The conversion efficiency of thermoelectric material PbTe is high. A high-quality and high-conversion-efficiency PbTe thermoelectric connector is investigated systematically. Excess Pb in composition can increase the carrier concentration and improve the thermoelectric performance of PbTe. The composite electrode can improve the interface barrier and reduce the contact resistance. Traditional processes of making contacts onto bulk crystalline PbTe-based materials do not work for reducing the contact resistance by inhibiting element diffusion and increasing the shear strength at the same time. In this study, we consider a composite electrode which can form an intermediate layer to suppress the diffusion of the Pb element on the PbTe side. This work not only reduces the contact resistance, but also increases the shear strength. The sample Pb50.01Te49.99 is obtained by adjusting the stoichiometric ratio of PbTe; Te and Pb are mixed in the Fe electrode. The composite electrode and Pb50.01Te49.99 are hot-pressed and sintered in one step to obtain the required PbTe thermoelectric electrode joint. We find that the contact resistance of the composite electrode is reduced by nearly 75% compared with that of metallization layer (Fe) connection. The smallest value is 26.610 μΩ·cm2 which is closer to the lowest 10 μΩ·cm2 reported in the literature than the counterpart of pure Fe electrode, and the shear strength is also greatly improved simultaneously. This work provides a new idea for obtaining PbTe thermoelectric connectors with excellent performance.
- thermoelectric material /
- thermoelectric joint /
- thermal stability /
- PbTe
[1] He J, Tritt T M 2017 Science 357 6358
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图 3 (a) 1号样品 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe)EDS能谱分析图; (b), (c), (d) 样品2 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe0.8Pb0.15Te0.05), 3 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe0.7Pb0.15Te0.15), 4 (Pb50.01Te49.99/ Fe0.6Pb0.15Te0.25)的扫描图片
Figure 3. (a) EDS spectrum analysis of sample 1 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe); (b), (c), (d) scan pictures of sample 2 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe0.8Pb0.15Te0.05), 3 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe0.7Pb0.15Te0.15), 4 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe0.6Pb0.15Te0.25).
图 8 1 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe), 2 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe0.8Pb0.15Te0.05), 3 (Pb50.01Te49.99/ Fe0.7Pb0.15Te0.15), 4 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe0.6Pb0.15Te0.25)号样品500 ℃, 保温10 d时前后接触电阻对比
Figure 8. Samples 1 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe), 2 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe0.8Pb0.15Te0.05), 3 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe0.7Pb0.15Te0.15), 4 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe0.6Pb0.15Te0.25) contact resistance before and after aging at 500 ℃, 10 d.
图 9 (a) 2 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe0.8Pb0.15Te0.05), 3 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe0.7Pb0.15Te0.15), 4 (Pb50.01Te49.99/ Fe0.6Pb0.15Te0.25)号热电接头的电极一侧XRD 图; (b) PbTe, Pb50.01Te49.99, Pb50.04 Te49.96, (PbTe)0.5Fe0.5的电阻率随温度的变化
Figure 9. (a) XRD patterns of the electrode side of thermoelectric connectors 2 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe0.8Pb0.15Te0.05), 3 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe0.7Pb0.15Te0.15), 4 (Pb50.01Te49.99/ Fe0.6Pb0.15Te0.25); (b) variation of the resistivity of PbTe, Pb50.01Te49.99, (PbTe)0.5Fe0.5, Pb50.04Te49.96 with temperature.
图 11 1 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe), 2 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe0.8Pb0.15Te0.05), 3 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe0.7Pb0.15Te0.15), 4 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe0.6Pb0.15Te0.25)号样品10 d, 500 ℃时效前后剪切强度对比
Figure 11. Shear strength comparison of samples 1 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe), 2 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe0.8Pb0.15Te0.05), 3 (Pb50.01Te49.99/Fe0.7Pb0.15Te0.15), 4 (Pb50.01Te49.99/ Fe0.6Pb0.15Te0.25) before and after aging at 500 ℃ 10 d.
