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Approximate method to evaluate the regional control efficacy of COVID-19

Li Ji-Peng Hong Feng Bai Wei Liao Jing-Yi Zhang Yan-Ru Zhou Tao


Approximate method to evaluate the regional control efficacy of COVID-19

Li Ji-Peng, Hong Feng, Bai Wei, Liao Jing-Yi, Zhang Yan-Ru, Zhou Tao
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  • The cumulative number of local confirmed cases was highly correlated with the total inflow population from Wuhan before the city closure, and the proportion of third-generation infections in a local region is tiny. Accordingly, we proposed an approximate method to quantitatively evaluate the regional control efficacy of COVID that takes into account effects of both imported cases and regional population. We applied this method to evaluate the control efficacy of the top-50 cities with maximum inflow population from Wuhan. The 10 cities with the most significant control efficacy are Shijiazhuang, Luoyang, Enshi, Zhoukou, Xiamen, Guiyang, Xianning, Anqing, Xinyang, and Nanning.
      Corresponding author: Zhou Tao,

    Wu J T, Leung K, Leung G M 2020 LANCET 395 689Google Scholar


    Vincent J M, Marion K, Neeltje V D, Debby V R, Emmie D W 2020 N. Engl. J. Med. 382 692Google Scholar


    Zhu N, Zhang D Y, Wang W L, Li X W, Yang B 2019 N. Engl. J. Med. 382 727


    中国疾病预防控制中心新型冠状病毒肺炎应急响应机制流行病学组 2020 中华流行病学杂志 41 145Google Scholar

    Epidemiology group of covid-19 emergency response mechanism, Chinese center for disease control and prevention 2020 Chinese Journal of Epidemiology 41 145Google Scholar


    栾荣生, 王新, 孙鑫, 陈兴蜀, 周涛, 刘权辉, 吕欣, 吴先萍, 谷冬晴, 唐明霜 2020 四川大学学报(医学版) 51 131

    Luan R S, Wang X, Sun X, Chen X S, Zhou T, Liu Q H, Lu X, Wu X P, Gu D Q, Tang M S 2020 J. Sichuan University (Medical Edition) 51 131


    Adnerson R M, May R M 1991 OUP. OX.


    Li Q, Guan X H, Wu P, Wang X Y, Zhou L, Tong Y Q, Ren R Q, Kathy S M L, Eric H Y L, Jessica Y W, Xing X S, Xiang N J, Wu Y, Li C, Chen Q, Li D, Liu T, Zhao J, Liu M, Tu W X, Chen C D, Jin L M, Yang R, Wang Q, Zhou S H, Wang R, Liu H, Luo Y B, Liu Y, Shao G E, Li H, Tao Z F, Yang Y, Deng Z Q, Liu B X, Ma Z T, Zhang Y P, Shi G Q, Tommy T Y L, Joseph T W, George F G, Benjamin J C, Yang B, Gabriel M L, Feng Z J 2020 N. Engl. J. Med. 382 727Google Scholar


    Jonathan M R, Jessica R E B, Derek A T C, Antonia H, Chris P J 2020 MedRxiv 20018549


    Majumder M, Mandl K D 2020 SSRN 3524675


    Natsuko I, Anne C, Ilaria D, Marc B, Christl A D, Steven R, Neil M F 2020 Imperial College London


    Liu T, Hu J, Kang M, Lin L, Zhong H, Xiao J, He G, Song T, Huang Q, Rong Z 2020 bioRxiv 919787


    Riou J, Althaus C L 2020 Eurosurveillance 25 2000058


    Zhou T, Liu Q H, Yang Z M, Liao J Y, Yang K X, Bai W, Lu X, Zhang W 2020 Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine 13 3Google Scholar


    宋倩倩, 赵涵, 方立群, 刘玮, 郑创, 张勇 2020 中华流行病学杂志 41 461Google Scholar

    Song Q Q, Zhao H, Fang L Q, Liu W, Zheng C, Zhang Y 2020 Chinese Journal of Epidemiology 41 461Google Scholar


    Zhang J, Litvinova M, Wang W, Wang Y, Deng X, Chen X,Li M, Zheng W, Yi L, Chen X 2020 medRxiv 2002632 8


    Chen D B, Zhou T arXiv 2003.00305


    陈端兵, 白薇, 王岩, 王敏, 俞伍平, 周涛 2020 电子科技大学学报

    Chen D B, Bai W, Wang Y, Wang M, Yu W P, Zhou T 2020 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (in Press) (in Chinese)


    许小可, 文成, 张光耀, 孙皓宸, 刘波, 王贤文 2020 电子科技大学学报

    Xu X K, Wen C, Zhang G Y, Sun H C, Liu B, Wang X W 2020 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (in Press) (in Chinese)


    杨政, 原子霞, 贾祖瑶 2020 电子科技大学学报

    Yang Z, Yuan Z X, Jia Z Y 2020 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (in Press) (in Chinese)


