Laser spectroscopy based techniques have the advantages of high sensitivities, high selectivities, non-invasiveness and in situ, real-time observations. They are widely used in numerous fields, such as environmental monitoring, life science, medical diagnostics, manned space flight, and planetary exploration. Owing to the merits of low cost, compact volume and strong environment adaptability, quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy (QEPAS) based sensing is an important laser spectroscopy-based method of detecting the trace gas, which was invented in 2002. Detection sensitivity is a key parameter for gas sensors because it determines their real applications. In this paper, focusing on the detection sensitivity, the common methods for QEPAS are summarized. High power laser including amplified diode laser by erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA), and quantum cascade laser are used to improve the excitation intensity of acoustic wave. The absorption line of gas molecules located at the fundamental bands of mid-infrared region is adopted to increase the laser absorption strength. Micro-resonator is employed to enhance the generated acoustic pressure by forming a standing wave cavity. Quartz tuning forks (QTFs) with low resonant frequency are used to increase the accumulation time of acoustic energy in itself. Multi-pass strategy is utilized to amplify the action length between laser beam and target gas in the prongs of QTF. The advantages and disadvantages of the above methods are discussed respectively. For the issues in real applications, the all-fiber strucure in near-infared region and mid-infrared region and miniaturization using three-dimensional(3D) printing technique for QEPAS sensor are summarized. A QEPAS technique based multi-gas sensor is used to quantify the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen cyanide (HCN), and hydrogen chloride (HCl) for post-fire cleanup aboard spacecraft, which is taken for example for the real application.Finally, the methods of further improving the sensitivity of QEPAS sensor are proposed.
- trace gas detection /
- quartz tuning fork /
- detection sensitivity /
- quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy
[1] Khalil M A K, Rasmussen R A 1984 Science 224 54Google Scholar
[2] Logan J A, Prather M J, Wofsy S C, McElroy M B 1981 J. Geophys. Res. 86 7210Google Scholar
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[4] Milde T, Hoppe M, Tatenguem H, Mordmüller M, Ogorman J, Willer U, Schade W, Sacher J 2018 Appl. Opt. 57 C120Google Scholar
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[10] Ma Y F, He Y, Tong Y, Yu X, Tittel F K 2018 Opt. Express 26 32103Google Scholar
[11] Bell A G 1880 Am. J. Sci. 20 305
[12] Kosterev A A, Bakhirkin Y A, Curl R F, Tittel F K 2002 Opt. Lett. 27 1902Google Scholar
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[15] Giglio M, Patimisco P, Sampaolo A, Zifarelli A, Blanchard R, Pfluegl C, Witinski M F, Vakhshoori D, Tittel F K, Spagnolo V 2018 Appl. Phys. Lett. 113 171101Google Scholar
