玻色-爱因斯坦关联(BEC)可以用于测量粒子出射区的时间空间性质,事件混合方法是用于观测BEC效应的常用手段,对于相对论能区重离子碰撞等可以产生大量全同末态粒子的反应,这种方法具有独特优势.但是对于末态粒子数非常有限的反应,守恒关系、共振态和一些其他原因引起的关联,对事件混合方法产生不可忽视的干扰,事件混合在消除玻色-爱因斯坦关联的同时也消除了其他所有的关联,严重制约了BEC研究.本文探索一种适合末态只有两个全同玻色子的三体反应系统的事件混合方法,提出了五种可行的事件混合限制条件,采用数值模拟研究了不同限制条件对事件混合的效果,甄别出最优的限制条件.测试结果显示,当要求混合事件的丢失质量与原始反应一致,并将原始事件样本中玻色子能量高于某一给定值的事件剔除掉,这种限制条件下得到的事件混合结果最优,可以用于观测BEC效应.另外,要求两个交换玻色子的方位角一致时得到的结果也较优,相比前者,此限制条件不需要删除一部分事件,可以得到更好的统计误差.Bose-Einstein correlations (BEC) are widely used to gain an insight into the spatiotemporal characteristics of boson emitters. It was used for the first time in the 1950s by R. Hanbury-Brown and R. Q. Twiss[Hanbury-Brown R, Twiss R Q 1954 Phil. Mag. 45 663] in astronomy to measure the dimension of distant astronomical objects emitting photons, and hence is also known as Hanbury-Brown-Twiss effect (HBT). In nuclear and particle physics field, BEC also has important applications in the investigation of the space-time properties of subatomic reaction region, especially in elementary-particle collisions and relativistic heavy-ion collisions with large multiplicity at high energies. Its potential application in exclusive reactions with low multiplicity in the non-perturbative QCD energy region may offer complementary information like duration and size of nucleon resonances, which are generally excited by hadronic or electromagnetic probes and usually decay into the ground states accompanied by emission of identical mesons. However, the event mixing technique, which is highly adopted for BEC observations in inclusive reactions at high energies with large multiplicity cannot be directly applied to the BEC measurement in exclusive reactions with very limited multiplicity at low energies. The event mixing method produces un-correlated samples from original sample through making mixed events by randomly selecting the momenta of two bosons from different original events. It works well for the high multiplicity case because the degree of freedom of final state particles is large compared with that of the low multiplicity case. In exclusive reactions with a very limited number of identical bosons in the final state, this method is however strongly interfered by non-BEC factors such as global conservation laws and decays of resonances. Appropriate constraints are required to control the event mixing process in order to eliminate the influence of those non-BEC factors. In this study, we are trying to develop an event mixing method for BEC measurement in reactions having only three final state particles and only two identical bosons among them. For this end, five constraint modes for the event mixing are proposed and investigated via Monte Carlo simulation. Each mode employs one or a combination of the following cut conditions:1) missing mass cut (MM) that requires the missing mass of the mixed event to be equal to that of the original event; 2) polar angle consistency cut (PAC) that requires that the swapping particles should come from the same polar angle bin; 3) azimuthal angle consistency cut (AAC); 4) momentum consistency cut (MC); 5) energy upper limit cut (EU) that requires that any boson energy should not exceed a given upper limit. The double neutral pion photoproduction on the proton around 1 GeV is taken for example to demonstrate the effects of these constraints on the event mixing. In the simulation, one event sample free of BEC effects and four samples in the presence of BEC effects are generated for testing the ability for these constraints to extract BEC parameters. It is found the constraint mode using the MM and PAC cuts, and the mode employing the MM and AAC cuts, and the mode adopting the MM and the EU cuts can be used to observe BEC effects and extract BEC parameters. Among them, optimum results can be achieved by the combination of the MM and EU cuts.
- Bose-Einstein correlations /
- event mixing /
- intensity interference
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[1] Gyulassy M, Kauffmann S K, Wilson L W 1979 Phys. Rev. C 20 2267
[2] Boal D H, Gelbke C K, Jennings B K 1990 Rev. Mod. Phys. 62 553
[3] L'Hôte D 1992 Nucl. Phys. A 545 381
[4] Alexander G 2003 Rep. Prog. Phys. 66 481
[5] He Q H 2014 Ph. D. Dissertation (Sendai, Japan:Tohoku University)
[6] Hanbury-Brown R, Twiss R Q 1954 Philos. Mag. 45 663
[7] Goldhaber G, Fowler W B, Goldhaber S, et al. 1959 Phys. Rev. Lett. 3 181
[8] Goldhaber G, Goldhaber S, Lee W, Pais A 1960 Phys. Rev. 120 300
[9] Khachatryan V, Sirunyan A M, Tumasyan A, et al. 2015 Chin. Phys. C 39 034103
[10] Ren Y Y, Efaaf M J, Zhang W N 2010 Chin. Phys. C 34 472
[11] Huo L, Zhang W N, Chen X J, Zhang J B, Tang G X 2003 High Energy Phys. Nucl. Phys. 27 53(in Chinese)[霍雷, 张卫宁, 陈相君, 张景波, 唐圭新2003高能物理与核物理27 53]
[12] Kopylov G I 1974 Phys. Lett. B 50 472
[13] Drijard D, Fischer H G 1984 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 225 367
[14] Chajęcki Z for the STAR Collaboration 2007 Eur. Phys. J. C 49 81
[15] Chajęcki Z, Lisa M 2008 Phys. Rev. C. 78 064903
[16] Klaja P, Moskal P, Czerwinski E, et al. 2010 J. Phys. G:Nucl. Part. Phys. 37 055003
[17] James F 1968 CERN 68 15
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