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All-optical broadcast ultra-wideband signal source based on semiconductor fiber ring laser

Zhao Zan-Shan Li Pei-Li


All-optical broadcast ultra-wideband signal source based on semiconductor fiber ring laser

Zhao Zan-Shan, Li Pei-Li
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  • A novel scheme for all-optical ultra-wideband signal source based on semiconductor fiber ring laser (SFRL) is proposed, in which three monocycle signals can be generated simultaneously. The effect of the bias current of the semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) in the SFRL, the wavelength of the lasing light, the power and the wavelength of input signal light on the performance of the monocycle signals are analyzed through numerical simulation. The results show that the output monocycle pulses with better symmetry can be obtained when the bias current of SOA is in a range of 200−220 mA. The average power, the amplitude of the positive and negative pulses of the output monocycle pulses increase as the wavelength of the lasing light increases. A better performance of the monocycle pulses can be obtained under lower input signal optical power. The wavelength of the input signal light has a little effect on the output monocycle pulses.
      Corresponding author: Zhao Zan-Shan,

    Aiello G R, Rogerson G D 2003 IEEE Microw. Mag. 4 36Google Scholar


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    Chen H W, Chen M H, Wang T L, Li M, Xie S Z 2008 J. Lightwave Technol. 26 2492Google Scholar


    Dong J J, Zhang X L, Zhang Y, Huang D X 2008 Electron. Lett. 44 1083Google Scholar


    Zhang W W, Sun J Q, Wang J, Cheng C, Zhang X L 2009 IEEE Photonic Tech. L. 21 271Google Scholar


    Hu Z F, Sun J Q, Shao J, Zhang X L 2010 IEEE Photonic. Tech. L. 22 42


    Wang J, Sun Q Z, Sun J Q, Zhang W W 2009 Opt. Express 17 3521Google Scholar


    Wu T H, Wu J, Chiu Y J 2010 Opt. Express 18 3379Google Scholar


    Zhang W, Chen X Q, Chai J, Huang Y N 2016 15th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks Hangzhou, China, September 24−27, 2016 p1


    Mu H Q, Wang M G, Jian S S 2016 15th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks Hangzhou, China, September 24−27, 2016 pp1


    Dong J J, Fu S N, Shum P, Zhang X L 2007 6th International Conference on Information, Communications & Signal Processing Singapore, December 10-13, 2007 p1


    Zeng F, Yao J 2006 IEEE Photonic Tech. L. 18 823Google Scholar


    Zeng F, Wang Q, Yao J 2007 Electron. Lett. 43 119Google Scholar


    Dong J J, Zhang X L, Xu J, Huang D X, Fu S N, Shum P 2008 Optical Fiber Communication/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference San Diego, California, United States, February 24–28, 2008 p1


    Velanas P, Bogris A, Argyris A, Dimitris Syvridis 2008 J. Lightwave Technol. 26 3269


    Wang F, Dong J J, Xu E M, Zhang X L 2010 Opt. Express 18 24588Google Scholar


    Dong J J, Zhang X L, Xu J, et al. 2007 Opt. Express 32 2158


    TorresCompany, Víctor, Prince K, Monroy I T 2008 IEEE Photonic. Tech. L. 20 1299Google Scholar


    Zhao Z S, Li P L, Zheng J J, et al. 2012 Optoelectr. Lett. 8 89Google Scholar


    Zhang Y, Zhao M, Ma X L, et al. 2015 Optik 126 340


    Zhang F Z, Wu J, Fu S N, et al. 2010 Opt. Express 18 15870Google Scholar


    Sujit B, Hong Y H, Paul S, et al. 2004 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 21 1023Google Scholar


    Hong Y H, Spencer P S, Shore K A 2004 IEEE J. Quantum Electronics 40 152Google Scholar


    Chow K K, Shu C, Mak M W K, et al. 2004 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. 10 1197Google Scholar

  • 图 1  基于SFRL全光广播UWB信号源的结构示意图

    Figure 1.  The structure of all-optical UWB broadcast signal source based on SFRL.

