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Comparative study on discharge characteristics of low pressure CO2 driven by sinusoidal AC voltage: DBD and bare electrode structure

Fu Qiang Wang Cong Wang Yu-Fei Chang Zheng-Shi


Comparative study on discharge characteristics of low pressure CO2 driven by sinusoidal AC voltage: DBD and bare electrode structure

Fu Qiang, Wang Cong, Wang Yu-Fei, Chang Zheng-Shi
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  • The low-pressure atmosphere rich in CO2 (~95%) on Mars makes the in-situ resource utilization of Martian CO2 and the improvement of oxidation attract widespread attention. It contributes to constructing the Mars base which will support the deep space exploration. Conversion of CO2 based on high voltage discharge has the advantages of environmental friendliness, high efficiency and long service life. It has application potential in the in-situ conversion and utilization of Martian CO2 resources. We simulate the CO2 atmosphere of Mars where the pressure is fixed at 1 kPa and the temperature is maintained at room temperature. A comparative study is carried out on the discharge characteristics of two typical electrode structures (with/without barrier dielectric) driven by 20 kHz AC voltage. Combined with numerical simulations, the CO2 discharge characteristics, products and their conversion pathways are analyzed. The results show that the discharge mode changes from single discharge during each half cycle into multi discharge pulses after adding the barrier dielectric. Each discharge pulse of the multi pulses corresponds to a random discharge channel, which is induced by the distorted electric field of accumulated charge on the dielectric surface and the space charge. The accumulated charge on the dielectric surface promotes the primary discharge and inhibits the secondary discharge. Space charge will be conducive to the occurrence of secondary discharge. The main products in discharge process include ${\rm{CO}}^+_2 $, CO, O2, C, and O. Among the products, CO is produced mainly by the attachment decomposition reaction between energetic electrons and CO2 at the boundary of cathode falling zone, and the contribution rate of the reaction can reach about 95%. The O2 is generated mainly by the compound decomposition reaction between electrons and ${\rm{CO}}^+_2 $ near the instantaneous anode surface or instantaneous anode side dielectric surface, and the contribution rate of the reaction can reach about 98%. It is further found that the dielectric does not change the generation position nor dominant reaction pathway of the two main products, but will reduce the electron density from 5.6×1016 m−3 to 0.9×1016 m−3 and electron temperature from 17.2 eV to 11.7 eV at the boundary of the cathode falling region, resulting in the reduction of CO production. At the same time, the deposited power is reduced, resulting in insufficient $ {\rm{CO}}^+_2 $ yield near the instantaneous anode surface and instantaneous anode side dielectric surface and further the decrease of O2 generation.
      Corresponding author: Chang Zheng-Shi,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. xzy012021014), the Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering Innovation Fund, China (Grant No. CAST-BISEE2019-021), and the Beijing Institute of Aerospace Systems Engineering Innovation Fund, China (Grant No. CALTJS2017-0031).

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    Wang W, Berthelot A, Kolev S, Tu X, Bogaerts A 2016 Plasma Sources Sci. T. 25 065012Google Scholar


    张凯, 张帅, 高远, 孙昊, 严萍, 邵涛 2019 高电压技术 45 1396

    Zhang K, Zhang S, Gao Y, Sun H, Yan P, Shao T 2019 High Voltage Engineering 45 1396


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  • 图 1  平行板电极实验装置图 (a) 裸电极型; (b) DBD型

    Figure 1.  Diagram of parallel plate electrode: (a) Bare copper electrode; (b) copper electrode with dielectric barrier.

    图 2  CO2放电转化特性检测平台

    Figure 2.  Platform of CO2 discharge characteristic detection.

    图 3  4 mm间隙不同电极结构CO2放电电流波形 (a) 裸电极结构; (b) DBD结构

    Figure 3.  CO2 discharge current waveforms with different electrode structures when d = 4 mm: (a) Bare copper electrode; (b) copper electrode with dielectric barrier.

    图 4  DBD不同放电电流脉冲的放电图像

    Figure 4.  Discharge images of different current pulses in DBD.

    图 5  DBD放电参数分布

    Figure 5.  Distribution of discharge parameters in DBD.

