Population migration is an essential medium for the spread of epidemic, which can accelerate localized outbreaks of disease into widespread epidemic. Large-scale population movements between different areas increase the risk of cross-infection and bring great challenges to epidemic prevention and control. As COVID-19 can spread rapidly through human-to-human transmission, understanding its migration patterns is essential to modeling its spreading and evaluating the efficiency of mitigation policies applied to COVID-19. Using nationwide mobile phone data to track population flows throughout China at prefecture-level, we use the temporal network analysis to compare topological metrics of population mobility network during two consecutive months between before and after the outbreak, i.e. January 1st to February 29th. To detect the regions which are closely connected with population movements, we propose a Spatial-Louvain algorithm through adapting a gravity attenuation factor. Moreover, our proposed algorithm achieves an improvement of 14% in modularity compared with the Louvain algorithm. Additionally, we divide the period into four stages, i.e. normal time, Chunyun migration, epidemic interventions, and recovery time, to describe the patterns of mobility network’s evolution. Through the above methods, we explore the evolution pattern and spatial mechanism of the population mobility from the perspective of spatiotemporal big data and acquire some meaningful findings. Firstly, we find that after the lockdown of Wuhan and effective epidemic interventions, a substantial reduction in mobility lasted until mid-February. Secondly, based on the economic interaction and geographic location, China has formed an urban agglomeration structure with core cities centering and radiating toward the surroundings. Thirdly, in the extreme cases, the dominant factor of population mobility in remote areas is geographic location rather than economy. Fourthly, the urban agglomeration structure of cities is robust so that when the epidemic weakens or disappears, the city clusters can quickly recover into their original patterns.
- COVID-19 /
- mobile big data /
- population flow /
- spatio-temporal evolution
[1] Halloran M E, Vespignani A, Bharti N, Feldstein L R, Alexander K, Ferrari M, Shaman J, Drake J M, Porco T, Eisenberg J N 2014 Science 346 433
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[2] Jia J S, Lu X, Yuan Y, Xu G, Jia J, Christakis N A 2020 Nature 582 389
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[3] Colizza V, Barrat A, Barthélemy M, Vespignani A 2006 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 103 2015
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[4] Li Q, Guan X H, Wu P, Wang X Y, Zhou L, Tong Y Q, Ren R Q, Leung S, Lau E, Wong J, Xing X S, Xiang N J, Wu Y, Li C, Chen Q, Li D, Liu T, Zhao J, Li M, Tu W X, Chen C D, Jin L M, Yang R, Wang Q, Zhou S H, Wang R, Liu H, Luo Y B, Liu Y, Shao G, Li H, Tao Z F, Yang Y, Deng Z Q, Liu B X, Ma Z T, Zhang Y P, Shi G Q, Lam T, Wu J, Gao G, Cowling B, Yang B, Leung G, Feng Z J 2020 N. Engl. J. Med. 382 1199
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[8] 栾荣生, 王新, 孙鑫, 陈兴蜀, 周涛, 刘权辉, 吕欣, 吴先萍, 谷冬晴, 唐明霜, 崔慧杰, 单雪峰, 欧阳净, 张本, 张伟 2020 四川大学学报(医学版) 51 131
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Luan R S, Wang X, Sun X, Zhou T, Liu Q H, Lu X, Wu X P, Gu D Q, Tang M S, Cui H J, Shan X F, Ouyang J, Zhang B, Zhang W 2020 J. Sichuan.Univ. 51 131
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[9] 周涛, 刘权辉, 杨紫陌, 廖敬仪, 杨可心, 白薇, 吕欣, 张伟 2020 中国循证医学杂志 20 359
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Tan S Y, Cao Z Q, Qin S, Chen S R, Sai B, Guo S H, Liu C C, Cai M S, Zhou T, Zhang W, Lu X 2020 J. Univ. Electron. Sci. Technol. China 49 788
