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经昊达 张向军 田煜 孟永钢



经昊达, 张向军, 田煜, 孟永钢

Thermodynamic analysis of lubrication considering solid-liquid interface interaction

Jing Hao-Da, Zhang Xiang-Jun, Tian Yu, Meng Yong-Gang
  • 摩擦与润滑过程是典型的能量耗散过程, 在机理上与非平衡热力学中的熵增、耗散结构等理论颇有相似之处. 通过热力学分析可以对一些典型的摩擦磨损过程做出合理的机理揭示与推测. 本文利用热力学理论对典型的润滑过程进行了建模分析. 采用分离压模型表征和计入了微尺度下的固液界面作用, 揭示分析了润滑热力学模型与润滑状态Stribeck曲线的联系. 从分析计算结果来看, 润滑Stribeck曲线的摩擦系数最低点与系统热力学上的熵增率最低点具有相当好的对应关系, 而润滑状态从弹流润滑向薄膜润滑的转变过程, 可以用耗散结构理论加以机理解释. 文中的热力学模型和方法能够有效地体现出润滑过程中多物理要素跨尺度非线性耦合的作用, 对实际工程与实验有着重要的指导作用.
    Friction or lubrication process is a typical process of the energy dissipation. It can be reasonably described and speculated by using the entropy increase and dissipative structure theory of the non-equilibrium thermodynamics. In this paper, we model and analyze the typical thin-film lubrication mechanism based on the theory of thermodynamics, by using the interfacial disjoining pressure to characterize the dominant role of the solid-lubricant interaction on a microscale and establishing the lubrication Stribeck curve based on thermodynamic concepts. The concept of entropy production is adopted to describe the lubrication system, which is defined as the sum of multiplications of the thermodynamic forces and flows. Then the variations and the competing relations between the pairs of thermodynamic forces and flows could be used to reveal the different factors dominated in the lubrication system, such as the solid-liquid interaction, the sliding velocity, and the normal load. In this paper, we assume that all the dissipated energy caused by the viscous resistance of lubricant is converted into heat, then the total entropy increase per surface area at the frictional interface is considered, affected by interfacial disjoining pressure and the one-dimensional heat flow. With the entropy increasing analysis of lubrication process, we find that when the entropy production in the steady state becomes minimum, the total energy dissipation due to friction also becomes minimum, which directly indicates the lowest friction coefficient point at the lubrication Stribeck curve. Moreover, when a lubrication system loses its stability slightly from the equilibrium state, self-organization may occur at the solid-lubricant interface, thus resulting in partially ordering interfacial structures, which may indicate the interfacial structures when tribosystem turns from hydrodynamic lubrication phase into thin-film lubrication phase. In the experimental aspect, the location of the lowest friction coefficient point at the Stribeck curve has a very good correspondence to the minimum entropy point predicted by our thermodynamic model, and the lubrication transition process from hydrodynamic phase to thin-film phase can be explained quite well by the theory of dissipative structures when the system loses its stability. Furthermore, a calculation model of the friction coefficient for thin-film lubrication is obtained when considering the dominant contribution of the solid-lubricant interfacial interaction through an equivalent force method. The calculation data correspond well to the experimental results. In summary, thermodynamic model could effectively characterize the lubrication process in mechanism by revealing the involved multi-scale effect, multi-physical effect and nonlinear coupling effect.
    • 基金项目: 国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号: 2012CB934101)和国家自然科学基金(批准号: 51175282, 51375254)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(Grant No. 2012CB934101) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51175282, 51375254).

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  • [1]

    Amiri M, Khonsari M M 2010 Entropy 12 1021


    Fox-Rabinovich G S, Gershman I S, Yamamoto K, Biksa A, Veldhuis S C, Beake B D, Kovalev A I 2010 Entropy 12 275


    Nosonovsky M 2010 Entropy 12 1345


    Klamecki B E 1980 Wear 58 325


    Klamecki B E 1980 Wear 63 113


    Klamecki B E 1982 Wear 77 115


    Klamecki B E 1984 Wear 96 319


    Zmitrowicz A 1987 Wear 114 135


    Zmitrowicz A 1987 Wear 114 169


    Zmitrowicz A 1987 Wear 114 199


    Doelling K L, Ling F F, Bryant M D, Heilman B P 2000 J. Appl. Phys. 88 2999


    Dai Z D, Yang S R, Wang M, Xue Q J 2000 J. Nanjing Univ. Aeronaut. Astronaut. 32 125 (in Chinese) [戴振东, 杨生荣, 王珉, 薛群基 2000 南京航空航天大学学报 32 125]


    Bryant M D, Khonsari M M, Ling F F 2008 Proc. Roy. Soc. A 464 2001


    Bryant M D 2009 FME Trans. 37 55


    Nosonovsky M, Bhushan B 2009 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 367 1607


    Zypman F R, Ferrante J, Jansen M, Scanlon K, Abel P 2003 J. Phys. Condens. Mat. 15 191


    Adler M, Ferrante J, Schilowitz A, Yablon D, Zypman F 2004 Mater. Res. Soc. 782 111


    Zhang X J, Huang Y, Guo Y B, Tian Y, Meng Y G 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 16202


    Nicolis G, Prigogine I 1977 Self-organization in Nonequilibrium Systems (New York: Wiley) pp32-62


    Glansdorff P, Prigogine I, Hill R N 1973 Am. J. Phys. 41 147


    Prigogine I, Nicolis G, Misguich J 1965 J. Chem. Phys. 43 4516


    Amiri M, Khonsari M M 2010 Entropy 12 1021


    Mate C M 1992 J. Appl. Phys. 72 3084


    Israelachvili J N 2011 Intermolecular and Surface Forces 3 (San Diego: Academic press) pp261-270


    Mitlin V S 1995 J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 170 65


    Salamon P, Nitzan A, Andresen B, Berry R S 1980 Phys. Rev. A 21 2115


    Hanumanthu R, Stebe K J 2011 Colloids Surf. A 391 51


    Mellema M, Benjamins J 2004 Colloids Surf. A 237 113


    Bongaerts J H H, Fourtouni K, Stokes J R 2007 Tribol. Int. 40 1531


    Hamrock B J, Dowson D 1977 J. Tribol-T. ASME 99 264


    Zhang X J, Liu X X, Zhang X H, Tian Y, Meng Y G 2012 Liq. Cryst. 39 1305


    Bocquet L, Charlaix E 2010 Chem. Soc. Rev. 39 1073

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  • 收稿日期:  2014-12-29
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