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段韵达 胡恒山



段韵达, 胡恒山

Interface reflection wave of axisymmetric directional spherical-wave

Duan Yun-Da, Hu Heng-Shan
  • 无限大平面刚性障板中圆形活塞源的声辐射场可近似为轴对称指向性球面波, 前人只给出了活塞面与界面平行时轴对称指向性球面波的界面响应表达式, 本文针对活塞面与界面不平行的情况, 推导了轴对称指向性球面波的锥面波展开式, 并进一步导出了其界面反射波的表达式. 在源距远大于声波波长的情况下通过鞍点法将界面反射波的表达式化简为了简化表达式. 简化式不仅计算上简洁, 而且物理含义清楚: 轴对称指向性球面波的界面反射波可视为镜像活塞源激发的轴对称指向性球面波与反射系数的乘积. 计算表明, 当活塞半径小于声波波长时, 反射波对活塞与界面的夹角和接收点的环向方位角不太敏感, 反射波的指向性较弱; 当活塞半径大于声波波长时, 反射波对活塞与界面的夹角和接收点的环向方位角很敏感, 反射波的指向性很强. 增加活塞与界面的夹角, 反射波先增加后减小, 反射波的指向性先增强后减弱; 当活塞与界面的夹角等于活塞中心镜像点与接收点的连线与界面法线的夹角时, 反射波最大, 反射波的指向性最强.
    The sound radiation field of a circular piston source in an infinite plane rigid baffle can be approximated as an axisymmetric directional spherical-wave. The interface response expressions of the axisymmetric directional spherical-wave for the piston parallel with the interface has already been obtained in previous studies. On condition that the distance from the piston center to the interface is much greater than the piston radius, we first derive the conical wave expansion of the axisymmetric directional spherical-wave which is obtained by using the conical wave expansion of the homogeneous spherical-wave and the formula of the axisymmetric directional spherical-wave excited by a circular piston in an rigid infinite plane, and then derive the expression of the interface reflection wave of the axisymmetric directional spherical-wave for the piston non-parallel to the interface. The expression of the interface reflection wave is simplified into a simplified expression by saddle point method on condition that the source distance is much larger than the acoustic wavelength. The simplified expression is not only simple in the calculation, but also clear in the physical meaning. The simplified expression shows that the interface reflection wave of the axisymmetric directional spherical-wave can be regarded as the product of the axisymmetric directional spherical-wave excited by the piston mirror image and the reflection coefficient. The calculations show that when the piston radius is smaller than the acoustic wavelength, the reflected wave is less sensitive to the angle included between the piston and the interface and the azimuth of the receiving point, and the directivity of the reflected wave is weak. When the piston radius is greater than the acoustic wavelength, the reflected wave is very sensitive to the angle included between the piston and the interface and the azimuth of the receiving point, and the directivity of the reflected wave is strong. Increasing the angle included between the piston and the interface, the reflected wave and its directivity both first increase and then decrease. The reflected wave is largest and the directivity of the reflected wave is strongest when the angle included between the piston and the interface is equal to that between the interface normal and the connecting line between the mirror image of the piston center and the receiving point.
      通信作者: 胡恒山, hhs@hit.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11972132, 11734017)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Hu Heng-Shan, hhs@hit.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11972132, 11734017)

    腾舵, 杨虎, 李道江 2016 水声换能器基础 (西安: 西北工业大学出版社) 第1—3页

    Ten D, Yang H, Li D J 2016 Underwater Acoustic Transducer Foundation (Xi’an: Northwestern Polytechnical University Press) pp1–3 (in Chinese)


    杨坤德, 段睿, 李辉, 马远良 2019 水下声源定位理论与技术 (北京: 电子工业出版社) 第1—3页

    Yang K D, Duan R, Li H, Ma Y L 2019 Theory and Technology of Underwater Sound Source Location (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) pp1–3 (in Chinese)


    莫喜平 2012 应用声学 31 171Google Scholar

    Mo X P 2012 Appl. Acoust. 31 171Google Scholar


    Hall D E 1987 Basic Acoustics (New York: Harper & Row Publishers) pp161–177


    朱中锐 2015 声呐障板下矢量水听器应用引论 (哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工程大学出版社) 第29页