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[22] Petra, N, Zweck J, Kosterev A A, Minkoff S E, Thomazy D 2009 Appl. Phys. B 94 673Google Scholar
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[31] Patimisco P, Borri S, Sampaolo A, Beere H E, Ritchie D A, Vitiello M S, Scamarcio G, Spagnolo V 2014 Analyst 139 2079Google Scholar
[32] Patimisco P, Sampaolo A, Dong L, Tittel F K, Spagnolo V 2018 Appl. Phys. Rev. 5 011106Google Scholar
[33] Patimisco P, Sampaolo A, Dong L, Giglio M, Scamarcio G, Tittel F K, Spagnolo V 2016 Sens. Actuators, B 227 539Google Scholar
[34] Kosterev A A, Tittel F K, Serebryakov D V, Malinovsky A L, Morozov I V 2005 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76 043105Google Scholar
[35] Li Y, Wang R Z, Tittel F K, Ma Y F 2020 Opt. Lasers Eng. 132 106155Google Scholar
[36] Ma Y F, Lewicki R, Razeghi M, Tittel F K 2013 Opt. Express 21 1008Google Scholar
[37] Wu H P, Sampaolo A, Dong L, Patimisco P, Liu X L, Zheng H D, Yin X K, Ma W G, Zhang L, Yin W B, Spagnolo V, Jia S T, Tittel F K 2015 Appl. Phys. Lett. 107 111104Google Scholar
[38] Ma Y F, He Y, Zhang L G, Yu X, Zhang J B, Sun R, Tittel F K 2017 Appl. Phys. Lett. 107 031107
[39] Giglio M, Zifarelli A, Sampaolo A, Menduni G, Elefante A, Blanchard R, Pfluegl C, Witinski M F, Vakhshoori D, Wu H P, Passaro V M N, Patimisco P, Tittel F K, Dong L, Spagnolo V 2020 Photoacoustics 17 100159Google Scholar
[40] Ma Y F, Tong Y, He Y, Yu X, Tittel F K 2018 Sensors 18 122
[41] He Y, Ma Y F, Tong Y, Yu X, Tittel F K 2018 Opt. Express 26 9666Google Scholar
[42] Yi H M, Maamary R, Gao X M, Sigrist M W, Fertein E, Chen W D 2015 Appl. Phys. Lett. 106 101109Google Scholar
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[45] Borri S, Patimisco P, Sampaolo A, Beere H E, Ritchie D A, Vitiello M S, Scamarcio G, Spagnolo V 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 021105Google Scholar
[46] Ma Y F, Yu G, Zhang J B, Yu X, Sun R 2015 J. Optics 17 055401Google Scholar
[47] Liu K, Guo X Y, Yi H M, Chen W D, Zhang W J, Gao X M 2009 Opt. Lett. 34 1594Google Scholar
[48] Zheng H D, Dong L, Sampaolo A, Wu H P, Patimisco P, Yin X K, Ma W G, Zhang L, Yin W B, Spagnolo V, Jia S T, Tittel F K 2016 Opt. Lett. 41 978Google Scholar
[49] Yi H M, Chen W D, Sun S W, Liu K, Tan T, Gao X M 2012 Opt. Express 20 9187Google Scholar
[50] Hu L, Zheng C T, Zheng J, Wang Y D, Tittel F K 2019 Opt. Lett. 44 2562Google Scholar
[51] Patimisco P, Sampaolo A, Mackowiak V, Rossmadl H, Cable A, Tittel F K, Spagnolo V 2018 IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelctr. Freq. Control 65 1951Google Scholar
[52] Patimisco P, Sampaolo A, Zheng H D, Dong L, Tittel F K, Spagnolo V 2016 Adv. Phys. X 2 169
[53] Zheng H D, Liu Y H, Lin H Y, Liu B, Gu X H, Li D Q, Huang B C, Wu Y C, Dong L P, Zhu W G, Tang J Y, Guan H Y, Lu H H, Zhong Y C, Fang J B, Luo Y H, Zhang J, Yu J H, Chen Z, Tittel F K 2020 Photoacoustics 17 100158Google Scholar
[54] Ma Y F, He Y, Tong Y, Yu X, Tittel F K 2017 Opt. Express 25 29356Google Scholar
[55] Ma Y F, He Y, Yu X, Chen C, Sun R, Tittel F K 2016 Sens. Actuators, B 233 388Google Scholar