    Du Z W, Wang L, Cauchemez S, Xu X K, Wang X W, Cowling B J, Meyers L A 2020 Emerging Infectious Diseases 2020 26


    Hethcote H W 2020 SIAM Rev. 42 599


    Pastor-Satorras R, Castellano C, Van M P, Vespignani A 2015 Phys. Rev. 87 925


    Dunbar R I M 1992 J. Human Evol. 22 469Google Scholar


    Wang Q, Gao J, Zhou T, Hu Z, Tian H 2016 EPL 114 58004Google Scholar


    Zhou T, Liu J G, Bai W J, Chen G, Wang B H 2006 Phys. Rev. E 74 056109Google Scholar


    Yang R, Wang B H, Ren J, Bai W J, Shi Z W, Wang W X, Zhou T 2007 Phys. Lett. A 364 189Google Scholar


    Yang R, Zhou T, Xie Y B, Lai Y C, Wang B H 2008 Phys. Rev. E 78 066109Google Scholar


    Balcan D, Gonçalves B, Hu H, Ramasco J J, Vittoria C, Alessandro V 2010 J. Comput.Sci. 1 132Google Scholar


    Liu Q H, Ajelli M, Aleta A, Merler S, Moreno Y, Vespignani A 2018 PNAS 115 12680Google Scholar


    Li R, Pei S, Chen B, Song Y, Zhang T, Yang W, Shaman J 2020 Science 368 489Google Scholar


    闫小勇 2020 物理学报 69 088904

    Yan X Y 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 088904


    Kendall M 1938 Biometrika 30 81Google Scholar


    Goltsev A V, Dorogovtsev S N, Oliveira J G, Mendes J F F 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 128702Google Scholar


    Um J, Son S W, Lee S I, Jeong H, Kim B J 2012 PNAS 106 14236

  • 图 1  武汉流入人口最多的50 个城市的累计确诊数(人)与武汉流入人口数(万人)之间的关系. 其中数据点代表城市, 红色直线代表线性拟合的结果(R2 = 0.942)

    Figure 1.  The relationship between the cumulative number of confirmed cases in the top-50 cities with maximum inflow population from Wuhan and the number of corresponding inflow people. Cities are represented by data points and the linear fitting is represented by the red line (R2 = 0.942).

    图 2  双对数坐标下(Ni uAi)/uAiPi的关联关系. 其中数据点代表城市, 红色直线代表线性拟合的结果(R2 = 0.141), 拟合的斜率是0.234

    Figure 2.  The correlation between (NiuAi)/uAi and Pi in the log-log coordinates, where data points represent cities and the red line represents the linear fitting (R2 = 0.141). The fitting slope is 0.234.

    图 3  不同a值所得到的50 个城市防控效果排序的Kendall’s Tau值

    Figure 3.  Kendall's Tau between rankings of control efficacy for different a.

    表 1  武汉封城前2 周流入人口前50的城市名称、流入人口数、常住人口数、截止到2020年2 月25 日的累计确诊人数、控制因子c的取值以及利用本文方法所得到的防控效果的排名. 武汉流入人口统计的是2020 年1 月10 日至1 月22 日离开武汉的人数, 数据来源于“百度迁徙”. 常住人口数取自第六次全国人口普查数据(

    Table 1.  The six columns respectively show the names of the top-50 cities with maximum inflow population from Wuhan during the two weeks before the closure, the inflow population, the permanent resident population, the cumulative number of confirmed cases as of February 25, 2020, the values of the controlling parameter c, and the rankings of the control efficacy by the present method. The inflow population accounts for the number of people who left Wuhan from January 10 to January 22, 2020, obtained from “Baidu Migration”. The number of permanent residents is taken from the sixth national census (

    城市名称武汉流入人数 (万人)常住人口数 (万人)累计确诊人数控制因子c的取值防控效果排名
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    Wu J T, Leung K, Leung G M 2020 LANCET 395 689Google Scholar


    Vincent J M, Marion K, Neeltje V D, Debby V R, Emmie D W 2020 N. Engl. J. Med. 382 692Google Scholar


    Zhu N, Zhang D Y, Wang W L, Li X W, Yang B 2019 N. Engl. J. Med. 382 727


    中国疾病预防控制中心新型冠状病毒肺炎应急响应机制流行病学组 2020 中华流行病学杂志 41 145Google Scholar

    Epidemiology group of covid-19 emergency response mechanism, Chinese center for disease control and prevention 2020 Chinese Journal of Epidemiology 41 145Google Scholar


    栾荣生, 王新, 孙鑫, 陈兴蜀, 周涛, 刘权辉, 吕欣, 吴先萍, 谷冬晴, 唐明霜 2020 四川大学学报(医学版) 51 131

    Luan R S, Wang X, Sun X, Chen X S, Zhou T, Liu Q H, Lu X, Wu X P, Gu D Q, Tang M S 2020 J. Sichuan University (Medical Edition) 51 131


    Adnerson R M, May R M 1991 OUP. OX.