    Zhu Z R 2015 Introduction to the Application of Vector Hydrophone under Sonar Baffle (Harbin: Harbin Engineering University Press) p29 (in Chinese)


    莫喜平, 于婧涵 2019 声学学报 44 751

    Mo X P, Yu J H 2019 Acta Acustica 44 751


    何正耀 2020 水声换能器及基阵建模与设计 (北京: 科学出版社) 第2页

    Hei Z Y 2020 Modeling and Design of Underwater Acoustic Transducer and Array (Beijing: Science Press) p2 (in Chinese)


    New R, Becker R I, Wilhelmij P 1981 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 70 1518Google Scholar


    Mast T D, Yu F 2005 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 118 3457Google Scholar


    Mellow T 2006 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120 90Google Scholar


    莫喜平 2018 应用声学 37 671Google Scholar

    Mo X P 2018 J. Appl. Acoust. 37 671Google Scholar


    纪伟, 刘忠乐 2017 水雷战与舰船防护 25 7

    Ji W, Liu Z L 2017 Mine Warf. Ship Def. 25 7


    梅元贵, 许建林, 耿烽, 周朝晖, 李刚 2006 铁道学报 28 74Google Scholar

    Mei Y G, Xu J L, Geng F, Zhou C H, Li G 2006 J. China Rail. Soc. 28 74Google Scholar


    李禹志, 李昕珈, 王青东, 郭各朴, 马青玉 2019 声学技术 38 327

    Li Y Z, Li X J, Wang Q D, Guo G P, Ma Q Y 2019 Tech. Acoust. 38 327


    Amédin C K, Berry A, Champoux Y, Allard J F 1995 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 98 1757Google Scholar


    Wang C N, Cho H M 2005 Appl. Acoust. 66 866Google Scholar


    Schakel M D, Smeulders D, Slob E C, Heller H K 2011 J. Appl. Phys. 109 15678


    Schakel M D, Smeulders D, Slob E C, Heller H K 2011 Geophysics 76 N29Google Scholar


    Schakel M D, Smeulders D, Slob E C, Heller H K 2012 Transport Porous Med. 93 1Google Scholar


    Pride S R 1994 Phys. Rev. B 50 15678Google Scholar


    Pride S R, Haartsen M W 1996 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 100 1301Google Scholar


    王鑫 2020 化学工程与装备 285 115

    Wang X 2020 Chem. Eng. Eq. 285 115


    Aki K, Richards P G 2002 Quantitative Seismology (California: University Science Books) pp194–207


    Morse P M, Feshbach H 1953 Methods of Theoretical Physics (Part II) (NewYork: McGraw-Hill) pp1323, 1457


    裴彦良, 王揆洋, 李官保, 李西双, 刘晨光 2007 石油仪器 21 20

    Pei Y L, Wang K Y, Li G B, Li X S, Liu C G 2007 Petrol. Instrum. 21 20


    谈国君 2010 江苏水利 000 28Google Scholar

    Tang G J 2010 Jiangsu Water Resour. 000 28Google Scholar


    张虹斌, 周忠海, 刘军礼, 程广欣 2012 中国水运 12 211

    Zhang H B, Zhou Z H, Liu J L, Cheng G X 2012 China Water Transport 12 211


    奚定平 1998 贝塞尔函数 (北京: 高等教育出版社) 第13—16页

    Xi D P 1998 Bessel Function (Beijing: Higher Education Press) pp13–16 (in Chinese)

  • 图 1  无限大平面刚性障板中的圆形活塞与界面的示意图

    Fig. 1.  Schematic diagram of a piston in an infinite plane rigid baffle and an interface.

    图 2  ${p_{\text{f}}}\left( M \right)$, ${p_{\text{f}}}\left( O \right)$$ {p_{{\text{f0}}}} $的时域波形 (a) $a = 0.1\;\text{m}$; (b) $a = 1\;\text{m}$

    Fig. 2.  Time-domain waveforms of ${p_{\text{f}}}\left( M \right)$, ${p_{\text{f}}}\left( O \right)$ and $ {p_{{\text{f0}}}} $: (a) $a = 0.1\;\text{m}$; (b) $a = 1\;\text{m}$.

    图 3  活塞面关于界面的镜像

    Fig. 3.  Mirror image of the piston surface with respect to the interface.