    图 6  270—620 nm发射光谱

    Figure 6.  Optical emission spectra ranging from 270 to 620 nm

    图 7  270—570 nm裸电极与DBD发射光谱对比

    Figure 7.  Comparison of discharge optical spectra between copper electrode and DBD structure: 270–570 nm.

    图 8  750—900 nm裸电极与DBD发射光谱对比:

    Figure 8.  Comparison of discharge optical spectra between copper electrode and DBD structure: 750–900 nm.

    图 9  模型中CO和O2不同产生路径的贡献 (a) CO; (b) O2

    Figure 9.  Contribution of different production paths of CO and O2 in model: (a) CO; (b) O2.

    图 10  反应路径E9和E23在稳定周期下的反应速率

    Figure 10.  Reaction rate of path E9 and E23 at stable period.

    图 C1  270—620 nm发射光谱

    Figure C1.  Optical spectra ranging from 270 to 620 nm.

    图 C2  750—900 nm发射光谱

    Figure C2.  Optical spectra ranging from 750 to 900 nm.

    图 C3  200—280 nm裸电极发射光谱

    Figure C3.  Emission spectrum of bare copper electrode: 200–280 nm.

    图 D1  4 mm间隙裸电极放电峰值时刻ne, ni, ETe分布 (a) 正放电; (b)负放电

    Figure D1.  Distribution of ne, ni, E and Te at the peak time of discharge current of bare electrode when d = 4 mm: (a) Positive discharge; (b) negative discharge.

    图 D2  4 mm间隙DBD正放电放电峰值时刻ne, ni, ETe分布 (a)第1个脉冲; (b)第2个脉冲

    Figure D2.  Distribution of ne, ni, E and Te at the peak time of positive discharge current of DBD when d = 4 mm: (a) First pulse; (b) second pulse.

    表 1  模型中包括的粒子

    Table 1.  Types of particles included in the model.

    中性粒子CO2, CO, O, C, O2
    离子CO${}^+_2 $, O, O${}^+_2 $, O${}^-_2 $, CO${}^-_3 $
    激发态粒子CO2e, CO2v1, CO2v2, CO2v3, CO2v4
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  模型中考虑的振动态

    Table 2.  Vibrational particles considered in the model.

    CO2v2(100), (020)
    CO2v4(n00), (0n0)
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  模型中裸电极与DBD放电参数和产物对比

    Table 3.  Comparison of discharge parameters and products in model: bare copper electrode & DBD.

    电子密度/m–31.1 × 10163.6 × 1015
    振动态密度和/m–31.0 × 10213.1 × 1019
    CO密度/m–32.2 × 10177.0 × 1015
    O2密度/m–38.8 × 10162.7 × 1015
    O密度/m–34.2 × 10161.5 × 1015
    C密度/m–33.5 × 10156.3 × 1014
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    表 B2  模型中的电子附着反应和电子-离子复合反应

    Table B2.  Electron attachment reactions and electron-ion recombination reactions in the model.

    E22e + CO${}_2^+ $ → CO + O2.0 × 10–11Te–0.5/Tg[35]
    E23e + CO${}_2^+ $ → C + O23.94 × 10–13Te–0.4[36]
    E24e + O${}_2^+ $ → O + O6.0 × 10–13Te–0.5Tg–0.5[35]
    E25e + O2 + M → M + O${}_2^- $3.0 × 10–42 (M = CO2)[37]
    2.0 × 10–42 (M = CO, O2)
    E26e + O + M → M + O1.0 × 10–43[37]
    E27e + O${}_2^+ $ + M → M + O21.0 × 10–38[31, 38]
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    表 B3  模型中的离子-中性粒子反应和离子-离子反应

    Table B3.  Ion-neutral particle reactions and ion-ion reactions in the model.

