In this paper, phase transformations, magnetic properties and exchange bias of Mn50–xCrxNi42Sn8 (x = 0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8) polycrystalline samples are investigated. It is found that each of all the alloys has a tetragonal martensite structure at room temperature. The transformation temperature decreases with the increase of Cr content. The maximum magnetization difference between martensite and austenite phase is ∆M = 7.61 emu/g. The change of magnetic properties is mainly related to the change of Mn-Mn distance and the hybridization strength between Ni(A)-Mn(D). The ferromagnetism of martensite can be enhanced by Cr doping. The exchange bias field is observed to reach up to as high as 2624 Oe in Mn50Ni42Sn8 alloy after cooling from room temperature to 5 K in 500 Oe magnetic field, which decreases gradually with the increase of Cr content. Furthermore, the exchange bias field increases first and then followed by a decrease with the increase of the cooling field in Mn49.2Cr0.8Ni42Sn8. This is mainly attributed to the change of the interface exchange coupling between the spin glass state and antiferromagnetic region.
- martensitic transformation /
- exchange bias effect /
- Heusler alloys
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[2] Sharma J, Suresh K G 2014 IEEE Trans. Magn. 50 4800404
[3] Ali M, Adie P, Marrows C H, Greig D, Hickey B J, Stamps R L 2007 Nat. Mater. 6 70
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[10] Parkin S S 2004 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM Technical Digest San Francisco, CA, December 13–15, 2004 pp903–906
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[23] Sharma V K, Chattopadhyay M K, Sharath Chandra LS, Roy S B 2011 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 441 45002
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[25] 葛青, 冯国芳, 马胜灿 2017 中国材料进展 36 640
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[27] 申建雷, 李萌萌, 赵瑞斌, 李国科, 马丽, 甄聪棉, 候登录 2016 物理学报 65 247501
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Shen J L, Li M M, Zhao R B, Li G Ke, Ma L, Zhen C M, Hou D L 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 247501
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[28] Kasper J S, Roberts B W 1956 Phys. Rev. 101 537
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[33] Chen J, Tu R, Fang X, Gu Q, Zhou Y, Cui R, Han Z, Zhang L, Fang Y, Qian B, Zhang C 2017 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 426 708
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图 3 (a) Mn50–xCrxNi42Sn8 (x = 0.4, 0.6, 0.8)多晶样品的马氏体逆相变温度TM及马氏体相的居里温度
$ T_{\rm C}^{\rm M} $ 与Cr含量的关系, 以及(b) TM与价电子浓度、(c)晶胞体积 和(d) Ni-Mn原子间距的关系Figure 3. (a) Cr content dependence of Curie temperature of martensite phase
$ T_{\rm C}^{\rm M} $ and martensitic transformation temperature TM, (b) TM as a function of valence electron concentration, (c) cell volume, and (d) the distance between Ni and Mn at D site for Mn50–xCrxNi42Sn8 (x = 0.4, 0.6, 0.8).图 6 (a) Mn50–xCrxNi42Sn8 (x = 0, 0.6, 0.8)多晶样品在500 Oe磁场中冷却至5 K下的磁滞回线及局部放大图; (b) HC和HEB与Cr含量的关系
Figure 6. (a) Magnetization hysteresis loops for Mn50–xCrxNi42Sn8 (x = 0, 0.6, 0.8) polycrystalline samples measured at 5 K after 500 Oe field cooling, inset shows the magnification of the shadow part; (b) the values of HC and HEB as a function of Cr content.
图 7 (a) Mn49.2Cr0.8Ni42Sn8多晶样品在不同场冷至5 K下的磁滞回线及局部放大图; (b) HC和HEB与不同场冷之间的关系
Figure 7. (a) Magnetization hysteresis loops for Mn49.2Cr0.8Ni42Sn8 polycrystalline sample measured at 5 K after different field cooling, inset shows the magnification of the shadow part; (b) the values of HC and HEB under different cooling field.
表 1 Mn50–xCrxNi42Sn8 (x = 0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8) 多晶样品在室温下的晶格参数、晶轴比c/a与晶胞体积
Table 1. Lattice parameters, c/a, and cell volume of Mn50–x CrxNi42Sn8 (x = 0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8) polycrystalline samples at room temperature.
x a = b/Å c/Å c/a 晶胞体积/Å3 0 5.4881 6.9681 1.269 209.87 0.4 5.4966 6.9601 1.266 210.30 0.6 5.5136 6.9463 1.259 210.70 0.8 5.5221 6.9342 1.255 211.50 表 2 Mn50–xCrxNi42Sn8 (x = 0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8)多晶样品中Mn(D)-Ni(A), Mn(B)-Mn(A)和Mn(B)-Mn(D)的原子间距
Table 2. The atomic distance of Mn(D)-Ni(A), Mn(B)-Mn(A), and Mn(B)-Mn(D) in Mn50–xCrxNi42Sn8 (x = 0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8) polycrystalline samples.