[56] Zheng H D, Dong L, Patimisco P, Wu H P, Sampaolo A, Yin X K, Li S Z, Ma W G, Zhang L, Yin W B, Xiao L T, Spagnolo V, Jia S T, Tittel F K 2017 Appl. Phys. Lett. 110 021110Google Scholar
[57] Qiao S D, Ma Y F, Patimisco P, Sampaolo A, He Y, Lang Z T, Tittel F K, Spagnolo V 2021 Opt. Lett. 46 977Google Scholar
[58] Ma Y F, Qiao S D, Patimisco P, Sampaolo A, Wang Y, Tittel F K, Spagnolo V 2020 Appl. Phys. Lett. 116 061101Google Scholar
[59] Borri S, Patimisco P, Galli I, Mazzotti D, Giusfredi G, Akikusa N, Yamanishi M, Scamarcio G, De Natale P, Spagnolo V 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 091114Google Scholar
[60] Zheng H D, Dong L, Sampaolo A, Patimisco P, Ma W G, Zhang L, Yin W B, Xiao L T, Spagnolo V, Jia S T, Tittel F K 2016 Appl. Phys. Lett. 109 111103Google Scholar
[61] Sampaolo A, Patimisco P, Dong L, Geras A, Scamarcio G, Starecki T, Tittel F K, Spagnolo V 2015 Appl. Phys. Lett. 107 231102Google Scholar
[62] Wu H P, Yin X K, Dong L, Pei K L, Sampaolo A, Patimisco P, Zheng H D, Ma W G, Zhang L, Yin W B, Xiao L T, Spagnolo V, Jia S T, Tittel F K 2017 Appl. Phys. Lett. 110 121104Google Scholar
[63] Feng W, Qu Y, Gao Y, Ma Y 2021 Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett. 1 0
[64] Menduni G, Sgobba F, Russo S D, Ranieri A C, Sampaolo A, Patimisco P, Giglio M, Passaro V M N, Csutak S, Assante D, Ranieri E, Geoffrion E, Spagnolo V 2020 Molecules 25 5607Google Scholar
[65] Ma Y F, He Y, Yu X, Zhang J B, Sun R, Tittel F K 2016 Appl. Phys. Lett. 108 091115Google Scholar
[66] He Y, Ma Y F, Tong Y, Yu X, Peng Z F, Gao J, Tittel F K 2017 Appl. Phys. Lett. 111 241102Google Scholar
[67] Spagnolo V, Patimisco P, Borri S, Scamarcio G, Bernacki B E, Kriesel J 2012 Opt Lett. 37 4461Google Scholar
[68] Li Z, Shi C, Ren W 2016 Opt. Lett. 41 4095Google Scholar
[69] He Y, Ma Y F, Tong Y, Yu X, Tittel F K 2019 Opt. Laser Technol. 115 129Google Scholar
[70] Ma Y F, Tong Y, He Y, Jin X G, Tittel F K 2019 Opt. Express 27 9302Google Scholar
[71] Dong L, Kosterev A A, Thomazy D, Tittel F K 2011 Proc. SPIE 7945 794501Google Scholar
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[73] Ma Y F, Hu Y Q, Qiao S D, He Y, Tittel F K 2020 Photoacoustics 20 100206Google Scholar
[74] Qiao S D, He Y, Ma Y F 2021 Opt. Lett.Google Scholar
[1] Khalil M A K, Rasmussen R A 1984 Science 224 54Google Scholar
[2] Logan J A, Prather M J, Wofsy S C, McElroy M B 1981 J. Geophys. Res. 86 7210Google Scholar
[3] Wojtas J, Tittel F K, Stacewicz T, Bielecki Z, Lewicki R, Mikolajczyk J, Nowakowski M, Szabra D, Stefanski P, Tarka J 2014 Int. J. Thermophys. 35 2215Google Scholar
[4] Milde T, Hoppe M, Tatenguem H, Mordmüller M, Ogorman J, Willer U, Schade W, Sacher J 2018 Appl. Opt. 57 C120Google Scholar
[5] Ma Y F, Qiao S D, He Y, Li Y, Zhang Z H, Yu X, Tittel F K 2019 Opt. Express 27 14163Google Scholar
[6] Spagnolo V, Dong L, Kosterev A A, Tittel F K 2012 Opt. Express 20 3401Google Scholar
[7] Krzempek K, Dudzik G, Abramski K 2018 Opt. Express 26 28861Google Scholar
[8] Qiao S D, Qu Y C, Ma Y F, He Y, Wang Y, Hu Y Q, Yu X, Zhang Z H, Tittel F K 2019 Sensors 19 4187Google Scholar