    I1O + CO2 +M→ CO${}_3^- $ + M9.0 × 10–41 (M = CO2)[35, 39]
    3.0 × 10–40 (M = CO, O2)
    I2O + CO → CO2 + e5.5 × 10–16[36]
    I3CO${}_3^- $ + CO → CO2 + CO2 + e5.0 × 10–19[35]
    I4O + M → O + M + e4.0 × 10–18[39]
    I5O + O → O2 + e2.3 × 10–16[40]
    I6O${}_2^- $ + CO${}_2^+ $ → CO + O2 + O6.0 × 10–13[35]
    I7O + CO${}_2^+ $ → CO + O${}_2^+ $1.64 × 10–16[31, 41]
    I8O2 + CO${}_2^+ $ → CO2 + O${}_2^+ $5.3 × 10–17[31, 41]
    I9CO${}_3^- $ + CO${}_2^+ $ → CO2 + CO2 + O5.0 × 10–13[35]
    I10CO${}_3^- $ + O${}_2^+ $ → CO2 + O2 + O3.0 × 10–13[35]
    I11CO${}_3^- $ + O → CO2 + O${}_2^- $8.0 × 10–17[35]
    I12O${}_2^- $ + O${}_2^+ $ → O2 + O22.0 × 10–13[40]
    I13O${}_2^- $ + O${}_2^+ $ → O + O + O24.2 × 10–13[35]
    I14O${}_2^- $ + O${}_2^+ $ + M → O2 + O2 + M2.0 × 10–37[38]
    I15O + O${}_2^+ $ → O + O21.0 × 10–13[35]
    I16O + O${}_2^+ $ → O + O + O2.6 × 10–14[40]
    I17O${}_2^- $ + O → O + O23.3 × 10–16[38]
    I18O${}_2^- $ + O2 → O2 + O2 +e2.18 × 10–24[38]
    I19O${}_2^- $ +M → O2 + M +e2.7 × 10–16(Tg/300)0.5exp(–5590/Tg)[36]
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    表 B4  模型中中性粒子之间的反应

    Table B4.  Reactions between neutral particles in the model.

    N1CO2 +M → CO + O + M3.91 × 10–16exp(–49430/Tg)0.8[31]
    N2CO2 + O → CO + O22.8 × 10–17exp(–26500/Tg)0.5[31, 36]
    N3CO2 + C→ CO + CO1.0 × 10–21[39]
    N4O + CO +M → CO2 + M1.6 × 10–45exp(–1510/Tg) (M=CO2)[37]
    8.2 × 10–46exp(–1510/Tg) (M=CO, O2)
    N5O + C +M → CO + M2.14 × 10–41(Tg/300)–3.08exp(–2114/Tg)[36]
    N6O + O +M → O2 + M1.27 × 10–44(Tg/300)–1exp(–170/Tg)[42]
    N7O2 + CO → CO2 + O4.2 × 10–18exp(–24000/Tg)[36]
    N8O2 + C → CO + O3.0 × 10–17[37]
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    表 B5  模型中的振动能量传递反应

    Table B5.  Vibration energy transfer reactions in the model.

