese) [翁明, 曹猛, 赵红娟, 张海波 2014 真空科学与技术学报 34 1262]
[15] Shih A, Hor C 1993 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 40 824
[16] Kirby R E, King F K 2001 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A 469 1
[17] Suharyanto, Yamano Y, Kobayashi S, Michizono S, Saito Y 2007 IEEE Trns. Dielectr. Electr. Insul. 14 620
[18] Yang W J, Li Y D, Liu C L 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 087901 (in Chinese) [杨文晋, 李永东, 刘纯亮 2013 物理学报 62 087901]
[19] Balcon N, Payan D, Belhaj M, Tondu T, Inguimbert V 2012 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 40 282
[20] Cui Z 2009 Micro-nanofabrication Technologies and Applications 2nd Edition (Beijing:Higher Education Press) pp130-136 (in Chinese) [崔铮 2009 微纳米加工技术及其应用 第 2 版(北京:高等教育出版社)第130-136页]
[21] Yang F J 1985 Atomic Physics (Shanghai:Shanghai Science and Technology Press) pp16-18 (in Chinese) [杨福家 1985 原子物理学(上海:上海科技出版社) 第16-18页]
[22] Lin Y H, Joy D C 2005 Surf. Interface Anal. 37 895
[23] Chen Y, Kouno T, Toyoda K, Cho M G 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 152101
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