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[11] 魏永越, 卢珍珍, 杜志成, 张志杰, 赵杨, 沈思鹏, 王波, 郝元涛, 陈峰 2020 中华流行病学杂志 41 470
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Wei Y Z, Lu Z Z, Du Z C, Zhang Z J, Zhao Y, Shen S P, Wang B, Hao Y T, Chen F 2020 Chinese J. Epidemiology 41 470
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[12] Cohen J 2020 https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/02/scientists-are-racing-model-next-moves-coronavirus-thats-stillhard-predict [2021-1-11]
[13] Brockmann D, Helbing D 2013 Science 342 1337
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[14] Wu J T, Leung K, Leung G M 2020 The Lancet 395 689
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[15] 王聪, 严洁, 王旭, 李敏 2020 物理学报 69 080701
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[16] Gross B, Zheng Z, Liu S, Chen X, Sela A, Li J, Li D, Havlin S 2020 arXiv: 2003. 08382 [Statistical Physics]
[17] 许小可, 文成, 张光耀, 孙皓宸, 刘波, 王贤文 2020 电子科技大学学报 49 324
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Xu X K, Wen C, Sun G Y, Sun H C, Liu B, Wang X W 2020 J. Univ. Electron. Sci. Technol. China 49 324
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[18] Tian H Y, Liu Y H, Li Y D, Wu C H, Chen B, Kraemer M U, Li B Y, Cai J, Xu B, Yang Q Q 2020 Science 368 638
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[19] Xu C H, Yu Y G, Yang Q C, Lu Z Z 2020 arXiv: 2004. 12541 [physics. soc-ph]
[20] Bengtsson L, Gaudart J, Lu X, Moore S, Wetter E, Sallah K, Rebaudet S, Piarroux R 2015 Sci. Rep. 5 8923
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[21] Wilson R, Erbach S E, Albert M, Power D, Tudge S, Gonzalez M, Guthrie S, Chamberlain H, Brooks C, Hughes C 2016 PLoS. Curr. 1 8
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[22] Lu X, Bengtsson L, Holme P 2012 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109 11576
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[23] 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部无线电管理局 (miit.gov.cn) https://www.miit.gov.cn/jgsj/wgj/gzdt/art/2020/art_87ace87acac0426a99f4213e4d578cac.html [2021-1-11]
[24] 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部无线电管理局 (miit.gov.cn) https://www.miit.gov.cn/jgsj/wgj/gggs/art/2020/art_9212747d4c794f919bd4aa03a4ca2fcf.html [2021-1-11]
[25] Holme P, Saramaki J 2012 Phys. Rep. 519 97
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[27] Zipf G K 1946 Am. Sociol. Rev. 11 677
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[30] 新一线城市研究所 (yicai.com) https://www.maigoo.com/news/550235.html [2021-1-11]
[31] Barbosa H, Barthelemy M, Ghoshal G, James C R, Lenormand M, Louail T, Menezes R, Ramasco J J, Simini F, Tomasini M 2018 Phys. Rep. 734 1
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表 1 网络中心性指标
Table 1. Network centrality metrics
中心性指标 公式 描述 度 $k_{i} = \displaystyle\sum\nolimits_{j = 1}^{N} a_{ij}$ N为网络节点总数, $a_{ij}$表示节点i与节点j之间的连接, 如果连接存在, 则$a_{ij} = 1$; 否则$a_{ij} = 0$. 加权度 $k_{i}^{w} =\displaystyle \sum\nolimits_{j = 1}^{N} w_{ij}$ $w_{ij}$表示节点i与节点j之间的连接权值, 在本文中指两个城市间的人口流动数量. 密度 $\rho = \dfrac{M}{N(N-1)}$ M为网络中实际存在的边数, N为节点总数. 该指标用来衡量网络疏密. 集聚系数 $C_{i} = \dfrac{T(i)}{k_{i}\left(k_{i}-1\right)-2 k_{i}^{-1} }$ 其中$T(i)$是经过节点i的有向三角形的数量, $k_{i}$是节点i的入度和出度之和, $k_{i}^{-1}$是$k_{i}$的倒数. 介数 $B_{i}^{w} = \displaystyle\sum\limits_{s \neq i \neq t} \frac{\sigma_{st}(i)}{\sigma_{st} }$ $\sigma_{s t}$为从节点s到节点t的最短路径数量, $\sigma_{s t}(i)$为从节点s到节点t并且经过节点i的最短路径数量. 接近中心性 $C_{i} = \dfrac{N}{\displaystyle\sum\nolimits_{j = 1}^{N} {\rm {dis} }_{ij} }$ N为节点总数, ${\rm {dis}}_{ij}$为节点i到节点j的距离. 表 2 人口流动网络四阶段网络基础特征
Table 2. Basic characteristics of the population mobility network in four stages.