    图 4  $ {P_{{\text{ref}}}} $$ {P_{{\rm{ref\_jian}}}} $的比较 (a)$ a = 0.1\;\text{m} $且快速地层; (b)$ a = 0.1\;\text{m} $且慢速地层; (c)$ a = 1\;\text{m} $且快速地层; (d)$ a = 1\;\text{m} $且慢速地层

    Fig. 4.  Comparison of $ {P_{{\text{ref}}}} $ and $ {P_{{\rm{ref\_jian}}}} $: (a)$ a = 0.1\;\text{m} $ and fast formation; (b)$ a = 0.1\;\text{m} $ and slow formation; (c)$ a = 1\;\text{m} $ and fast formation; (d)$ a = 1\;\text{m} $ and slow formation.

    图 5  不同夹角α下在M$( {20\sqrt 3 , \;0, \; - 10} )$处的反射波 (a)$a = 0.1\;\text{m}$; (b)$a = 1\;\text{m}$

    Fig. 5.  Reflected wave under different included angle α for point M at $( {20\sqrt 3 , \;0, \; - 10} )$: (a)$a = 0.1\;\text{m}$; (b)$a = 1\;\text{m}$.

    图 6  不同夹角α下在M$( {20\sqrt 3 , \;45, \; - 10} )$处的反射波 (a) $a = 0.1\;\text{m}$; (b)$a = 1\;\text{m}$

    Fig. 6.  Reflected wave under different included angle α for point M at $( {20\sqrt 3 , \;45, \; - 10} )$: (a) $a = 0.1\;\text{m}$; (b) $a = 1\;\text{m}$.

    图 7  不同夹角α下在M$( {20\sqrt 3 , \;90, \; - 10})$处的反射波 (a)$a = 0.1\;\text{m}$; (b)$a = 1\;\text{m}$

    Fig. 7.  Reflected wave under different included angle α for point M at $( {20\sqrt 3 , \;90, \; - 10} )$: (a)$a = 0.1\;\text{m}$; (b)$a = 1\;\text{m}$.

    图 8  $\alpha = {45^{\circ}}$时不同${\varphi _M}$下的反射波和其指向图 (a)$a = 0.1\;\text{m}$时的反射波; (b)$a = 0.1\;\text{m}$时的指向图; (c)$a = 1\;\text{m}$时的反射波; (d)$a = 1\;\text{m}$时的指向图

    Fig. 8.  Reflected waves and directional diagrams at different azimuths ${\varphi _M}$ for $\alpha = {45^{\circ}}$: (a) Reflected waves for $ a = 0.1\;\text{m} $; (b) directional diagram for $ a = 0.1\;\text{m} $; (c) reflected waves for $ a = 1\;\text{m} $; (d) directional diagram for $ a = 1\;\text{m} $.

    图 9  不同夹角α下的反射波的指向图 (a)$a = 0.1\;\text{m}$; (b)$a = 1\;\text{m}$

    Fig. 9.  Directional diagrams under different angle α: (a)$a = 0.1\;\text{m}$; (b)$a = 1\;\text{m}$.

    图 10  $a = 1\;\text{m}$时不同夹角α下的指向图 (a)$ {\beta _{M{E_{1}}}} = {20^{\circ}} $; (b)$ {\beta _{M{E_{1}}}} = {40^{\circ}} $

    Fig. 10.  Directional diagrams under different angle α for $a = 1\;\text{m}$: (a)$ {\beta _{M{E_{1}}}} = {20^{\circ}} $; (b)$ {\beta _{M{E_{1}}}} = {40^{\circ}} $.

    图 11  $\left| B \right|$$ {\beta _{M{E_{1}}}} $的变化曲线

    Fig. 11.  Variation curve of $\left| B \right|$ with $ {\beta _{M{E_{1}}}} $.

    表 1  流体和固体参数

    Table 1.  Parameters of fluid and solid.

