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Plasma-assisted polishing for atomic surface fabrication of single crystal SiC

Ji Jian-Wei Kazuya Yamamura Deng Hui


Plasma-assisted polishing for atomic surface fabrication of single crystal SiC

Ji Jian-Wei, Kazuya Yamamura, Deng Hui
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • At present, owing to the inherent limitations of the material characteristics of Si based semiconductor materials, Si based semiconductors are facing more and more challenges in meeting the performance requirements of the rapidly developing modern power electronic technologies used in semiconductor devices. As a new generation of semiconductor material, SiC has significant performance advantages, but it is difficult to process the SiC wafers with high-quality and high-efficiency in their industrial application. Reviewing the research progress of ultra-precision machining technology of SiC in recent years, we introduce plasma oxidation modification based highly efficient polishing technology of SiC in this paper. The material removal mechanism, typical device, modification process, and polishing result of this technology are analyzed. The analysis shows that the plasma oxidation modification possesses high removal efficiency and atomically flat surfaces without surface or subsurface damages. Furthermore, aiming at step-terrace structures produced during SiC surface processing with different polishing technologies, the generation mechanism and control strategy of periodic atomic layer step-terrace structures are discussed. Finally, the development and challenge of plasma-assisted polishing technology are prospected.
      Corresponding author: Deng Hui,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 52035009, 52005243) and the International Cooperation from the Science and Technology Innovation Committee of Shenzhen Municipality, Shenzhen, China (Grant No. GJHZ20180928155412525)

    Bencherif H, Pezzimenti F, Dehimi L, Della C 2020 Appl. Phys. A 126 854Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  PAP技术原理图[45]

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of PAP[45].

    图 2  PAP加工装置 (a)装置示意图[40]; (b)装置实物图[45]; (c)抛光垫截面图及SEM图[45]

    Figure 2.  PAP machine: (a) The schematic view[40]; (b) photograph of the apparatus[45]; (c) cross-sectional structure and SEM image of the polishing film[45].

    图 3  等离子体OES谱[45] (a)反应气体为水蒸气; (b)反应气体为O2

    Figure 3.  OES spectra[45] of plasma: (a) Water vapor contained plasma; (b) oxygen contained plasma.

    图 4  球盘式摩擦磨损实验[45] (a)实验装置示意图; (b)实验结果

    Figure 4.  Ball-on-disc wear test[45]: (a) Schematic view of the experimental apparatus; (b) the experimental results.

    图 5  以水蒸气为反应气体的等离子体改性后表面XTEM图[48]

    Figure 5.  XTEM image of surface irradiated by water vapor contained plasma[48].

    图 6  改性前后4H-SiC(0001)纳米压痕实验[49] (a)载荷位移曲线; (b)计算获得的硬度值

    Figure 6.  Nano-indentation tests of 4H-SiC(0001) before and after surface modification[49]: (a) Load-displacement curve; (b) hardness calculated from measured data.

    图 7  CMP加工SiC的AFM图(PV表示最高和最低处的差值; RMS是均方根)[45] (a) 金刚石抛光液(PV, 2.46 nm; RMS, 0.30 nm); (b) Al2O3抛光液(PV, 30.63 nm; RMS, 1.28 nm); (c) SiO2抛光液(PV, 2.01 nm; RMS, 0.15 nm); (d) CeO2抛光液(PV, 0.68 nm; RMS, 0.08 nm)

    Figure 7.  AFM images of CMP-processed SiC (PV, peak to valley; RMS, root mean square)[45]: (a) Diamond slurry (PV, 2.46 nm; RMS, 0.30 nm); (b) Al2O3 slurry (PV, 30.63 nm; RMS, 1.28 nm); (c) SiO2 slurry (PV, 2.01 nm; RMS, 0.15 nm); (d) CeO2 slurry (PV, 0.68 nm; RMS, 0.08 nm).

    图 8  加工后4H-SiC的WLI测量结果[40] (a)不使用等离子体改性, 而仅以CeO2抛光后表面(PV, 5.49 nm; RMS, 0.57 nm); (b) PAP技术加工后表面(PV, 1.89 nm; RMS, 0.28 nm)

    Figure 8.  WLI images of processed 4H-SiC wafer[40]: (a) The surface polished by ceria abrasive without plasma irradiation (PV, 5.49 nm; RMS, 0.57 nm); (b) the surface processed by PAP (PV, 1.89 nm; RMS, 0.28 nm).

    图 9  不同加工阶段的SiC样品AFM图[45] (a)加工前SiC表面; (b) PAP技术加工过程中SiC表面; (c) PAP技术最终加工结果

    Figure 9.  AFM images of the surface of SiC substrate during different polishing stages[45]: (a) The unprocessed SiC surface; (b) SiC surface at the in-process stage of PAP; (c) SiC surface at the final stage of PAP.

    图 10  PAP技术加工后4H-SiC样品XTEM图[49] (a) 低分辨率图像; (b) 高分辨率图像

    Figure 10.  (a) Low and (b) high resolution XTEM image of 4H-SiC surface processed by PAP[49].