网络密度 时间 边数 平均日流量 平均度 图密度 集聚系数 常态化 1.1—1.9 83918 107060322 255.016 0.625 0.779 春运 1.10—1.23 93591 125834714 255.016 0.697 0.818 居家隔离 1.24—2.10 84969 46081244 231.523 0.633 0.775 复工 2.11—2.29 77009 44067415 209.834 0.573 0.738 -
[1] Halloran M E, Vespignani A, Bharti N, Feldstein L R, Alexander K, Ferrari M, Shaman J, Drake J M, Porco T, Eisenberg J N 2014 Science 346 433
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[2] Jia J S, Lu X, Yuan Y, Xu G, Jia J, Christakis N A 2020 Nature 582 389
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[3] Colizza V, Barrat A, Barthélemy M, Vespignani A 2006 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 103 2015
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[4] Li Q, Guan X H, Wu P, Wang X Y, Zhou L, Tong Y Q, Ren R Q, Leung S, Lau E, Wong J, Xing X S, Xiang N J, Wu Y, Li C, Chen Q, Li D, Liu T, Zhao J, Li M, Tu W X, Chen C D, Jin L M, Yang R, Wang Q, Zhou S H, Wang R, Liu H, Luo Y B, Liu Y, Shao G, Li H, Tao Z F, Yang Y, Deng Z Q, Liu B X, Ma Z T, Zhang Y P, Shi G Q, Lam T, Wu J, Gao G, Cowling B, Yang B, Leung G, Feng Z J 2020 N. Engl. J. Med. 382 1199
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[5] Guan W J, Ni Z Y, Hu Y, Liang W H, Ou C Q, He J X, Liu L, Shan H, Lei C L, Hui D S 2020 N. Engl. J. Med. 382 1708
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[6] Liu Y X, Yang Y, Zhang C, Huang F M, Wang F X, Yuan J, Wang Z Q, Li J X, Li J M, Feng C 2020 Sci. China, Ser. C Life Sci. 63 364
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[7] Zhou T, Liu Q, Yang Z, Liao J, Yang K, Bai W, Lu X, Zhang W 2020 J. Evid.-Based Med. 13 3
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[8] 栾荣生, 王新, 孙鑫, 陈兴蜀, 周涛, 刘权辉, 吕欣, 吴先萍, 谷冬晴, 唐明霜, 崔慧杰, 单雪峰, 欧阳净, 张本, 张伟 2020 四川大学学报(医学版) 51 131
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Luan R S, Wang X, Sun X, Zhou T, Liu Q H, Lu X, Wu X P, Gu D Q, Tang M S, Cui H J, Shan X F, Ouyang J, Zhang B, Zhang W 2020 J. Sichuan.Univ. 51 131
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[9] 周涛, 刘权辉, 杨紫陌, 廖敬仪, 杨可心, 白薇, 吕欣, 张伟 2020 中国循证医学杂志 20 359
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[10] 谭索怡, 曹自强, 秦烁, 陈洒然, 赛斌, 郭淑慧, 刘楚楚, 蔡梦思, 周涛, 张伟, 吕欣 2020 电子科技大学学报 49 788
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[11] 魏永越, 卢珍珍, 杜志成, 张志杰, 赵杨, 沈思鹏, 王波, 郝元涛, 陈峰 2020 中华流行病学杂志 41 470
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Wei Y Z, Lu Z Z, Du Z C, Zhang Z J, Zhao Y, Shen S P, Wang B, Hao Y T, Chen F 2020 Chinese J. Epidemiology 41 470
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[12] Cohen J 2020 https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/02/scientists-are-racing-model-next-moves-coronavirus-thats-stillhard-predict [2021-1-11]
[13] Brockmann D, Helbing D 2013 Science 342 1337
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[14] Wu J T, Leung K, Leung G M 2020 The Lancet 395 689
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[15] 王聪, 严洁, 王旭, 李敏 2020 物理学报 69 080701
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Wang C, Yan J, Wang X, Li M 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 080701
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[16] Gross B, Zheng Z, Liu S, Chen X, Sela A, Li J, Li D, Havlin S 2020 arXiv: 2003. 08382 [Statistical Physics]
[17] 许小可, 文成, 张光耀, 孙皓宸, 刘波, 王贤文 2020 电子科技大学学报 49 324
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Xu X K, Wen C, Sun G Y, Sun H C, Liu B, Wang X W 2020 J. Univ. Electron. Sci. Technol. China 49 324
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[18] Tian H Y, Liu Y H, Li Y D, Wu C H, Chen B, Kraemer M U, Li B Y, Cai J, Xu B, Yang Q Q 2020 Science 368 638
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[19] Xu C H, Yu Y G, Yang Q C, Lu Z Z 2020 arXiv: 2004. 12541 [physics. soc-ph]
[20] Bengtsson L, Gaudart J, Lu X, Moore S, Wetter E, Sallah K, Rebaudet S, Piarroux R 2015 Sci. Rep. 5 8923
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[21] Wilson R, Erbach S E, Albert M, Power D, Tudge S, Gonzalez M, Guthrie S, Chamberlain H, Brooks C, Hughes C 2016 PLoS. Curr. 1 8
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[22] Lu X, Bengtsson L, Holme P 2012 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109 11576
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[23] 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部无线电管理局 (miit.gov.cn) https://www.miit.gov.cn/jgsj/wgj/gzdt/art/2020/art_87ace87acac0426a99f4213e4d578cac.html [2021-1-11]
[24] 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部无线电管理局 (miit.gov.cn) https://www.miit.gov.cn/jgsj/wgj/gggs/art/2020/art_9212747d4c794f919bd4aa03a4ca2fcf.html [2021-1-11]
[25] Holme P, Saramaki J 2012 Phys. Rep. 519 97
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[28] Blondel V D, Guillaume J L, Renaud L, Etienne L 2008 J. Stat. Mech.: Theory Exp. 10 P10008
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[30] 新一线城市研究所 (yicai.com) https://www.maigoo.com/news/550235.html [2021-1-11]
[31] Barbosa H, Barthelemy M, Ghoshal G, James C R, Lenormand M, Louail T, Menezes R, Ramasco J J, Simini F, Tomasini M 2018 Phys. Rep. 734 1
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