[9] Bradshaw J L, Bruno J D, Lascola K M, Leavitt R P, Pham J T, Towner F J, Sonnenfroh D M, Parameswaran K R 2011 Proc. SPIE 8032 80320D
[10] Ma Y F, He Y, Tong Y, Yu X, Tittel F K 2018 Opt. Express 26 32103Google Scholar
[11] Bell A G 1880 Am. J. Sci. 20 305
[12] Kosterev A A, Bakhirkin Y A, Curl R F, Tittel F K 2002 Opt. Lett. 27 1902Google Scholar
[13] Liu K, Li J, Wang L, Tan T, Zhang W, Gao X. M, Chen W D, Tittel F K 2009 Appl. Phys. B 94 527Google Scholar
[14] Ma Y F 2020 Front. Phys. 8 268Google Scholar
[15] Giglio M, Patimisco P, Sampaolo A, Zifarelli A, Blanchard R, Pfluegl C, Witinski M F, Vakhshoori D, Tittel F K, Spagnolo V 2018 Appl. Phys. Lett. 113 171101Google Scholar
[16] Dong L, Yu Y J, Li C G, So S, Tittel F K 2015 Opt. Express 23 19821Google Scholar
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[27] Paetzold U W, Lehnen S, Bittkau K, Rau U, Carius R 2014 Nano Lett. 14 6599Google Scholar
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[29] Nguyen B T, Triki M, Desbrosses G, Vicet A 2015 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86 023111Google Scholar
[30] Ma Y F, Tong Y, He Y, Long J H, Yu X 2018 Sensors 18 2047Google Scholar
[31] Patimisco P, Borri S, Sampaolo A, Beere H E, Ritchie D A, Vitiello M S, Scamarcio G, Spagnolo V 2014 Analyst 139 2079Google Scholar
[32] Patimisco P, Sampaolo A, Dong L, Tittel F K, Spagnolo V 2018 Appl. Phys. Rev. 5 011106Google Scholar
[33] Patimisco P, Sampaolo A, Dong L, Giglio M, Scamarcio G, Tittel F K, Spagnolo V 2016 Sens. Actuators, B 227 539Google Scholar
[34] Kosterev A A, Tittel F K, Serebryakov D V, Malinovsky A L, Morozov I V 2005 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76 043105Google Scholar
[35] Li Y, Wang R Z, Tittel F K, Ma Y F 2020 Opt. Lasers Eng. 132 106155Google Scholar
[36] Ma Y F, Lewicki R, Razeghi M, Tittel F K 2013 Opt. Express 21 1008Google Scholar
[37] Wu H P, Sampaolo A, Dong L, Patimisco P, Liu X L, Zheng H D, Yin X K, Ma W G, Zhang L, Yin W B, Spagnolo V, Jia S T, Tittel F K 2015 Appl. Phys. Lett. 107 111104Google Scholar
[38] Ma Y F, He Y, Zhang L G, Yu X, Zhang J B, Sun R, Tittel F K 2017 Appl. Phys. Lett. 107 031107
[39] Giglio M, Zifarelli A, Sampaolo A, Menduni G, Elefante A, Blanchard R, Pfluegl C, Witinski M F, Vakhshoori D, Wu H P, Passaro V M N, Patimisco P, Tittel F K, Dong L, Spagnolo V 2020 Photoacoustics 17 100159Google Scholar
[40] Ma Y F, Tong Y, He Y, Yu X, Tittel F K 2018 Sensors 18 122
[41] He Y, Ma Y F, Tong Y, Yu X, Tittel F K 2018 Opt. Express 26 9666Google Scholar
[42] Yi H M, Maamary R, Gao X M, Sigrist M W, Fertein E, Chen W D 2015 Appl. Phys. Lett. 106 101109Google Scholar
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[46] Ma Y F, Yu G, Zhang J B, Yu X, Sun R 2015 J. Optics 17 055401Google Scholar
[47] Liu K, Guo X Y, Yi H M, Chen W D, Zhang W J, Gao X M 2009 Opt. Lett. 34 1594Google Scholar
[48] Zheng H D, Dong L, Sampaolo A, Wu H P, Patimisco P, Yin X K, Ma W G, Zhang L, Yin W B, Spagnolo V, Jia S T, Tittel F K 2016 Opt. Lett. 41 978Google Scholar
[49] Yi H M, Chen W D, Sun S W, Liu K, Tan T, Gao X M 2012 Opt. Express 20 9187Google Scholar
