Polaritons, i.e. new collective modes formed by the strong coupling between light and electrons, phonons, excitons, or magnons in matter, have recently received extensive attention. Polaritons in low-dimensional materials exhibit strong spatial confinement, high quality factor, and gate-tunability. Typical examples include gate-tunable graphene surface plasmon polaritons, high-quality hyperbolic phonon polaritons in hexagonal boron nitride, topological phonon polaritons in α-MoO3, and one-dimensional Luttinger-liquid plasmon polaritons in carbon nanotubes. These unique properties make polaritons an excellent candidate for future nano-photonics devices. Further, these polaritons can significantly interact with each other, resulting in a variety of polariton-polariton coupling phenomena, greatly expanding their applications. In this review paper, we first introduce scanning near-field optical microscopy, i.e. the technique used to probe polaritons in low-dimensional materials, then give a brief introduction to the basic properties of polaritons. Next, we discuss in detail the coupling behavior between various polaritons. Finally, potential applications of polaritons coupling are proposed.
- polaritons /
- low-dimensional materials /
- coupling behavior /
- scanning near-field optical spectroscopy
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图 2 一维碳纳米管中的等离激元 (a) 金属性碳纳米管中的等离激元[30]; (b) 金属性碳纳米管中的等离激元波长与碳管数量的关系[30]; (c) 金属性与半导体性碳纳米管中拉廷格液体等离激元随栅压的变化[33] (出自文献[30, 33], 已获得授权)
Figure 2. Plasmons in one-dimensional carbon nanotube: (a) Plasmons in metallic carbon nanotube[30]; (b) quantized Luttinger liquid plasmon in metallic carbon nanotube[30]; (c) variation of Luttinger liquid plasmons in metallic and semiconducting carbon nanotubes with gate voltage[33] (Reproduced with permission from Ref. [30, 33]).
图 3 六方氮化硼中的声子极化激元[38] (a), (b) 声子极化激元的近场红外成像; (c) 不同温度下声子极化激元的空间衰减分布(出自文献[38], 已获得授权)
Figure 3. Phonon polaritons in hexagonal boron nitride[38]: (a), (b) Nanoscale infrared images of phonon polaritons; (c) line profiles of the temperature-dependent phonon polaritons (Reproduced with permission from Ref. [38]).
图 4 石墨烯中表面等离激元的耦合 (a) 表面等离激元耦合的示意图及电场分布[48]; (b) 耦合器件的结构示意图; (c) 等离激元耦合模式的近场成像; (d) 不同区域的等离激元的振动曲线; (e) 等离激元耦合模式的傅里叶变换[49] (出自文献[48, 49], 已获得授权)
Figure 4. Surface plasmon coupling in graphene: (a) Schematic of plasmon coupling and the electric field distribution[48]; (b) device structure of the two graphene layers; (c) near-field infrared imaging of the interlayer-coupled plasmons; (d) plasmon line profiles extracted from different regions; (e) Fourier transform of the coupling modes[49] (Reproduced with permission from Ref. [48, 49]).
图 5 碳纳米管与石墨烯等离激元的耦合[50] (a) 耦合结构的示意图; (b) 碳纳米管等离激元的波长随石墨烯栅极电压变化的近场图像; (c) 这种不同维度的体系中等离激元耦合模式的理论计算与实验结果的对比(出自文献[50], 已获得授权)
Figure 5. Plasmon coupling in a mixed-dimensional system between carbon nanotube (CNT) and graphene[50]: (a) Schematic of CNT/hBN/graphene heterostructure; (b) near-field images of the plasmon wavelength in carbon nanotube varying with gate voltage applied to the graphene; (c) comparison between experimentally extracted gate-dependent plasmon wavelengths and theoretical calculation of the hybrid plasmon modes (Reproduced with permission from Ref. [50]).
图 6 银纳米线/六方氮化硼中的等离激元与声子极化激元的耦合[59] (a) 银纳米线和六方氮化硼异质结构形成切伦科夫辐射的近场红外成像(标尺: 2 μm); (b) 辐射角度随激发光波长而变化的理论计算与实验结果的对比; (c) 等离激元的阻力系数以及等离激元与声子极化激元的相对动量失配随激发光波长的变化 (出自文献[59], 已获得授权)
Figure 6. Coupling between plasmon and phonon polariton in silver nanowire/boron nitride heterostructure[59]: (a) Infrared nanoimaging of Cherenkov phonon polaritons in a silver nanowire and hexagonal boron nitride heterostructure (scale bar: 2 μm); (b) comparison between theoretical calculation and experimental results of radiation angle varying with excitation wavelength; (c) extracted plasmon damping ratio and the relative momentum mismatch between the plasmon and phonon polariton with the excitation wavelength (Reproduced with permission from Ref. [59]).
图 7 声子极化激元之间的耦合[61] (a) 不同转角时声子极化激元耦合传播的近场成像; (b) 不同转角时的电场分布计算结果; (c) 声子极化激元的色散关系(出自文献[61], 已获得授权)
Figure 7. Coupling between phonon polaritons[61]: (a) Near field imaging of the propagation of the coupled phonon polariton at different angles; (b) calculation results of electric field distribution at different angles; (c) phonon polariton dispersion relations (Reproduced with permission from Ref. [61]).
图 8 六方氮化硼声子极化激元与应力场的耦合[65] (a) 近场探测六方氮化硼中局域应力的示意图; (b) 六方氮化硼中局域应力分布的近场成像; (c) 声子极化激元与局域应力场耦合导致应力区域的红外响应随探测频率而改变; (d) 六方氮化硼的声子共振频率随应力场强度的变化; (e) 沿不同方向的应力分布与褶皱半径的关系(出自文献[65], 已获得授权)
Figure 8. Coupling between phonon polaritons and local strain in hexagonal boron nitride: (a) Schematic of the near-field detection of local strain in boron nitride[65]; (b) near field imaging of the local strain distribution in boron nitride; (c) different infrared response of the local strain with frequency resulted by the coupling between phonon polaritons and local strain; (d) first-principles calculation results for the TO phonon frequency shift under an isotropic biaxial strain; (e) theoretical results of local strain distribution in radial and tangential directions with the winkle radius (Reproduced with permission from Ref. [65]).
图 9 双层石墨烯声子极化激元与应力场的耦合[66] (a) 通过外加电场激活双层石墨烯的声子红外活性的示意图; (b) 声子极化激元与局域应力场耦合导致应力区域的红外响应随频率而变化; (c) 60 V栅压下具有法诺线形的石墨烯声子响应; (d), (e) 声子与局域应力场耦合导致的声子共振频率的偏移(出自文献[66], 已获得授权)
Figure 9. Coupling between phonon polaritons and local strain in bilayer graphene[66]: (a) Schematic of the activation of phonon polariton in bilayer graphene by means of an external electric field; (b) different infrared response of the local strain with frequency resulted by the coupling between phonon polaritons and local strain; (c) graphene phonon response with Fano line shape at 60 V gate voltage; (d), (e) shift of phonon resonance frequency caused by the coupling of phonon polariton and local strain (Reproduced with permission from Ref. [66]).
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[3] Hunt B, Sanchez-Yamagishi J D, Young A F, Yankowitz M, LeRoy B J, Watanabe K, Taniguchi T, Moon P, Koshino M, Jarillo-Herrero P, Ashoori R C 2013 Science 340 1427
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