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Improving interface properties of Te based thermoelectric materials and composite electrodes

Guo Jing-Yun Chen Shao-Ping Fan Wen-Hao Wang Ya-Ning Wu Yu-Cheng


Improving interface properties of Te based thermoelectric materials and composite electrodes

Guo Jing-Yun, Chen Shao-Ping, Fan Wen-Hao, Wang Ya-Ning, Wu Yu-Cheng
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Owing to their excellent performances, Te-based thermoelectric materials have been extensively concerned. However little attention has been paid to the bonding interfaces with electrodes, which play an important role in their practical applications. Excessive element mutual diffusion occurs across the bonding interfaces when Te is connected with metallic electrode, such as copper, aluminum, iron, etc, which will impair its transport performance and life especially when they serve in the higher temperature environments. Seeking proper barriers is the key to solving the interface problem. In this work, a gradient bonding structure of Te/FeTe/Fe is prepared in one step by the spark plasma sintering (SPS) method, in which a metallic layer of FeTe, referred to as β(FeTe) phase, is introduced as barrier. The interface microstructure, element distribution, and new phases are analyzed, and the joint properties including contact resistance and shearing strength after being aged are evaluated. The results show that the introduction of β(FeTe) phase can promote the boding of Fe/β(FeTe)/Te and thus inhibiting the excessive element diffusion across the interfaces, which is due to the formation of ε(FeTe2) phase between β(FeTe) phase and Te. The contact resistance of Fe/β(FeTe) and β(FeTe)/Te are 4.1 μΩ·cm2 and 7.54 μΩ·cm2, respectively, and the shearing strength are 16.11 MPa and 15.63 MPa, respectively. The annealing temperature has significant effect on the performance of the gradient bonding structure. It has been indicated that the whole joint still owns good performance after being annealed at 553 K for 15 days, while it decreases sharply when the temperature is increased to 573 K. Hence, the optimal service temperature of Te/β(FeTe)/Fe should not be higher than 553 K. The gradient bonding structure is successfully achieved, thus attaining the purposes of inhibiting interface elements from excessively diffuse, reducing interface residual stress, and improving interface working stability and service life. So the design ideas and research results in this work have great reference significance for the study on semiconductor devices.
      Corresponding author: Chen Shao-Ping,

    He W, Zhang G, Zhang X X, Ji J, Li G Q, Zhao X D 2015 Appl. Energy 143 1Google Scholar


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    Peng H, Kioussis N, Snyder G J 2014 Phys. Rev. B 89 195206Google Scholar


    Qian X, Xiao Y, Zheng L, Qin B C, Zhou Y M, Pei Y L, Yuan B F, Gong S K, Zhao L D 2017 RSC Adv. 7 17682Google Scholar


    Arai K, Matsubara M, Sawada Y, Sakamoto T, Kineri T, Kogo Y, Iida T, Nishio K 2012 J. Electron. Mater. 41 1771Google Scholar


    Valery V K 2006 Reliability Issues in Electrical Contacts (Boca Raton: CRC Press) pp205−259


    Rowe D M 2006 Thermoelectrics Handbook (London: Taylor & Francis Group press) pp13−20


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    Li H Y, Jing H Y, Han Y D, Lu G Q, Xu L Y, Liu T 2016 Mater. Des. 89 604Google Scholar


    Ferreres X R, Yamini S A, Nancarrow M, Zhang C 2016 Mater. Des. 107 90Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  (a) 热电接头Te/Fe界面接触电阻测试示意图; (b) 梯度连接结构Te/β(FeTe)/Fe抗剪强度测试示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of (a) thermoelectric joint Te/Fe interface contact resistance test and (b) shear strength test of Te/β(FeTe)/Fe gradient structure.

    图 2  (a)热电接头Te/Fe界面背散射电子图片; (b) Fe和(c) Te的元素分布; (d) 热电接头Te/Fe界面新相元素成分谱图

    Figure 2.  (a) Back scattering image of the Te/Fe interface; elemental mappings of (b) Fe and (c) Te, respectively; (d) elemental composition spectrum of new phase at the Te/Fe interface.

    图 3  Fe-Te二元合金相图(来源: 美国材料信息学会)

    Figure 3.  Binary phase diagram of Fe-Te (Quoted from the materials information society, ASM Interantional).

    图 4  β(FeTe), ε(FeTe2)的电性能测试结果 (a)电阻率; (b) Seebeck系数

    Figure 4.  The electrical properties of β(FeTe) and ε(FeTe2): (a) Resistivity; (b) Seebeck coefficient.

    图 5  (a)梯度连接结构Te/FeTe/Fe界面微观组织结构; (b), (c) 梯度连接结构Te/ε(FeTe2)/Fe界面微观组织结构; (d)梯度连接结构Te/β(FeTe)/Fe的EDS线扫

    Figure 5.  Microstructure of gradient bonding structure: (a) Te/FeTe/Fe interface; (b), (c) Te/ε(FeTe2)/Fe interface; (d) EDS line scanning of Te/β(FeTe)/Fe.

    图 6  梯度连接结构Te/β(FeTe)/Fe界面接触电阻测试示意图

    Figure 6.  Schematic diagram of Te/β(FeTe)/Fe interface contact resistance test.

    图 7  梯度连接结构Te/β(FeTe)/Fe的β(FeTe)-Te界面断口微观组织形貌和元素成分分布

    Figure 7.  Microstructure morphology and elemental distribution of the β(FeTe)-Te fracture interface of Te/β(FeTe)/Fe.