    图 2  基于SFRL全光广播式monocycle信号源的输出 (a), (b), (c) 激射光波长分别为1538, 1540, 1542 nm对应的时域波形; (d), (e), (f)激射光波长分别为 1538, 1540, 1542 nm对应的功率谱

    Figure 2.  The output of all-optical broadcast monocycle signal source based on SFRL: The waveform of monocycle signals when the lasing light wavelength of 1538 nm (a), 1540 nm (b), 1542 nm (c); the power spectrum of monocycle signals when the lasing light wavelengthof 1538 nm (d), 1540 nm (e), 1542 nm (f).

    图 3  (a)注入电流为200 mA时波长-增益系数曲线; (b)在SOA输出端激射光1−3路的增益-时间曲线

    Figure 3.  (a) Wavelength-gain coefficient curve with 200 mA SOA bias current; (b) the gain-time curve of monocycle 1−3 at the SOA output.

    图 4  不同SOA注入电流输出的monocycle波形和功率谱 (a) I = 180 mA, (b) I = 210 mA, (c) I = 240 mA输出的monocycle波形; (d) I = 180 mA, (e) I = 210 mA, (f) I = 240 mA输出的monocycle功率谱

    Figure 4.  The waveform and the power spectrum of monocycle with different SOA bias current: The waveform when I = 180 mA (a), I = 210 mA (b), I = 240 mA (c); the power spectrum when I = 180 mA (d) I = 210 mA (e), I = 240 mA (f).

    图 5  输入信号功率对输出monocycles信号性能的影响 (a)不同输入信号功率情况下输出monocycle信号的中心频率和–10 dB频率带宽曲线; (b)输入功率为–10 dBm时输出的monocycle信号时域波形; (c)输入功率为–10 dBm时输出的monocycle信号功率谱; (d)输入光功率为–4 dBm时输出的monocycle信号时域波形; (e)输入光功率为–4 dBm时输出的monocycle信号功率谱

    Figure 5.  The effect of input signal power on the performance of the output monocycle signals: (a) The curve of center frequency and –10 dB frequency bandwidth width different input signal powers; (b) the monocycle signal waveform when input signal power is –10 dBm; (c) the power spectrum when input signal power is –10 dBm; (d) the monocycle signal waveform when input signal power is –4 dBm; (e) the power spectrum when input signal power is –4 dBm.

    图 6  (a)不同输入信号光波长情况下中心频率和–10 dB频率带宽曲线; (b)输入信号光波长1530 nm时输出的monocycle信号时域波形; (c)输入信号光波长1530 nm时输出的monocycle信号功率谱; (d)输入信号光波长为1550 nm时输出的monocycle信号时域波形; (e)输入信号光波长为1550 nm时输出的monocycle信号功率谱

    Figure 6.  (a) Curve of center frequency and –10 dB frequency bandwidth width different input signal wavelength; (b) monocycle signal waveform when input signal wavelength is 1530 nm; (c) power spectrum when input signal wavelength is 1530 nm; (d) monocycle signal waveform when input signal wavelength is 1550 nm; (e) power spectrum when input signal wavelength is 1550 nm.

    表 1  计算采用的参数值

    Table 1.  Parameters used in the mode.

    有源区长度L/10–4 m5.5
    有源区宽度w/10–6 m3.3
    有源区厚度d/10–7 m1.5
    非辐射符合系统${c_1}$/108 s–11.5
    双分子复合系数${c_2}$/10–16 m3·s–12.5
    Auger复合系数${c_3}$/10–40 m6·s–11.5
    饱和功率${P_{{\rm{sat}}}}$/10–2 W1.0
    有源区损耗${\alpha _{{\rm{in}}}}$/104 m–11.4
    涂覆层损耗${\alpha _{\rm{c}}}$/103 m–12.0
    散射损耗${\alpha _{\rm{c}}}$/103 m–11.0
    导带中电子有效质量mc/10–32 kg4.1
    价带中电子有效质量mhh/10–31 kg4.19
    价带中空穴有效质量mlh/10–33 kg5.06
    不包含两个耦合器耦合比的所有损耗${\varepsilon _1}$0.4
    ASE谱的起始波长${\lambda _1}$/10–6 m1.40
    ASE谱的结束波长${\lambda _{\rm{m}}}$/10–6 m1.60
    群速度${\nu _{\rm{g}}}$/107 m·s–17.5
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    Aiello G R, Rogerson G D 2003 IEEE Microw. Mag. 4 36Google Scholar


