In many real complex networks, information transmission occurs all the time. To study the effects of information transmission on the complex network evolution, we propose a new model for network growth promoted by the information transmission. The model includes three major steps: (i) New links attached to the nodes on the information transmission path, whose source point is chosen preferentially; (ii) the first link of the new node attached to the nodes in the local-world; (iii) other links of the new node attached to the nodes on the information transmission path, whose source point is the new node. The process of information transmission is simulated by self-avoiding random walk, and by considering the local information including its degree and distance; selective connection is established between the nodes on the information transmission path. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation results show that the proposed model can not only reproduce small-world and scale-free network characteristics, but also indicate that shift power-law distribution and truncated power law function may form for different parameters which have some non-power-law features, such as exponential cutoff, and saturation for small variables. Moreover, in our model, the clustering coefficient is tunable without changing the degree distribution, and the model can also construct a network with assortative or disassortative mixed pattern.
- complex network /
- information transmission /
- evolving model /
- self-avoid random walk
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[1] Erdös P, Rényi A 1960 Publ. Math. Inst. Hungar. Acad. Sci. 5 17
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[19] Zhou T, Han X P, Yan X Y, Yang Z M, Zhao Z D, Wang B H 2013 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 42 482 (in Chinese) [周涛, 韩筱璞, 闫小勇, 杨紫陌, 赵志丹, 汪秉宏 2013 电子科技大学学报 42 482]
[20] [21] [22] Zhao Z D, Yang Z, Zhang Z, Zhou T, Huang Z G, Lai Y C 2013 Sci. Rep. 3 3472
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[25] Wang B H, Zhou T, Zhou C S 2012 Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology 34 103 (in Chinese) [汪秉宏, 周涛, 周昌松 2012 上海理工大学学报 34 103]
[26] [27] [28] Yang C L, Tang K S 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 128901
[29] Chen G R 2013 Acta Autom. Sin. 39 312 (in Chinese) [陈关荣 2013 自动化学报 39 312]
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[40] [41] [42] Wang G Z, Cao Y J, Bao Z J, Han Z X 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 3597 (in Chinese) [王光增, 曹一家, 包哲静, 韩祯祥 2009 物理学报 58 3597]
[43] [44] Yuan S Q, Zhao H, Li C, Zhang X 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 4805 (in Chinese) [袁韶谦, 赵海, 李超, 张昕 2008 物理学报 57 4805]
[45] [46] Wang L N, Guo J L, Yang H X, Zhou T 2009 Physica A 388 1713
[47] [48] Jiang Z H, Wang H, Gao C 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 58903 (in Chinese) [姜志宏, 王晖, 高超 2011 物理学报 60 58903]
[49] [50] Saramäki J, Kaski K 2004 Physica A 341 80
[51] [52] Zhu C P, Zhou T, Yang H J, Xiong S J, Gu Z M, Shi D N, He D R, Wang B H 2008 New J. Phys. 10 023006
[53] [54] Zhang P P, He Y, Zhou T, Su B B, Chang H, Zhou Y P, Wang B H, He D R 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 60 (in Chinese) [张培培, 何阅, 周涛, 苏蓓蓓, 常慧, 周月平, 汪秉宏, 何大韧 2006 物理学报 55 60]
[55] [56] Wang X F, Chen G R 2006 Complex Networks Theory and its Applications (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press) (in Chinese) [汪小帆, 李翔, 陈关荣2006复杂网络理论及其应用(北京: 清华大学出版社)]
[57] Chang H, Su B B, Zhou Y P, He D R 2007 Physica A 383 687
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[65] Bar S, Gonen M, Wool A 2004 An incremental super-linear preferential Internet topology model (Berlin: Springer-Heidelberg) pp53-62
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[68] [69] [70] Jost J, Joy M P 2002 Phys. Rev. E 66 036126
[71] Cao Y J, Wang G Z, Jiang Q Y, Han Z X 2006 Phys. Lett. A 349 462
[72] [73] [74] Yang X H, Lou S L, Chen G, Chen S Y, Huang W 2013 Physica A 392 3531
[75] Newman M E J 2003 SIAM review 45 167
[76] [77] Wang X F, Chen G 2003 IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine 3 6
[78] [79] Newman M E J 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 208701
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