    (${\rm{ kg}} \cdot {{\rm{m}}^{ - 3} }$)
    (${\text{m}} \cdot {{\text{s}}^{ - 1}}$)
    (${\text{m}} \cdot {{\text{s}}^{ - 1}}$)
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  • [1]

    腾舵, 杨虎, 李道江 2016 水声换能器基础 (西安: 西北工业大学出版社) 第1—3页

    Ten D, Yang H, Li D J 2016 Underwater Acoustic Transducer Foundation (Xi’an: Northwestern Polytechnical University Press) pp1–3 (in Chinese)


    杨坤德, 段睿, 李辉, 马远良 2019 水下声源定位理论与技术 (北京: 电子工业出版社) 第1—3页

    Yang K D, Duan R, Li H, Ma Y L 2019 Theory and Technology of Underwater Sound Source Location (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) pp1–3 (in Chinese)


    莫喜平 2012 应用声学 31 171Google Scholar

    Mo X P 2012 Appl. Acoust. 31 171Google Scholar


    Hall D E 1987 Basic Acoustics (New York: Harper & Row Publishers) pp161–177


    朱中锐 2015 声呐障板下矢量水听器应用引论 (哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工程大学出版社) 第29页

    Zhu Z R 2015 Introduction to the Application of Vector Hydrophone under Sonar Baffle (Harbin: Harbin Engineering University Press) p29 (in Chinese)


    莫喜平, 于婧涵 2019 声学学报 44 751

    Mo X P, Yu J H 2019 Acta Acustica 44 751


    何正耀 2020 水声换能器及基阵建模与设计 (北京: 科学出版社) 第2页

    Hei Z Y 2020 Modeling and Design of Underwater Acoustic Transducer and Array (Beijing: Science Press) p2 (in Chinese)


    New R, Becker R I, Wilhelmij P 1981 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 70 1518Google Scholar


    Mast T D, Yu F 2005 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 118 3457Google Scholar


    Mellow T 2006 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120 90Google Scholar


    莫喜平 2018 应用声学 37 671Google Scholar

    Mo X P 2018 J. Appl. Acoust. 37 671Google Scholar


    纪伟, 刘忠乐 2017 水雷战与舰船防护 25 7

    Ji W, Liu Z L 2017 Mine Warf. Ship Def. 25 7


    梅元贵, 许建林, 耿烽, 周朝晖, 李刚 2006 铁道学报 28 74Google Scholar

    Mei Y G, Xu J L, Geng F, Zhou C H, Li G 2006 J. China Rail. Soc. 28 74Google Scholar


    李禹志, 李昕珈, 王青东, 郭各朴, 马青玉 2019 声学技术 38 327

    Li Y Z, Li X J, Wang Q D, Guo G P, Ma Q Y 2019 Tech. Acoust. 38 327


    Amédin C K, Berry A, Champoux Y, Allard J F 1995 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 98 1757Google Scholar


    Wang C N, Cho H M 2005 Appl. Acoust. 66 866Google Scholar


    Schakel M D, Smeulders D, Slob E C, Heller H K 2011 J. Appl. Phys. 109 15678


    Schakel M D, Smeulders D, Slob E C, Heller H K 2011 Geophysics 76 N29Google Scholar


    Schakel M D, Smeulders D, Slob E C, Heller H K 2012 Transport Porous Med. 93 1Google Scholar


    Pride S R 1994 Phys. Rev. B 50 15678Google Scholar


    Pride S R, Haartsen M W 1996 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 100 1301Google Scholar


    王鑫 2020 化学工程与装备 285 115

    Wang X 2020 Chem. Eng. Eq. 285 115


    Aki K, Richards P G 2002 Quantitative Seismology (California: University Science Books) pp194–207


    Morse P M, Feshbach H 1953 Methods of Theoretical Physics (Part II) (NewYork: McGraw-Hill) pp1323, 1457


    裴彦良, 王揆洋, 李官保, 李西双, 刘晨光 2007 石油仪器 21 20

    Pei Y L, Wang K Y, Li G B, Li X S, Liu C G 2007 Petrol. Instrum. 21 20


    谈国君 2010 江苏水利 000 28Google Scholar

    Tang G J 2010 Jiangsu Water Resour. 000 28Google Scholar


    张虹斌, 周忠海, 刘军礼, 程广欣 2012 中国水运 12 211

    Zhang H B, Zhou Z H, Liu J L, Cheng G X 2012 China Water Transport 12 211


    奚定平 1998 贝塞尔函数 (北京: 高等教育出版社) 第13—16页

    Xi D P 1998 Bessel Function (Beijing: Higher Education Press) pp13–16 (in Chinese)

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  • 收稿日期:  2021-09-15
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