    Wang Q, Zeng F, Blais S, Yao J P 2006 Opt. Lett. 31 3083Google Scholar


    Wang Q, Yao J P 2007 Opt. Express 15 14667Google Scholar


    Huang H, Xu K, Li J Q, Wu J, Hong X B, Lin J T 2008 J. Lightwave Technol. 26 2635Google Scholar


    Dridi K, Hamam H 2008 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing & Communications Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 24−27, 2008 p1167


    Chen H W, Chen M H, Wang T L, Li M, Xie S Z 2008 J. Lightwave Technol. 26 2492Google Scholar


    Dong J J, Zhang X L, Zhang Y, Huang D X 2008 Electron. Lett. 44 1083Google Scholar


    Zhang W W, Sun J Q, Wang J, Cheng C, Zhang X L 2009 IEEE Photonic Tech. L. 21 271Google Scholar


    Hu Z F, Sun J Q, Shao J, Zhang X L 2010 IEEE Photonic. Tech. L. 22 42


    Wang J, Sun Q Z, Sun J Q, Zhang W W 2009 Opt. Express 17 3521Google Scholar


    Wu T H, Wu J, Chiu Y J 2010 Opt. Express 18 3379Google Scholar


    Zhang W, Chen X Q, Chai J, Huang Y N 2016 15th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks Hangzhou, China, September 24−27, 2016 p1


    Mu H Q, Wang M G, Jian S S 2016 15th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks Hangzhou, China, September 24−27, 2016 pp1


    Dong J J, Fu S N, Shum P, Zhang X L 2007 6th International Conference on Information, Communications & Signal Processing Singapore, December 10-13, 2007 p1


    Zeng F, Yao J 2006 IEEE Photonic Tech. L. 18 823Google Scholar


    Zeng F, Wang Q, Yao J 2007 Electron. Lett. 43 119Google Scholar


    Dong J J, Zhang X L, Xu J, Huang D X, Fu S N, Shum P 2008 Optical Fiber Communication/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference San Diego, California, United States, February 24–28, 2008 p1


    Velanas P, Bogris A, Argyris A, Dimitris Syvridis 2008 J. Lightwave Technol. 26 3269


    Wang F, Dong J J, Xu E M, Zhang X L 2010 Opt. Express 18 24588Google Scholar


    Dong J J, Zhang X L, Xu J, et al. 2007 Opt. Express 32 2158


    TorresCompany, Víctor, Prince K, Monroy I T 2008 IEEE Photonic. Tech. L. 20 1299Google Scholar


    Zhao Z S, Li P L, Zheng J J, et al. 2012 Optoelectr. Lett. 8 89Google Scholar


    Zhang Y, Zhao M, Ma X L, et al. 2015 Optik 126 340


    Zhang F Z, Wu J, Fu S N, et al. 2010 Opt. Express 18 15870Google Scholar


    Sujit B, Hong Y H, Paul S, et al. 2004 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 21 1023Google Scholar


    Hong Y H, Spencer P S, Shore K A 2004 IEEE J. Quantum Electronics 40 152Google Scholar


    Chow K K, Shu C, Mak M W K, et al. 2004 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. 10 1197Google Scholar

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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  29 December 2018
  • Accepted Date:  08 April 2019
  • Available Online:  01 July 2019
  • Published Online:  20 July 2019

