In recent years, high-energy single-axial-mode Q-switched lasers have been widely studied and applied because of their wide applications such as in nonlinear optics, laser spectroscopy and light detection and ranging (LIDAR). Many applications require a Q-switched pulse that has not only single axial mode but also can be synchronized with an external system. But two most commonly used methods (the build-up time reducing technique and ramp fire technique) are difficult to achieve single-axial mode operation. In this work, we apply the ramp-hold-fire technique to an injection-seeded Nd:YAG laser. The slave oscillator is a self-filtering unstable resonator (SFUR). The SFUR oscillator can achieve a smooth spatial profile TEM00 transverse mode. An RTP electro-optical crystal is adopted for intracavity phase modulator to modify the effective optical path length of the slave oscillator cavity. The seed-injection locking is realized by the ramp-hold-fire technique. The laser driver generates a pumping pulse. After a suitable time delay the driver is fired, a linear ramp voltage is applied to the RTP crystal. A photodiode detector monitors the interference signal. As soon as the interference peak is detected, the controlling electronics produces a stop signal. The ramp voltage on the RTP crystal is stopped and held at a fixed value. Then the Q-switch is fired at a set time, and finally single axial mode laser is demonstrated. Combining the advantages of intracavity phase modulation and Q-switch exact synchronization of the ramp hold fire technique, we obtain a narrow linewidth single-axial-mode laser pulse with precisely controllable output time. The laser is capable of generating 1064 nm pulse energy large than 50 mJ. The pulse build-up time is reduced by 31 ns to 48 ns. The pulse firing time is precisely controlled with jitter less than 1%. Then the frequency spectrum of the 1064 nm laser is measured with a commercial Fizeau wavemeter HighFinesse WS7. The multi-beam interference patterns of the pulse are shown to be smooth in the wavemeter. The wavelength is measured to be 1064.40416 nm and the linewidth is less than 0.5 pm which is limited by the instrument resolution. Meanwhile, the frequency stability is measured to be less than 0.1 pm (V-V) over 1700 pulses with a working frequency of 0.1 Hz.
- single frequency /
- seed injection /
- phase modulation /
- electro-optic
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[1] Kulatilaka W D, Anderson T N, Bougher T L, Lucht R P 2005 Appl. Phys. B 80 669
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[12] Hovis F E, Culpepper C, Schum T, Witt G 2005 Lidar Remote Sensing for Industry and Environmental Monitoring V Honolulu, USA, November 9–11, 2004 p198
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[14] 张俊旋, 朱小磊, 臧华国, 陈卫标 2016 中国激光 43 0601004
Zhang J X, Zhu X L, Zang H G, Chen W B 2016 Chin. J. Laser 43 0601004
[15] Dai S T, Wu H C, Shi F, Deng J, Ge Y, Weng W, Lin W X 2018 Chin. Phys. B 27 054212
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[16] Bhuiyan A H, Naik S V, Lucht R P 2010 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition Orlando, USA, January 4–7, 2010-1408
[17] Bhuiyan A H, Richardson D R, Naik S V, Lucht R P 2009 Appl. Phys. B 94 559
[18] Gobbi P G, Morosi S, Reali G C, Zarkasi A S 1985 Appl. Opt. 24 26
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[19] Koechner W 2006 Solid-state Laser Engineering (sixth Ed.) (New York: Springer) p55
[20] 李峰, 陆祖康, 赵岚, 张海平, 丁志华 1998 光学学报 18 1479
Google Scholar
Li F, Lu Z K, Zhao L, Zhang H P, Ding Z H 1998 Acta Opt. Sin. 18 1479
Google Scholar
[21] Chen S, Lin W, Shi F, Huang J, Li J, Zheng H, Lin J, Xu C 2007 Chin. Opt. Lett. 5 223
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