    图 11  RHEED测量结果[40] (a) PAP加工后样品的RHEED图; (b)加工前后两样品的晶格常数

    Figure 11.  Measurement results of RHEED[40]: (a) RHEED pattern of the SiC wafer processed by PAP; (b) lattice constants calculated from the RHEED pattern.

    图 12  多次进行等离子体辐照和HF浸泡后的4H-SiC表面WLI图[48] (a)金刚石磨料抛光获得的初始表面(PV, 11.14 nm; RMS, 1.80 nm); (b)第一次处理后的结果(PV, 6.65 nm; RMS, 1.02 nm); (c)第二次处理后的结果(PV, 8.39 nm; RMS, 2.83 nm); (d)第三次处理后的结果(PV, 2.45 nm; RMS, 0.45 nm)

    Figure 12.  WLI images of processed 4H-SiC surfaces[48]: (a) Diamond lapped surface (PV, 11.14 nm; RMS, 1.80 nm); (b) after the first cycle of plasma oxidation and HF dipping (PV, 6.65 nm; RMS, 1.02 nm); (c) after the second cycle (PV, 8.39 nm; RMS, 2.83 nm); (d) after the third cycle (PV, 2.45 nm; RMS, 0.45 nm).

    图 13  等离子体辐照和HF刻蚀处理之后的SiC表面AFM图[48] (PV, 0.95 nm; RMS, 0.11 nm)

    Figure 13.  AFM image of the SiC sueface processed by plasma oxidation followed by HF dipping[48] (PV, 0.95 nm; RMS, 0.11 nm).

    图 14  等离子体辐照后4H-SiC样品表面的XTEM图[45]

    Figure 14.  XTEM images of water vapor contained plasma irradiated 4H-SiC surface[45].

    图 15  4H-SiC(0001)表面台阶结构的键结构(观察方向[1120])[64]

    Figure 15.  Bond configuration of step-terrace structure on a 4H-SiC(0001) surface viewed from the [1120] direction[64].

    图 16  4H-SiC台阶状结构形成机制[65] (a)化学改性占主导机制, 产生a-b-a*-b*型结构; (b)化学改性作用与磨粒物理去除作用相当, 产生a-b型结构; (c)磨粒物理去除作用占主导机制, 形成a-a型结构

    Figure 16.  Probable formation mechanism of step-terrace structure of 4H-SiC[65]: (a) Surface modification was dominant, resulting in the formation of the a-b-a*-b* type step-terrace structure; (b) physical removal was comparable with surface modification, resulting in the formation of the a-b type step-terrace structure; (c) physical removal was dominant, resulting in the formation of the a-a type step-terrace structure.

    图 17  在抛光盘转速不同情况下, 抛光后的SiC表面的不同台阶状结构的AFM图[65] (a) 500 r/min; (b) 1500 r/min; (c) 2500 r/min

    Figure 17.  AFM images of different step structures on SiC surface after polishing with different polishing speed of (a) 500, (b) 1500, (c) 2500 r/min.

  • [1]

    Bencherif H, Pezzimenti F, Dehimi L, Della C 2020 Appl. Phys. A 126 854Google Scholar


    Haddud A, Desouza A, Khare A, Lee H 2017 J. Manuf. Technol. Mana. 28 1055Google Scholar


    He Y, Clark G, Schaibley J, He Y, Chen M, Wei Y, Ding X, Zhang Q, Yao W, Xu X, Lu C, Pan J 2015 Nat. Nanotechnol. 10 497Google Scholar


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    Domnich V, Aratyn Y, Kriven W, Gogotsi Y 2008 Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci. 17 33


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    路家斌, 熊强, 阎秋生, 王鑫, 廖博涛 2019 表面技术 48 148

    Lu J B, Xiong Q, Yan Q S, Wang X, Liao B T 2019 Surf. Tech. 48 148


    Murata J, Yodogawa K, Ban K 2017 Int. J. Mach. Tool. Manu. 114 1


    Shen X, Tu Q, Deng H, Jiang G, He X, Liu B, Yamamura K 2016 Appl. Phys. A 122 354Google Scholar


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    Sun R, Yang X, Watanabe K, Miyazaki S, Fukano T, Kitada M, Arima K, Kawai K, Yamamura K 2019 Nanomanuf. Metrol. 2 168Google Scholar


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    Deng H, Takiguchi T, Ueda M, Hattori1 A, Zettsu N, Yamamura K 2011 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 50 08JG05


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    Okamoto T, Sano Y, Hara H, Hatayama T, Arima K, Yagi K, Murata J, Sadakuni S, Tachibana K, Shirasawa Y, Mimura H, Fuyuki T, Yamauchi K 2010 Mater. Sci. Forum 645-648 775


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  • Received Date:  29 November 2020
  • Accepted Date:  22 December 2020
  • Available Online:  10 March 2021
  • Published Online:  20 March 2021