[1] He J, Tritt T M 2017 Science 357 6358
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[2] Crane D, LaGrandeur J, Jovovic V, Ranalli M, Adldinger M, Poliquin E, Dean J, Kossakovski D, Mazar B, Maranville C 2012 J. Electron. Mater. 42 1582
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[3] Xie Y, Wu S, Yang C 2016 Appl. Energy 164 620
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[4] Shen J, Wang Z, Chu J, Bai S, Zhao X, Chen L, Zhu T 2019 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11 14182
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[5] LaLonde A D, Pei Y, Wang H, Jeffrey S G 2011 Mater. Today 14 526
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[6] Biswas K, He J, Blum I D, Wu C I, Hogan T P, Seidman D N, Dravid V P, Kanatzidis M G 2012 Nature 489 414
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[7] Wu H J, Zhao L D, Zheng F S, Wu D, Pei Y L, Tong X, Kanatzidis M G, He J Q 2014 Nat. Commun. 5 4515
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[8] Wu D, Zhao L D, Tong X, Li W, Wu L, Tan Q, Pei Y, Huang L, Li J F, Zhu Y, Kanatzidis M G, He J 2015 Energy Environ. Sci. 8 2056
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[9] Wu Y, Pei J, Zhang R 2020 J. Alloys Compd. 830 154451
Google Scholar
[10] Fu L, Yin M, Wu D, Li W, Feng D, Huang L, He J 2017 Energy Environ. Sci. 10 2030
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[11] LaLonde A D, Pei Y, Snyder G J 2011 Energy Environ. Sci. 4 6
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[12] Heremans J P, Thrush C M, Morelli D T 2005 J. Appl. Phys. 98 2229
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[13] Xiao Y, Wu H, Li W, Yin M, Pei Y, Zhang Y, Fu L, Chen Y, Pennycook S J, Huang L, He J, Zhao L D 2017 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 139 18732
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[14] Weinstein M, Mlavsky A I 1962 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 33 1119
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[15] Li C C, Drymiotis F, Liao L L, Dai M J, Liu C K, Chen C L, Chen Y Y, Kao C R, Snyder G J 2015 Energy Convers. Manage. 98 134
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[16] Hu X, Jood P, Ohta M, Kunii M, Nagase K, Nishiate H, Kanatzidis M G, Yamamoto A 2016 Energy Environ. Sci. 9 517
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[17] Zhang, Q H, Qiu P F, Chen L D 2017 Energy Environ. Sci. 10 4
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[18] Singh A, Bhattacharya S, Thinaharan C, Aswal D K, Gupta S K, Yakhmi J V, Bhanumurthy K 2009 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 015502
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[19] Li C C, Drymiotis F, Liao L L, Hung H T, Ke J H, Liu C K, Kao C R, Snyder G J 2015 J. Mater. Chem. C 3 10590
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[20] Ferreres X R, Aminorroaya Yamini S, Nancarrow M, Zhang C 2016 Mater. Des. 107 90
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[21] Liu W, Jie Q, Kim H S, Ren Z 2015 Acta Mater. 87 357
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[22] Oguni Y, Iida T, Matsumoto A, et al. 2007 Mrs Proceedings 09 1044
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[23] Sakamoto T, Iida T, Honda Y, Tada M, Sekiguchi T, Nishio K, Kogo Y, Takanashi Y 2012 J. Electron. Mater. 41 1805
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[24] 邢媛, 李洪涛 2018 科技视界 8 1
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Xing Y, Li H T 2018 IDA Pap. 8 1
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[25] Schneider C, Schichtel P, Mogwitz B, Rohnke M, Janek J 2017 Solid State Ionics 303 119
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[26] 夏海洋 2015 博士学位论文 (北京: 清华大学)
Xia H Y 2015 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Tsinghua University) (in Chinese)
[27] Zou J, Wu F S, Wang B, Liu H 2010 Electronics Process Technology 31 1
[28] Wu H F, Zhang H J, Lu Y H, Yan Y H, Li H Y, Bao S N, He P M 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 127901
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[29] Qin H, Guo B, Wang L, Zhang M, Xu B, Shi K, Pan T, Zhou L, Chen J, Qiu Y, Xi B, Sou I K, Yu D, Chen W Q, He H, Ye F, Mei J W, Wang G 2020 Nano Lett. 20 3160
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[30] Skipetrov E P, Kruleveckaya O V, Skipetrova L A, Slynko E I, Slynko V E 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 022101
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