[50] Hu L, Zheng C T, Zheng J, Wang Y D, Tittel F K 2019 Opt. Lett. 44 2562Google Scholar
[51] Patimisco P, Sampaolo A, Mackowiak V, Rossmadl H, Cable A, Tittel F K, Spagnolo V 2018 IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelctr. Freq. Control 65 1951Google Scholar
[52] Patimisco P, Sampaolo A, Zheng H D, Dong L, Tittel F K, Spagnolo V 2016 Adv. Phys. X 2 169
[53] Zheng H D, Liu Y H, Lin H Y, Liu B, Gu X H, Li D Q, Huang B C, Wu Y C, Dong L P, Zhu W G, Tang J Y, Guan H Y, Lu H H, Zhong Y C, Fang J B, Luo Y H, Zhang J, Yu J H, Chen Z, Tittel F K 2020 Photoacoustics 17 100158Google Scholar
[54] Ma Y F, He Y, Tong Y, Yu X, Tittel F K 2017 Opt. Express 25 29356Google Scholar
[55] Ma Y F, He Y, Yu X, Chen C, Sun R, Tittel F K 2016 Sens. Actuators, B 233 388Google Scholar
[56] Zheng H D, Dong L, Patimisco P, Wu H P, Sampaolo A, Yin X K, Li S Z, Ma W G, Zhang L, Yin W B, Xiao L T, Spagnolo V, Jia S T, Tittel F K 2017 Appl. Phys. Lett. 110 021110Google Scholar
[57] Qiao S D, Ma Y F, Patimisco P, Sampaolo A, He Y, Lang Z T, Tittel F K, Spagnolo V 2021 Opt. Lett. 46 977Google Scholar
[58] Ma Y F, Qiao S D, Patimisco P, Sampaolo A, Wang Y, Tittel F K, Spagnolo V 2020 Appl. Phys. Lett. 116 061101Google Scholar
[59] Borri S, Patimisco P, Galli I, Mazzotti D, Giusfredi G, Akikusa N, Yamanishi M, Scamarcio G, De Natale P, Spagnolo V 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 091114Google Scholar
[60] Zheng H D, Dong L, Sampaolo A, Patimisco P, Ma W G, Zhang L, Yin W B, Xiao L T, Spagnolo V, Jia S T, Tittel F K 2016 Appl. Phys. Lett. 109 111103Google Scholar
[61] Sampaolo A, Patimisco P, Dong L, Geras A, Scamarcio G, Starecki T, Tittel F K, Spagnolo V 2015 Appl. Phys. Lett. 107 231102Google Scholar
[62] Wu H P, Yin X K, Dong L, Pei K L, Sampaolo A, Patimisco P, Zheng H D, Ma W G, Zhang L, Yin W B, Xiao L T, Spagnolo V, Jia S T, Tittel F K 2017 Appl. Phys. Lett. 110 121104Google Scholar
[63] Feng W, Qu Y, Gao Y, Ma Y 2021 Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett. 1 0
[64] Menduni G, Sgobba F, Russo S D, Ranieri A C, Sampaolo A, Patimisco P, Giglio M, Passaro V M N, Csutak S, Assante D, Ranieri E, Geoffrion E, Spagnolo V 2020 Molecules 25 5607Google Scholar
[65] Ma Y F, He Y, Yu X, Zhang J B, Sun R, Tittel F K 2016 Appl. Phys. Lett. 108 091115Google Scholar
[66] He Y, Ma Y F, Tong Y, Yu X, Peng Z F, Gao J, Tittel F K 2017 Appl. Phys. Lett. 111 241102Google Scholar
[67] Spagnolo V, Patimisco P, Borri S, Scamarcio G, Bernacki B E, Kriesel J 2012 Opt Lett. 37 4461Google Scholar
[68] Li Z, Shi C, Ren W 2016 Opt. Lett. 41 4095Google Scholar
[69] He Y, Ma Y F, Tong Y, Yu X, Tittel F K 2019 Opt. Laser Technol. 115 129Google Scholar
[70] Ma Y F, Tong Y, He Y, Jin X G, Tittel F K 2019 Opt. Express 27 9302Google Scholar
[71] Dong L, Kosterev A A, Thomazy D, Tittel F K 2011 Proc. SPIE 7945 794501Google Scholar
[72] Hu Y Q, Qiao S D, He Y, Lang Z T, Ma Y F 2021 Opt. Express 29 5121Google Scholar
[73] Ma Y F, Hu Y Q, Qiao S D, He Y, Tittel F K 2020 Photoacoustics 20 100206Google Scholar
[74] Qiao S D, He Y, Ma Y F 2021 Opt. Lett.Google Scholar
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