Cr含量x MnD-NiA/Å
($ \sqrt 3 $a/4)MnB-MnA/Å
($ \sqrt 3 $a/4)MnB-MnD/Å
(a/2)0 2.376 2.376 2.744 0.4 2.38 2.38 2.748 0.6 2.387 2.387 2.757 0.8 2.391 2.391 2.761 -
[1] Meiklejohn W H, Bean C P 1956 Phys. Rev. 102 1413
Google Scholar
[2] Sharma J, Suresh K G 2014 IEEE Trans. Magn. 50 4800404
[3] Ali M, Adie P, Marrows C H, Greig D, Hickey B J, Stamps R L 2007 Nat. Mater. 6 70
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[4] Ma L, Wang W H, Lu J B, Li J Q, Zhen C M, Hou D L, Wu G H 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 182507
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[5] Vasilakaki M, Trohidou K N, Nogués J 2015 Sci. Rep. 5 9609
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[6] Parkin S, Xin J, Kaiser C, Panchula A, Roche K, Samant M 2003 Proc. IEEE 91 661
Google Scholar
[7] Park B G, Wunderlich J, Martí X, Holý V, Kurosaki Y, Yamada M, Yamamoto H, Nishide A, Hayakawa J, Takahashi H, Shick A B, Jungwirth T 2011 Nat. Mater. 10 347
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[8] Gasi T, Nayak A K, Winterlik J, Ksenofontov V, Adler P, Nicklas M, Felser C 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 202402
Google Scholar
[9] Nogués J, Schuller I K 1999 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 192 203
Google Scholar
[10] Parkin S S 2004 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM Technical Digest San Francisco, CA, December 13–15, 2004 pp903–906
[11] Khan M, Dubenko I, Stadler S, Ali N 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 072510
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[12] Esakki Muthu S, Rama Rao N, Sridhara Rao D, Manivel Raja M, Devarajan U, Arumugam S 2011 J. Appl. Phys. 110 023904
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[13] Xuan H, Cao Q, Zhang C, Ma S, Chen S, Wang D, Du Y 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 202502
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[14] Sharma J, Suresh K G 2015 Appl. Phys. Lett. 106 072405
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[15] Wang B M, Liu Y, Ren P, Xia B, Ruan K B, Yi J B, Ding J, Li X G, Wang L 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 077203
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[16] Wang B M, Liu Y, Xia B, Ren P, Wang L 2012 J. Appl. Phys. 111 043912
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[17] Nayak AK, Nicklas M, Chadov S, Shekhar C, Skourski Y, Winterlik J, Felser C 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 127204
Google Scholar
[18] Wang X, Li M M, Li J, Yang J Y, Ma L, Zhen C M, Hou D L, Liu E K, Wang W H, Wu G H 2018 Appl. Phys. Lett. 113 212402
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[19] Ray M K, Maji B, Modak M, Banerjee S 2017 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 429 110
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[20] Liao X, Wang Y, Wetterskog E, Cheng F, Hao C, Khan M T, Zheng Y Z, Yang S 2019 J. Alloys Compd. 772 988
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[21] Luo H, Liu G, Feng Z, Li Y, Ma L, Wu G, Zhu X, Jiang C, Xu H 2009 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 321 4063
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[22] Khan M, Dubenko I, Stadler S, Jung J, Stoyko S S, Mar A, Quetz A, Samanta T, Ali N, Chow K H 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 112402
Google Scholar
[23] Sharma V K, Chattopadhyay M K, Sharath Chandra LS, Roy S B 2011 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 441 45002
[24] Sánchez-Alarcos V, Recarte V, Pérez-Landazábal J I, Chapelon J R, Rodríguez-Velamazán J A 2011 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44 395001
Google Scholar
[25] 葛青, 冯国芳, 马胜灿 2017 中国材料进展 36 640
Ge Q, Feng G F, Ma S C 2017 Mater. China 36 640
[26] Priolkar K R, Lobo D N, Bhobe P A, Emura S, Nigam A K 2011 Europhys. Lett. 94 38006
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[27] 申建雷, 李萌萌, 赵瑞斌, 李国科, 马丽, 甄聪棉, 候登录 2016 物理学报 65 247501
Google Scholar
Shen J L, Li M M, Zhao R B, Li G Ke, Ma L, Zhen C M, Hou D L 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 247501
Google Scholar
[28] Kasper J S, Roberts B W 1956 Phys. Rev. 101 537
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[29] Tan C L, Huang Y W, Tian X H, Jiang J X, Cai W 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 132402
Google Scholar
[30] Singh N, Borgohain B, Srivastava A K, Dhar A, Singh H K 2016 Appl. Phys. A 122 237
[31] Zhang Y, Li J, Tian F, Cao K, Wang D, Ren S, Zhou C, Yang S, Song X 2019 Intermetallics 107 10
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[32] Sun J K, Jing C, Liu C Q, Huang Y S, Sun X D, Zhang Y L, Ye M F, Deng D M 2019 J. Supercond. Novel Magn. 32 1973
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[33] Chen J, Tu R, Fang X, Gu Q, Zhou Y, Cui R, Han Z, Zhang L, Fang Y, Qian B, Zhang C 2017 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 426 708
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