    图 8  梯度连接结构Te/β(FeTe)/Fe在553 K下退火不同时间后两界面组织结构图片 (a1), (a2) 0 d; (b1), (b2) 7 d; (c1), (c2) 10 d; (d1), (d2) 15 d

    Figure 8.  Interface structure pictures of Te/β(FeTe)/Fe after annealing at 553 K for different time: (a1), (a2) 0 d; (b1), (b2) 7 d; (c1), (c2) 10 d; (d1), (d2) 15 d.

    图 9  梯度连接结构Te/FeTe/Fe在573 K下退火10 d后的界面结构图片

    Figure 9.  Interfacial structure picture of Te/β(FeTe)/Fe after annealing at 573 K for 10 d.

    图 10  梯度连接结构Te/β(FeTe)/Fe在553 K下退火不同时间后界面性能的变化 (a) β(FeTe)-Fe界面; (b) β(FeTe)-Te界面

    Figure 10.  Changes in interface properties of Te/β(FeTe)/Fe after annealing at 553 K for different time: (a) β(FeTe)-Fe interface; (b) β(FeTe)-Te interface.

    图 11  梯度连接结构Te/β(FeTe)/Fe界面接触电阻率随老化时间和温度的变化曲线 (a), (c) β(FeTe)-Fe界面; (b), (d) β(FeTe)-Te界面

    Figure 11.  Change of interface resistivity with aging time and temperature: (a), (c) β(FeTe)-Fe interface; (b), (d) β(FeTe)-Te interface

    表 1  梯度连接结构Te/β(FeTe)/Fe和 Te/ε(FeTe2)/Fe区域成分扫描结果

    Table 1.  EDS point scanning results of Te/β(FeTe)/Fe and Fe/ε(FeTe2)/Fe.

    Point numberFe /at.%Te /at.%
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    表 2  β(FeTe)-Te界面断口特征点EDS成分扫描结果

    Table 2.  EDS scanning results of characteristic points of β(FeTe)-Te fracture interface.

    Point numberFe/at.%Te/at.%
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    He W, Zhang G, Zhang X X, Ji J, Li G Q, Zhao X D 2015 Appl. Energy 143 1Google Scholar


    Pothin R, Ayral R M, Berche A, Ziolkowski P, Oppitz G, Jund P 2018 Mater. Res. Bull. 101 90Google Scholar


    Yang R Y, Chen S P, Fan W H, Gao X F, Long Y, Wang W X, Munir Z A 2017 J. Alloys Compd. 704 545Google Scholar


    Kaszyca K, Schmidt M, Chmielewski M, Pietrzak K, Zybala R 2018 Mater. Today: Proc. 5 10277Google Scholar


    Liu W S, Jie Q, Kim H S, Ren Z F 2015 Acta Mater. 87 357Google Scholar


    Li F, Huang X Y, Jiang W, Chen L D 2013 J. Electron. Mater. 42 1219Google Scholar


    Ferrario A, Battiston S, Boldrini S, Sakamoto T, Miorin E, Famengo A, Miozzo A, Fiameni S, Iida T, Fabrizio M 2015 Mater. Today: Proc. 2 573Google Scholar


    Wang X, Wang H C, Su W B, Mehmood F, Zhai J Z, Wang T, Chen T T, Wang C L 2019 Renewable Energy 141 88Google Scholar


    An D C, Chen S P, Lu Z X, Li R, Chen W, Fan W H, Wang W X, Wu Y C 2019 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11 27788Google Scholar


    Peng H, Kioussis N, Snyder G J 2014 Phys. Rev. B 89 195206Google Scholar


    Qian X, Xiao Y, Zheng L, Qin B C, Zhou Y M, Pei Y L, Yuan B F, Gong S K, Zhao L D 2017 RSC Adv. 7 17682Google Scholar


    Arai K, Matsubara M, Sawada Y, Sakamoto T, Kineri T, Kogo Y, Iida T, Nishio K 2012 J. Electron. Mater. 41 1771Google Scholar


    Valery V K 2006 Reliability Issues in Electrical Contacts (Boca Raton: CRC Press) pp205−259


    Rowe D M 2006 Thermoelectrics Handbook (London: Taylor & Francis Group press) pp13−20


    Liu W, Zhang Q, Yin K, Chi H, Zhou X Y, Tang X F, Uher C 2013 J. Solid State Chem. 203 333Google Scholar


    Hsieh H C, Wang C H, Lin W C, Chakroborty S, Lee T H, Chu H S, Wu A T 2017 J. Alloys Compd. 728 1023Google Scholar


    Singh A, Bhattacharya S, Thinaharan C, Aswal D K, Gupta S K, Yakhmi J V, Bhanumurthy K 2009 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 015502Google Scholar


    Li H Y, Jing H Y, Han Y D, Lu G Q, Xu L Y, Liu T 2016 Mater. Des. 89 604Google Scholar


    Ferreres X R, Yamini S A, Nancarrow M, Zhang C 2016 Mater. Des. 107 90Google Scholar


    胡晓凯, 张双猛, 赵府, 刘勇, 刘玮书 2019 无机材料学报 34 269Google Scholar

    Hu X K, Zhang S M, Zhao F, Liu Y, Liu W S 2019 J. Inorg. Mater. 34 269Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  24 March 2020
  • Accepted Date:  15 April 2020
  • Available Online:  09 May 2020
  • Published Online:  20 July 2020