    Li Q, Guan X H, Wu P, Wang X Y, Zhou L, Tong Y Q, Ren R Q, Kathy S M L, Eric H Y L, Jessica Y W, Xing X S, Xiang N J, Wu Y, Li C, Chen Q, Li D, Liu T, Zhao J, Liu M, Tu W X, Chen C D, Jin L M, Yang R, Wang Q, Zhou S H, Wang R, Liu H, Luo Y B, Liu Y, Shao G E, Li H, Tao Z F, Yang Y, Deng Z Q, Liu B X, Ma Z T, Zhang Y P, Shi G Q, Tommy T Y L, Joseph T W, George F G, Benjamin J C, Yang B, Gabriel M L, Feng Z J 2020 N. Engl. J. Med. 382 727Google Scholar


    Jonathan M R, Jessica R E B, Derek A T C, Antonia H, Chris P J 2020 MedRxiv 20018549


    Majumder M, Mandl K D 2020 SSRN 3524675


    Natsuko I, Anne C, Ilaria D, Marc B, Christl A D, Steven R, Neil M F 2020 Imperial College London


    Liu T, Hu J, Kang M, Lin L, Zhong H, Xiao J, He G, Song T, Huang Q, Rong Z 2020 bioRxiv 919787


    Riou J, Althaus C L 2020 Eurosurveillance 25 2000058


    Zhou T, Liu Q H, Yang Z M, Liao J Y, Yang K X, Bai W, Lu X, Zhang W 2020 Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine 13 3Google Scholar


    宋倩倩, 赵涵, 方立群, 刘玮, 郑创, 张勇 2020 中华流行病学杂志 41 461Google Scholar

    Song Q Q, Zhao H, Fang L Q, Liu W, Zheng C, Zhang Y 2020 Chinese Journal of Epidemiology 41 461Google Scholar


    Zhang J, Litvinova M, Wang W, Wang Y, Deng X, Chen X,Li M, Zheng W, Yi L, Chen X 2020 medRxiv 2002632 8


    Chen D B, Zhou T arXiv 2003.00305


    陈端兵, 白薇, 王岩, 王敏, 俞伍平, 周涛 2020 电子科技大学学报

    Chen D B, Bai W, Wang Y, Wang M, Yu W P, Zhou T 2020 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (in Press) (in Chinese)


    许小可, 文成, 张光耀, 孙皓宸, 刘波, 王贤文 2020 电子科技大学学报

    Xu X K, Wen C, Zhang G Y, Sun H C, Liu B, Wang X W 2020 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (in Press) (in Chinese)


    杨政, 原子霞, 贾祖瑶 2020 电子科技大学学报

    Yang Z, Yuan Z X, Jia Z Y 2020 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (in Press) (in Chinese)


    Du Z W, Wang L, Cauchemez S, Xu X K, Wang X W, Cowling B J, Meyers L A 2020 Emerging Infectious Diseases 2020 26


    Hethcote H W 2020 SIAM Rev. 42 599


    Pastor-Satorras R, Castellano C, Van M P, Vespignani A 2015 Phys. Rev. 87 925


    Dunbar R I M 1992 J. Human Evol. 22 469Google Scholar


    Wang Q, Gao J, Zhou T, Hu Z, Tian H 2016 EPL 114 58004Google Scholar


    Zhou T, Liu J G, Bai W J, Chen G, Wang B H 2006 Phys. Rev. E 74 056109Google Scholar


    Yang R, Wang B H, Ren J, Bai W J, Shi Z W, Wang W X, Zhou T 2007 Phys. Lett. A 364 189Google Scholar


    Yang R, Zhou T, Xie Y B, Lai Y C, Wang B H 2008 Phys. Rev. E 78 066109Google Scholar


    Balcan D, Gonçalves B, Hu H, Ramasco J J, Vittoria C, Alessandro V 2010 J. Comput.Sci. 1 132Google Scholar


    Liu Q H, Ajelli M, Aleta A, Merler S, Moreno Y, Vespignani A 2018 PNAS 115 12680Google Scholar


    Li R, Pei S, Chen B, Song Y, Zhang T, Yang W, Shaman J 2020 Science 368 489Google Scholar


    闫小勇 2020 物理学报 69 088904

    Yan X Y 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 088904


    Kendall M 1938 Biometrika 30 81Google Scholar


    Goltsev A V, Dorogovtsev S N, Oliveira J G, Mendes J F F 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 128702Google Scholar


    Um J, Son S W, Lee S I, Jeong H, Kim B J 2012 PNAS 106 14236

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  • Received Date:  14 March 2020
  • Accepted Date:  15 May 2020
  • Published Online:  20 May 2020