    V1CO2v1 + CO2 → CO2 + CO27.14 × 10–14exp(–177 Tg–1/3+451 Tg–2/3)[43]
    V2CO2v1 + CO → CO + CO20.7 × 7.14 × 10–14exp(–177 Tg–1/3+451 Tg–2/3)[43]
    V3CO2v1 + O2 → O2 + CO20.7 × 7.14 × 10–14exp(–177 Tg–1/3+451 Tg–2/3)[43]
    V4CO2v2 + CO2 → CO2 + CO21.071 × 10–15exp(–137 Tg–1/3)[43]
    V5CO2v2 + CO → CO + CO23.1 × 1.071 × 10–15exp(–137 Tg–1/3)[43]
    V6CO2v2 + O2 → O2 + CO23.1 × 1.071 × 10–15exp(–137 Tg–1/3)[43]
    V7CO2v2 + CO2 → CO2 + CO2v11.942 × 10–13exp(–177 Tg–1/3+451 Tg–2/3)[43]
    V8CO2v2 + CO → CO + CO2v10.7 × 1.942 × 10–13exp(–177 Tg–1/3+451 Tg–2/3)[43]
    V9CO2v2 + O2 → O2 + CO2v10.7 × 1.942 × 10–13exp(–177 Tg–1/3+451 Tg–2/3)[43]
    V10CO2v3 + CO2 → CO2 + CO2v28.57 × 10–7exp(–404 Tg–1/3+1096 Tg–2/3)[43]
    V11CO2v3 + CO → CO + CO2v20.3 × 8.57 × 10–7exp(–404 Tg–1/3+1096 Tg–2/3)[43]
    V12CO2v3 + O2 → O2 + CO2v20.4 × 8.57 × 10–7exp(–404 Tg–1/3+1096 Tg–2/3)[43]
    V13CO2v3 + CO2 → CO2 + CO2v41.431 × 10–11exp(–252 Tg–1/3+685 Tg–2/3)[43]
    V14CO2v3 + CO → CO + CO2v40.3 × 1.431 × 10–11exp(–252 Tg–1/3+685 Tg–2/3)[43]
    V15CO2v3 + O2 → O2 + CO2v40.4 × 1.431 × 10–11exp(–252 Tg–1/3+685 Tg–2/3)[43]
    V16CO2v3 + CO2 → CO2v1 + CO2v21.06 × 10–11exp(–242 Tg–1/3+633 Tg–2/3)[43]
    V17CO2v3 + CO2 → CO2 + CO2v14.25 × 10–7exp(–407 Tg–1/3+824 Tg–2/3)[43]
    V18CO2v3 + CO → CO + CO2v10.3 × 4.25 × 10–7exp(–407 Tg–1/3+824 Tg–2/3)[43]
    V19CO2v3 + O2 → O2 + CO2v10.4 × 4.25 × 10–7exp(–407 Tg–1/3+824 Tg–2/3)[43]
    V20CO2v4 + CO2 → CO2 + CO2v22.897 × 10–13exp(–177 Tg–1/3+451 Tg–2/3)[43]
    V21CO2v4 + CO → CO + CO2v20.7 × 2.897 × 10–13exp(–177 Tg–1/3+451 Tg–2/3)[43]
    V22CO2v4 + O2 → O2 + CO2v20.7 × 2.897 × 10–13exp(–177 Tg–1/3+451 Tg–2/3)[43]
    V23CO2v4 + CO2 → CO2 + CO2v11.071 × 10–15exp(–137 Tg–1/3)[43]
    V24CO2v4 + CO → CO + CO2v13.1 × 1.071 × 10–15exp(–137 Tg–1/3)[43]
    V25CO2v4 + O2 → O2 + CO2v13.1 × 1.071 × 10–15exp(–137 Tg–1/3)[43]
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    表 B1  模型中的电子碰撞反应

    Table B1.  Electron impact reactions in the model.

    E1e + CO2 → e + CO2f (σ)[32]
    E2e + CO2vi → e + CO2vif (σ)[32]
    E3e + CO2 → 2e + CO${}_2^+ $f (σ)[32]
    E4e + CO2vi → 2e + CO${}_2^+ $f (σ)[32]
    E5e + CO2 → e + CO2ef (σ)[32]
    E6e + CO2vi → e + CO2ef (σ)[32]
    E7e + CO2 → e + O + COf (σ)[32]
    E8e + CO2vi → e + O + COf (σ)[32]
    E9e + CO2 → O + COf (σ)[32]
    E10e + CO2vi → O + COf (σ)[32]
    E11e + CO2 → e + CO2v1f (σ)[32]
    E12e + CO2 → e + CO2v2f (σ)[32]
    E13e + CO2 → e + CO2v3f (σ)[32]
    E14e + CO2 → e + CO2v4f (σ)[32]
    E15e + CO → e + COf (σ)[33]
    E16e + CO → e + C + Of (σ)[33]
    E17e + CO → C + Of (σ)[33]
    E18e + O2 → e + O2f (σ)[34]
    E19e + O2 → e + O + Of (σ)[34]
    E20e + O2 → O + Of (σ)[34]
    E21e + O2 → 2e + O${}_2^+ $f (σ)[34]
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    表 C3  CO(A1Π→X1Σ)第四正带系的光谱参数

    Table C3.  Spectral parameters of the fourth positive band system of CO(A1Π→X1Σ).

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    表 C4  CO+(B2Σ+→X2Σ+)第一负带系的光谱参数

    Table C4.  Spectral parameters of the first negative band system of CO+(B2Σ+→X2Σ+).

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    表 C1  CO(b3Σ→a3Π)第三正带系的光谱参数

    Table C1.  Spectral parameters of the third positive band system of CO(b3Σ→a3Π).

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 C2  CO(B1Σ→A1Π)Angstrom系的光谱参数

    Table C2.  Spectral parameters of the Angstrom system of CO(B1Σ→A1Π).

