Quantum communication is a frontier hotspot of current research, and it has ideal information security. In order to enable quantum systems in arid and desertified areas to work almost under all-weather condition, it is necessary to study the attenuation of free-space quantum signal transmission and the influence of the turbulence atmosphere carrying sand and dust on communication performance. Using Mie scattering theory, multiple scattering simulation method, and atmospheric turbulence theory, the attenuation of optical wave transmission in sand and dust turbulent atmospheric channels with different visibility, and the influence of multiple scattering and turbulence on attenuation are studied. The results show that the effect of multiple scattering increases with the decrease of visibility, the turbulence effect gradually strengthens with the increase of distance. According to the quantum amplitude damped channel model, the effects of multiple scattering and turbulence in the sand and dust turbulent atmosphere with different visibility on the quantum channel capacity, fidelity and bit error rate are analyzed. The results show that as the visibility decreases, the multiple scattering effect increases, resulting in the decrease of attenuation and bit error rate, but an increase in channel capacity, fidelity and the boundaries of security key rate. The existence of turbulence in the dust atmosphere will increase the attenuation and bit error rate, but reduce the channel capacity, fidelity and security key rate. It can be seen that the influence of multiple scattering and turbulence on the communication performance, when the visibility of the sand and dust atmosphere are both low, cannot be ignored. In practical applications, the relevant parameters of quantum communication should be adaptively adjusted according to the visibility and turbulence intensity to improve the probability, efficiency and reliability of quantum communication.
- quantum communication /
- sand and dust turbulent atmosphere /
- visibility /
- multiple scattering
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图 2 考虑多重散射的沙尘湍流大气链路衰减随能见度与距离的变化 (a) 单次散射无湍流链路衰减; (b) 单次散射有湍流链路衰减; (c) 多重散射无湍流链路衰减; (d) 多重散射有湍流链路衰减
Figure 2. Variation of the attenuation on sand and dust turbulent atmospheric link with visibility and distance considering multiple scattering: (a) Attenuation with single scattering without turbulent; (b) attenuation with single scattering and turbulent; (c) attenuation with multiple scattering without turbulent; (d) attenuation with multiple scattering and turbulent.
图 3 沙尘湍流大气下的信道容量与能见度与传输距离的关系 (a) 单次散射无湍流容量; (b) 单次散射有湍流容量; (c) 多重散射无湍流容量; (d) 多重散射有湍流容量
Figure 3. Variation of the channel capacity on sand and dust turbulent atmospheric with visibility and distance: (a) Capacity with single scattering without turbulent; (b) capacity with single scattering and turbulent; (c) capacity with multiple scattering without turbulent; (d) capacity with multiple scattering and turbulent.
图 4 沙尘湍流大气下保真度与能见度、传输距离的关系 (a) 单次散射无湍流保真度; (b) 单次散射有湍流保真度; (c) 多重散射无湍流保真度; (d) 多重散射有湍流保真度
Figure 4. Variation of the fidelity on sand and dust turbulent atmospheric with visibility and distance: (a) Fidelity with single scattering without turbulent; (b) fidelity with single scattering and turbulent; (c) fidelity with multiple scattering without turbulent; (d) fidelity with multiple scattering and turbulent.
图 5 沙尘湍流大气下的误码率与能见度与传输距离的关系 (a) 单次散射无湍流误码率; (b) 单次散射有湍流误码率; (c) 多重散射无湍流误码率; (d) 多重散射有湍流误码率
Figure 5. Variation of the BER on sand and dust turbulent atmospheric with visibility and distance: (a) BER with single scattering without turbulent; (b) BER with single scattering and turbulent; (c) BER with multiple scattering without turbulent; (d) BER with multiple scattering and turbulent.
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Liu D W, Ma Z 2021 Quantum Communication Theory and Technology (Beijing: Beihang University Press) p110 (in Chinese)
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