    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    Mahaffy P R, Webster C R, Atreya S K, et al. 2013 Science 341 263Google Scholar


    Starr S O, Muscatello A C 2020 Planet. Space Sci. 182 104824Google Scholar


    欧阳自远, 肖福根 2012 航天器环境工程 29 591Google Scholar

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    Ashford B, Tu X 2017 Curr. Opin. Green Sustain. Chem. 3 45Google Scholar


    Wang W, Wang S, Ma X, Gong J 2011 Chem. Soc. Rev. 40 3703Google Scholar


    Ganesh I 2014 Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev. 31 221Google Scholar


    Ganesh I 2016 Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev. 59 1269Google Scholar


    Wendt G L, Farnsworth M 1925 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 47 2494Google Scholar


    Mei D, He Y, Liu S, Yan J, Tu X 2016 Plasma Process. Polym. 13 544Google Scholar


    Snoeckx R, Heijkers S, Van Wesenbeeck K, Lenaerts S, Bogaerts A 2016 Energ. Environ. Sci. 9 999Google Scholar


    Lu N, Zhang C, Shang K, Jiang N, Li J, Wu Y 2019 J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 52 224003Google Scholar


    Kozak T, Bogaerts A 2015 Plasma Sources Sci. T. 24 015024Google Scholar


    Silva T, Britun N, Godfroid T, Snyders R 2014 Plasma Sources Sci. T. 23 025009Google Scholar


    Spencer L F, Gallimore A D 2013 Plasma Sources Sci. T. 22 015019Google Scholar


    Wang W, Berthelot A, Kolev S, Tu X, Bogaerts A 2016 Plasma Sources Sci. T. 25 065012Google Scholar


    张凯, 张帅, 高远, 孙昊, 严萍, 邵涛 2019 高电压技术 45 1396

    Zhang K, Zhang S, Gao Y, Sun H, Yan P, Shao T 2019 High Voltage Engineering 45 1396


    Chen Q, Sun J, Zhang X 2018 Chinese J. Chem. Eng. 26 1041Google Scholar


    Ponduri S, Becker M M, Welzel S, van de Sanden M C M, Loffhagen D, Engeln R 2016 J. Appl. Phys. 119 093301Google Scholar


    Aerts R, Martens T, Bogaerts A 2012 J. Phys. Chem. C. 116 23257Google Scholar


    Capitelli M, Celiberto R, Colonna G, et al. 2011 Plasma Phys. Contr. F. 53 124007Google Scholar


    Pietanza L D, Colonna G, D'Ammando G, Capitelli M 2017 Plasma Phys. Contr. F. 59 014035Google Scholar


    Ozkan A, Dufour T, Silva T, Britun N, Snyders R, Bogaerts A, Reniers F 2016 Plasma Sources Sci. T. 25 025013Google Scholar


    Brehmer F, Welzel S, van de Sanden M C M, Engeln R 2014 J. Appl. Phys. 116 123303Google Scholar


    Ozkan A, Dufour T, Bogaerts A, Reniers F 2016 Plasma Sources Sci. T. 25 045016Google Scholar


    Gruenwald J 2016 Acta Astronaut. 123 188Google Scholar


    Guerra V, Silva T, Ogloblina P, et al. 2017 Plasma Sources Sci. T. 26 11LT01Google Scholar


    Ogloblina P, Morillo-Candas A S, Silva A F, et al. 2021 Plasma Sources Sci. T. 30 065005Google Scholar


    Zhang B, Zhang X 2020 J. Appl. Phys. 128 083302Google Scholar


    Wang C, Fu Q, Chang Z, Zhang G 2021 Plasma Process. Polym. 18 e2000228Google Scholar


    Wang C, Yao C, Chang Z, Zhang G 2019 Phys. Plasmas 26 123506Google Scholar


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    Lowke J J, Phelps A V, Irwin B W 1973 J. Appl. Phys. 44 4664Google Scholar


    Land J E 1978 J. Appl. Phys. 49 5716Google Scholar


    Lawton S A, Phelps A V 1978 J. Chem. Phys. 69 1055Google Scholar


    Hokazono H, Fujimoto H 1987 J. Appl. Phys. 62 1585Google Scholar


    Beuthe T G, Chang J S 1997 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1-Regul. Pap. Short Notes Rev. Pap. 36 4997Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  13 January 2022
  • Accepted Date:  14 February 2022
  • Available Online:  04 March 2022
  • Published Online:  05 June 2022

